Azrael Dak

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Azrael Dak is a Dwarven Werebadger. He served Lord Soth and became the political ruler of Sithicus after Soth's departure, known by the sobriquet "The Sorrow of Sithicus."

Lazy and unskilled as a craftsman, he killed his family and dozens of others in the oulander town of Brigalure, then made a pact with unseen powers (which he called "The Dark") to become a werebadger. With his newfound abilities, he terrorized his underground dwarven community until The Mists brought him to Forlorn. He spent time in Gundarak and Barovia before joining up with Soth and Magda.[1]

The giant Nabon gave him the title, "The Sorrow of Sithicus" and referred to him with the honorific, "Great Sorrow." Azreal liked the epithet so much he ordered his subordinates to use it as well.[2]


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Secrets of the Dread Realms
When Black Roses Bloom

Secrets of the Dread Realms - p50
When Black Roses Bloom - p60

Secrets of the Dread Realms - pp49-51
When Black Roses Bloom - pp59-61

Secrets of the Dread Realms - pp49-51
Ravenloft Third Edition - pp16,18,139-140
Domains of Dread - p50
Tales of Ravenloft:The Rigor of the Game - pp183-188
When Black Roses Bloom - p59
Heroes of Light - pp92-93

The Sorrow of Sithicus