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Lucre is a unique golem, crafted by an artificer at the behest of the miser Ezekiel Barckarl as a guardian for his gold. Originally an intelligent magic sword made of gold, Barckarl ordered the artificer to melt it down and forge it into several magic coins. Lucre consists of thirteen coins, any of which can form a body from treasure, when placed in a pile of coins.[1] Lucre is unique in that it was not dread crafted, yet somehow became a dread golem, perhaps because of the evil soul that already inhabited the sword.[1]

Lucre's desire to kill (a holdover from its existence as a magic weapon) has made it a restless guardian just watching the gold there. The golem has taken to disguising itself and manipulating thieves into seeking to steal his master's treasure. In time, it may seek to add more to the treasure it watches over.[2]

Game Statistics

Coin Golem, 18 Hit Dice; Neutral Evil[3]

Associated Adventure


  1. 1.0 1.1 Children of the Night: The Created p.70
  2. CotN: The Created p. 71
  3. CotN: The Created p. 69

Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Children of the Night: The Created

Children of the Night: The Created - p69

Children of the Night: The Created - pp69-72

Children of the Night: The Created - pp69-72