Mourning Pyre

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Mourning Pyre
Culture Level Chivalric and magical Renaissance
Ecology Full
Climate & Terrain Warm forests and plains
Year Formed 760
Population undead (95%), human (%#)
Races (%) human
Languages Khorvan
Religions the Silver Flame
Government none
Ruler(s) none
Darklord(s) the Creeping Death
Analog Zombie Apocalypse
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Locations in Mourning Pyre
Transportation in Mourning Pyre
Inhabitants of Mourning Pyre
Former Inhabitants of Mourning Pyre
Flora of Mourning Pyre
Fauna of Mourning Pyre
Native Monsters of Mourning Pyre

Part of the Hub.


The dead rule the land now known as "Mourning Pyre". A darkness has spread across its borders so all that die rise as the walking dead, and all killed by the zombies rise as the same. The few survivors struggle to survive amid the ruins of their once grand civilization.


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Once lush farmland with increasing urbanization, the fields of Mourning Pyre have gone fallow while the cities fall into ruin. The land is isolated: mountains block the West while the Mists surround the North and East and much of the South. The seas also border the South, but are known for their violent storms that make sailing treacherous.

Population Distrubtion

Scattered. Terrified.


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Survival of the fittest

Once the Church of the Midnight Sun, the the Midnight Riders is one of the most powerful factions of surviving humanity.

There is a dark, smiling priest named Kaznin Hinkley who sometimes appears in the land, in abandoned churches or mysterious tents, who preaches his own version of the Church to any who stumble upon him.

Language & Culture

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  • In Mourning Pyre, there is a tale that is sometimes told of a forgotten giant's stronghold, where the giants still live, who's walls have never been breached by the dead. Some say this fortress is hidden amongst the endless mountains to the North and West. Others say it must be somewhere along the misty borders to the East. Is there truly an ancient giant's stronghold in Mourning Pyre? A haven for the survivors against the living dead? Or is it just a cruel rumor, tricking people from their hiding places and out into the open, where the dead can find them? Few, if any, in Mourning Pyre truly know. On rare occasions though, dead giants have been seen roaming the land. . .

Adventure Hooks

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Closing the Borders

Nobody knows the reason why, but sometimes the borders of Mourning Pyre sometimes close on those trying to escape the domain. The mists rise and any who enter soon find themselves set upon by the dead.

World of Origin

Mourning Pyre comes from the world of Eberron. It is loosely inspired by the fallen nation of Cyre, and its darklord given life by the Day of Mourning. Mourning Pyre has much of the magical technology of Eberron, but in the years since the Creeping Death rose much of it has fallen into disrepair.


Assorted Zombie Apocalypse media including Night of the Living Dead and Dawn of the Dead. Zombieland. The Walking Dead comics and TV show.