Draga Saltbiter

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Draga Salt-Biter is the Overlord of the Island of Terror Saragoss. He is one of the most reclusive of darklords, mostly due to his unusual nature.


Draga was the son of two abusive sailors, and to escape them at an early age, he became a sailor for another vessel. This vessel was eventually overran with pirates, who killed the entire crew but Draga; who instead hooked his leg and held him over sharks for sport. One of the sharks that managed to land its teeth on Draga was a wereshark, to which lycanthropy he was afflicted with. The pirates spared his life and made Draga one of their own.

Draga bided his time and eventually took his revenge on the pirates, outright slaying every one of the crew. After taking over the ship, he renamed it to the Vengeance, and pieced together his own loyal crew. On his twenty-fifth birthday, after raiding and destroying three ships, Draga and his crew found themselves adrift in Ravenloft.

Current Sketch

After arriving in what is now Saragoss, Draga discovered that he was unable to leave the water for more than a very short amount of time. His own ship sank, and most of all of his crew perished. He loathes what he has become, and feels the same hatred for his domain. He cannot even enjoy simple comradeship in such a brutal and desperate domain. He spends the majority of his time below the waves, but in his human form; he has no love for the large population of sharks that serve him in his domain.

Draga wears a specially-made ring of air breathing which allows him to be above the waterline for two hours a day.

A practioneer of shark-baiting.

Islands of Terror

Islands of Terror - pp47-48

Secrets of the Dread Realms - p7
Islands of Terror - pp38-41