Mount Grysl

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Mount Grysl and its sister Mount Makab constitute the backbone of the Bluetspurean Balinoks. The pair easily eclipse in height the highest peak of the Barovian Balinoks, Mount Baratak, which is to say that they soar to an elevation of substantially more than 7,500 ft, but less than 10,000 ft. Mount Grysl lies to the north of its sister. It was the source of the Felgmøsge ("Mistmoss River") in Hazlan and was a source of the Musarde. During the Great Upheaval in 740 BC, Bluetspur disappared, replaced by the Misty Border. The waters, however, continued to flow as before, inviting speculation that Bluetspur and its mountains remain as close at hand ever, only hidden from sight by the Mists.

Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Ravenloft Third Edition

Ravenloft Third Edition - pp166-167
Domains of Dread - p84

Thoughts of Darkness - poster map