Arijani slays Ravana's avatar

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Arijani, the son of Ravana and Kali's high priestess Mahiji, was a traitor to his kind, arranging the deaths of many of his rakshasa children. Eventually Ravana sent his avatar to deal with Arijani, but Arijani was prepared. With the aid of Mahiji, Arinjani lured Ravana's avatar into a trap from which it could not escape. Ravana proposed a trade: a divine wish in return for the avatar's freedom. Arijani agreed and received the wish of immunity to all attacks made by rakshasas, but then Arijani broke his vow and destroyed the avatar using Ravana's Bane. At this final act of treachery, Arijani earned the title of darklord of Sri Raji, now an Island of Terror within the Land of Mists.[1]

The year of this Seminal Event was 677 BC[2][3]
