Category talk:Voodan

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Revision as of 23:06, 22 April 2010 by Cure (talk | contribs)
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The Human and Humanoid should be removed, right? It's a class not a race, no?

Well, it depends on the edition, I suppose. In 2e, Chicken Bone was presented as Human, Voodan in RLMCII, as though it was a human subrace (like Abber or Vistani). In 3e, it's a class (not a prestige class, btw, I'll edit that.). So I vote we keep both. Can't really hurt. -- Gonzoron 20:34, 18 February 2010 (UTC)

Not exactly a counterexample, and one that would fit within the wide parametres that you are setting, but a natural lycanthrope, say a wererat or a werecrocodile native to Souragne, would make a reasonable potential voodan. Maybe it should be nailed down to Souragne and its loas, where there are, of course and not incidently, no native dwarves or elves.Cure 01:18, 19 February 2010 (UTC)

True, though even a natural lycanthrope (As an individual and not a species) would probably fall into the Human category anyway, since that would be the base creature. I say leave it for now, and if someone ever makes a non-human voodan npc, we'll revisit it. -- Gonzoron 14:35, 19 February 2010 (UTC)

Voodan is, I would suspect, not itself a religion. What is worship of the Loas called? RSC suggest The Loa which I have my doubts about.Cure 05:06, 23 April 2010 (UTC)