Alexi "Sasha" Petrovich

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Alexi "Sasha" Petrovich was a Giomorgo, the son of Petya and Anastasia Petrovich. He was born in 475 BC in Barovia.[1] His parents were killed by Strahd in 485 BC, and he was taken in by Brother Martyn[2]. Along with Leisl and Jander Sunstar, he used the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind to force Strahd into hibernation in 499 BC. Spec|He and Leisl went into hiding[3], perhaps in Vallaki to rebuild the Cult of the Morninglord.

He eventually became known as the Dawn Healer by the later-day Cult of the Morninglord.


Born in 475 BC, Sasha was the product of a forbidden love between the daughter of a Barovian burgomaster and one of the Vistani.[1] Their relationship had ended prior to Sasha's birth after Burgomaster Kartov nearly had Petya executed, causing the latter to flee the village with his kin.[4] As a child, Sasha was a scamp, goading his friend Kolya Kalinov into acts of mischief and non-malicious stealing.[1]

In 485 BC when Sasha was 10, the cottage of the Kartova Family was attacked and set on fire by Count Strahd, Jander Sunstar, and some of the count's vampire slaves. Sasha had snuck out earlier that night with Kolya in order to see the Standing Stones of Barovia Village. Upon his return, Sasha discovered his home ablaze, all of his family murdered (save for his aunt Ludmilla). Martyn the Mad, the then-leader of the Cult of the Morninglord came to his assistance, helping the young Sasha to lay the bodies to rest. After the incident, Martyn subsequently adopted Sasha.[5] Sasha later become one of the Morninglord's priests, with a mission of personal vengeance against the vampires responsible and their wicked kin.[6]

In 498 BC, Sasha met a woman named "Katya", apparently from Vallaki, looking for employment. Sasha and Martin employed her to clean the Temple of the Morninglord.[7] As they got to know each other, Sasha and Katya fell in love.[8] Katya's feelings were insincere, as she was actually Katrina Yakovlena Pulchenka, a werewolf spy planted on the orders of Count Strahd von Zarovich.[9]

6 months after he met Katya[10], Sasha began patrolling the streets of Barovia Village as a vigilante] vampire hunter in secret.[11] Over the course of his vampire hunting, he met and rescued Leisl from one of Strahd's vampire slaves.[12] This elicited Leisl to return the favor. With some reservation, Sasha allowed Leisl to join him in his hunts.[13]

In 500 BC, Jander Sunstar contacted Sasha about the elimination of Strahd von Zarovich, outing the count as both vampire and the murderer of Sasha's family.[14] Subsequently, Jander, Sasha, and Liesl journeyed into Castle Ravenloft to retrieve the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind and destroy Strahd. After putting to rest the undead spirit of Sergei von Zarovich] and retrieving the Icon, the trio were ambushed by Strahd and his forces. Katya's treachery was revealed, and she badly injured Leisl. However, Katrina was put to flight, and Strahd's minions routed or killed. Strahd suffered the holy wrath of the Symbol, but he escaped total destruction with a spell.[15]

Although still standing, Sasha and his allies' victory was a Pyrrhic one. They had failed in their mission to permanently rid the Land of Mists of Strahd. Leisl was most likely infected with lycanthropy. In a moment of revelation, Jandar realized his fight against Strahd was simply following the machinations of the Dark Powers. He let himself be consumed by the dawning sun whereas Sasha and Leisl went into hiding[16]. They may have left for Vallaki, rebuilding the faith there

Over time, Sasha's oath to destroy Strahd and his brood evoled into the Midnight Clarion, a covert policy of destruction to the undead, though mercy to afflicted lycanthropes.[6]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Vampire of the Mists pp. 134-140
  2. VotM p. 166, 214
  3. VotM p. 303-341
  4. VotM p. 42-43, 128-129
  5. VotM p. 140-170, 214
  6. 6.0 6.1 Gazetteer I p. 24
  7. VotM p. 174-176
  8. VotM p. 194-197
  9. VotM p. 327-330
  10. VotM p. 195
  11. p. 197-198 for Strahd noticing the first kill; p. 216-217 for Jander (and the reader's) discovery of Sasha as the hunter
  12. VotM p. 218-220
  13. VotM p. 224-226
  14. VotM p. 268-277, p. 268 has 500 BC as the last journal entry he reads before hatching his plan.
  15. VotM p. 303-333
  16. VotM p. 333-341

Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Vampire of the Mists

Vampire of the Mists - pp135 and onwards