The Glutton of G'Henna

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Mentioned in Van Richten's Guide to the Walking Dead, The Glutton of G'Henna is one of the Hungry Dead, compelled to forever try to sate its un-ending hunter with food.[1] The Glutton was hunted by the Weathermay-Foxgrove Twins in Falkovnia for a time.[2]


The Glutton was said to have been cursed by Zhakata for excessive greed and gluttony, a transgression that amounted to blasphemy in his homeland.[3] He was a cleric who hoarded food during the years of 737 BC to 740 BC in time of famine. He grew fat until he drew attention of his own Church of Zhakata. As punishment, he was disemboweled and staked into ground. A ritual locked him into the material world until he made confession, he died and arose as one of the Hungry Dead. Disappearing for a time, he eventually resurfaced in Falkovnia east of Morfenzi in 753 BC, eventually wandering to Vasey in Borca before being hunted down and reburied by the Weathermay-Foxgrove Twins and their allies in 757 BC. Along the way, the Glutton extorted families into giving them all their food and then sometimes ate them alive anyway.[4]


  1. Van Richten's Guide to the Walking Dead p. 10
  2. Van Richten's Guide to the Shadow Fey p. 87
  3. Van Richten's Guide to the Walking Dead p. 19
  4. VRGttWD p. 95-101