Yelena Olavnya Aresek (Fair Barovia)

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Yelena Olavnya Aresek is the owner of Aresek's Wares, advisor to Lars Kjurls (Fair Barovia) and one of the town councilors of Vallaki in in the 4th Edition module Fair Barovia. (Many other shops rent spaces owned by Aresek in order to peddle their goods.). She is also the widow of the late Gunther Aresek (Fair Barovia).[1]

In Fair Barovia

By asking around various townspeople of Vallaki for a person matching the approximate appearance of "Henrik", the player characters can discover that Yelena was the last person the murder known as "Brother Henrik" (actually Leo Dilisnya) talked to before leaving town. She will tell them he went to the Monastery of the White Sun.[2] Aresek remembers little of the encounter; Leo drank some of her blood and beguiled her. Delisnya's interest in her stems from his researching indicating she was a descendant of Strahd through an illegitimate offspring he had while alive through a tryst with a woman from the Olavnya Family. Drinking this blood affords Dilisnya protect form Strahd's detection.[3]


  1. Fair Barovia, Dungeon Magazine 207, p. 44, 52
  2. p. 48
  3. p. 53