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Fields of Silence

Posted: Fri Dec 19, 2014 6:36 pm
by Zilfer
Spring 752 BC (Barovian Calender)

For the last few days the rain had poured down from the sky's nonstop. It wasn't usual for spring showers, but it left the streets flooded with puddles here and there. This also created small little rivers of water flowing down the streets and into sewer drains. The Musarde, the river that split the town almost down the middle had swelled higher from the rain fall. Today however it appeared the incessant rain had decided it was time to move on. What was left of the clouds were gliding peacefully away in the sky. Despite the beautiful day as usual only small portions of the town was bustling as large parts remained empty with only the sound of leaking water from the shingled roof tops throughout Pont-A-Museau.

The Rat's Way, a sometimes used shortcut between the merchant district and the southern district, was currently about to have events unfold. It was known to cut about 10-15 minutes off the travel time to the southern district which housed a good number of newer families to the city. This was used of course at one's own risk for unlike the city streets it was not even moderately patrolled. In recent days there's been an increase in robberies but that hadn't stopped people form using back streets, whether they be bold or ignorant. On this particular day there came a cry for help on the Rat's Way. A feminine voice broke the silence of the often empty streets of the Rat's Way. As the source traveled it looked like no help was within sight.

Coming from an alleyway a human girl hastily runs away from her perpetrators. They seem armed with short swords at their sides but none of which are drawn. Some of them have saps at hand and one has a net as they are bearing down upon her. He throws the net as far as he can in hopes of hindering the girl's escape and at twenty feet he flings the net. Luckily the rope lands just before the girl only hitting the back of one of her heals but she continues to run. One of them curses.... the chase is still on.

Re: Fields of Silence

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 5:45 pm
by SkiBird
A lone figure steps out of a darkened doorway after the girl bursts forth. A long, rain slick cloak with the hood pulled up against the elements are the only visible traits … but it does much to inform a curious onlooker who might be observing this scene as to who the cloak belongs to.

First, the cloak is finely made, and lined with a wool dyed a deep, rich, burgundy. Not the cloak of a common vagabond. No, this cloak belongs to someone with the coin to spend on the comfortable things in life.

Second, even with the bulk the heavy woolen cloak adds to the frame of the solitary figure, it is plain to see that the person wearing it is quite slight. A very thin-framed, lithe figure, rather than meaty and filled out. Long, angular limbs, as thin as a scarecrow's reach up and push the hood back a little.

Roderick had been waiting for this. Waiting for gods knew how many wasted evenings spent night after night along the Rat's Way. After supplying coin to every seedy looking street urchin for tips as to where the next abduction might take place. Roderick was assured that if someone was to taken, it was from this very neighborhood. Roderick was aware of the kidnappings, and he was determined to put a stop to it.

But now, faced with the prospect of actually doing it, facing down a real life-and-blood threat -- rather than some imagined escapade where he rode in to the rescue of some fine damsel -- Roderick found that his pulse was pounding and his breath caught in his chest. Truth be told, he had never been in a physical confrontation. Well, there was the time spent at the orphanage … but he'd been able to talk himself out of most of the dangerous situations he'd come across as a youth.

He'd been able to talk so well, in fact, that he had caught the eye of a passing journeyman wizard. One who felt that Roderick's talents were wasted in the slums of Pont-a-Museau. A short while later, and many, many etiquette lessons later to chase the street-life from his vocabulary, Roderick found himself working as an apprentice conjurer at the House of the Sages.

That was years ago, but Roderick never forgot where he'd come from.

When word reached the academy that someone, something, was taking the city's impoverished youths off of the streets to fates unknown, Roderick arranged for a leave of absence from the college. He set out with all the best gear money could buy, and decided that if anyone was going to put a stop to this, it was to be him.

Of course, that bit sounded more romantic and dramatic in his head than the actual work turned out to be. Plenty of dreadful waiting, and sleepless nights spent among the lice-ridden poor that infested the slums almost as heavily as the rats did. And then there was the rain. The gods-awful, twice cursed rain.

Pushing the hood back completely now to get a better look, he sets off after the running men and their quarry.

"Hey!" He shouts. Unsure of what, if anything he was going to do next. "Hey you! Leave that girl be!" Committed now, for good or ill, he puts one foot in front of the other, closing the distance between he and the group of unknown assailants.
Roderick will call to get their attention, but isn't going to get too close, perhaps 40'-50' away.

Re: Fields of Silence

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 10:27 pm
by Vorcoth
The handsome, clean-shaven blonde member of the Crimson Suns (Soleils Cramoisi) city watch company had been including the Rat's Way in his daily rounds for months now after the abductions had increased so dramatically.

For starters, his utter detestation for the city's wererats made him hope that the skeevy alley shortcut might be so named for a reason. But mostly, its increased rate of crime has led to solid arrests.

Enjoying the lovely day after so much rain, Syvlain frowned as he heard a scream coming from the vicinity of the Rat's Way, and raced to intervene.

Seeing a young lady dart across the alley he was currently running along, he emerged between her and her pursuers just as their net was being pulled back empty. Fortuitously, this put the group of scoundrels between him and Roderick. He notes the slender man's shout before putting on a winning smile. His armband with the symbol of the Crimson Suns blatantly obvious, Sylvain turns to face the group of scum with a hand in the basket of his rapier at his belt. "Mes amies! I believe your aim is...a bit off. The water containing the fish for your net is that way." his accent marks him as a nobleman as his elegant gesture indicates the direction of the Musarde. Tall and well-built, he's not a muscular man, but toned and wiry.

"Unfortunately for you, il faut necessaire that I ask whichever of you is the leader of your group, to tarry with me for a chat. Comprenez-vous?"

Re: Fields of Silence

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 1:43 pm
by Zilfer
Spring 752 BC (Barovian Calender)

The group of thugs is surprised as two people surprise them on either side!

"Begietan dun! Mikhael, the guard! We were told it was going to be clear today!" said one of them pulling forth a rapier from his belt.

"Shut up, there's only two of them and six of us!" said the man apparently named Mikhael. He drew his own weapon focusing on the one in front of him, readying himself for battle, should the guard press the issue. "If you know what's best for you, you'll move aside before I run you through!"

Re: Fields of Silence

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 2:26 pm
by SkiBird
Defeating six armed men seemed an unlikely prospect. Even if he were able to hold his own he and the guardsman would be outnumbered 3-to-1, terrible odds. Fortunately, what Roderick lacked in martial prowess, he more than made up for in arcane talent.

Defeat the boss, he thinks, and the rest might scatter.

Stepping forward, he shouts to the thugs again. "Begone, the lot of you! I'll not warn you again."
Move Action: close the distance to 30' between he and Mikhael. Standard Action: Ready Thunderstomp vs Mikhail if he takes a swing at Sylvain.

(Trip maneuver, CMB = +6)

Re: Fields of Silence

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 2:30 pm
by Vorcoth
Sylvain sighs in disappointment, muttering loud enough for all to hear "Always with the violence...."

As the thugs race forward, the blonde runs one hand back through his hair, drawing his pistol non-chalantly with his main hand at the same time and shooting Mikhael.

Re: Fields of Silence

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2014 11:33 pm
by Metaflux
With warm food in his tummy and a bit of watered down beer to boot, this gentleman soothingly rubbed his armored stomach in satisfaction. The Quale Gullet Inn, though it was located in one of the harsher lanes of town, was a rather decent establishment. Voluptuous barmaids aplenty and quite the cook for luncheon, the run became Drinn's more favored of locales to dine upon. When he'd first arrived, civilians gave him awkward glares and curious glances to a man who wore half-plate armor, a pair of spiked gauntlets, and a tower shield emblazoned with an insignia most might recognize, but less would put a name to. That was all washed away, though, when he'd paid lodging enough for a week, and promptly bought a round of ale for everyone.

The atmosphere changed, though, when the inn heard something akin to a contained explosion right outside the front steps. Rising up from his chair, Drinn gathered up his spiked gauntlets and helmet, and nestled them into place. Not caring if anyone from the tables assisted him, the nobleman headed out of the inn to see what was going on, only to be knocked slightly to the side as a woman almost plowed him over.

"M'lady, I do apologize," Drinn stuttered as he addressed her. Looking to the left to see what exactly had terrorized this poor woman, the gentleman noticed a few dark fellows standing across from another set of dark fellows, although, the second group seemed rather larger.

Helping the miss up with a massive hand, the nobleman stated with a bow, "My name is Drinn, and I, once more apologize for inconveniencing you. If you wouldn't mind letting me make it up to you." Turning towards the inn's entrance, the plated warrior gathered up his tower shield and hollered at the large gathering a short walk away, "It seems my brunch has been disturbed by the noise and commotion you all have created. Is something the matter?"

Re: Fields of Silence

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 7:19 am
by SkiBird
"Yes!" Roderick replies, glad to see the shift in numbers.

"These goons are trying to make off with that girl." He says, pointing out the respective parties. "This guard and I stumbled onto the scene and are trying to stop them."

Re: Fields of Silence

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 1:09 pm
by Zilfer
Roderick's foot hit the ground sending a shockwave shooting to Mikhael. As Mikhael took a step forward trying to capitalize on the blow he had just parried from Sylvain. Suddenly he found himself on the ground. Muttering he tried to stand up but found the point of a rapier thrust through his shoulder and retract in a fluid motion.

"There's a mage! I didn't sign up for getting turned into a toad!" said one of the members as they started to run away. Three more followed leaving on Mikhael and the other wielding the Rapier.

"Blast it all. More money for us, you got lucky this time but don't get cocky!" said Mikhael as he motioned for his ally to attack the mage. It seems they had yet to register the girl had gotten to safety up ahead. Mikhael engaged Sylvain until at least he made a desperate thrust!

Meanwhile the only other companion charged over at Roderick while he was temporary distracted shouting out towards where the girl had been running off to. He saw it as the perfect moment to take advantage!

Luck seems to be on their side for the moment as they both manage to strike their opponents, and some bit of confidence returns.

Mikhael's Strike

Goon's Strike

Goon possible Crit

Re: Fields of Silence

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 2:24 pm
by SkiBird
Roderick winces as the goon strikes him … things had just gotten deadly serious. Hopping back out of reach of the man's deadly blade, the young conjurer's mind races frantically. Time, he needed to buy some time. There was no way he could go toe-to-toe with a swordsman.

Casting a simple charm, Roderick clouds the goon's mind … stalling his approach.
Roderick will take a 5-foot step back, cast Daze (Will save, DC 16), and draw his dagger.

HP: 12 / 15

Expendables: Thunderstomp

Re: Fields of Silence

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 4:07 pm
by Vorcoth
Recoiling with a grunt as Mikhael's swing strikes true, Sylvain narrows his eyes and grins with dark mischief. It seems he's about to get to practice his swordplay today. "Come now, Monsieur. Just because she didn't want to kiss a hideous drunkard like you is no reason to chase her through the streets with a net! Here, let my blade have that kiss!"

Sylvain's grin widens as he plunges his blade forward once again.

Re: Fields of Silence

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2014 5:40 pm
by Metaflux
Suddenly, a whistle similar to a bird call pierced the air around everyone, and a loud crash from the stables could be heard.

Drinn yelled, "Droga! Attack!" and if the horse went into battle, flanking the goon attacking the guard. With a gnashing of his teeth, Droga made an attempt at the brute, but a dodge from the brute was easily sufficient enough to avoid the attack.

Well, at least he tried.

Gathering himself up and charging, Drinn roared, "Ezra!" Hoping to slam the foe attacking the other man, Drinn's shield got in the way, and almost tripped him, but a quick foot adjustment allowed him to turn for flanking position.

Re: Fields of Silence

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 1:49 pm
by Zilfer
Spring 752 BC (Barovian Calender)
The Rat's Way

Sylvain’s blade finds home again in the man’s other shoulder as crimson blood begins to flow quicker. This time Sylvain’s blade withdraws from Mikhael with the sheen of red. It is clear who the better swordsmen is now and he holds up a hand while pressing his other hand to the wound. Meanwhile for a split second the magic begans to envelope and grab ahold of the man in front of Roderick however with a brief shake of his head he is able to clear himself of it. This slight delay was just enough time to hear his companion yell out.

“I yield!”

The second thug looked over confused and then threw down his rapier to rejoin his apparent companion. Is there really honor amongst thieves? “Mikhael slow your breathing we need to get you to a healer if we can afford one,” said the other man looking at the others seeming to wonder if they were even going to let that happen.

The girl who had been running away bumped into Drinn and seemed glad that she had found safety. She blushed as Drinn helped her to her feet and asked if he could make it up to her however he left her no room to reply before he helped the others in cornering the thugs. She cautiously approached off to the side but continued to say nothing. She had long brown hair braided into a single braid. She wore a purple dress that wasn't common in Richemulot Fashion. Her skin was a pale complexion complete with a mild sprinkling of freckles. What was most striking about her however was that her eyes weren't quiet the same color. Once healing was mentioned she did perk up ever so slightly.
"Umm... I can heal him..." she says a bit sheepishly.

Re: Fields of Silence

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 7:13 pm
by Vorcoth
Sylvain relaxes as the fools finally come to their senses. Leaning back, he holsters his pistol but keeps his rapier held toward Mikhael and approaches the thug. Pulling out a length of fishing line, he ties the man's hands behind his back.

"Alors, perhaps a gentle stroll and a few questions before we decide your fate, yes? The answers you give could do wonders for your future."

He arches a brow and shakes his head in disbelief at the other thug's apparent concern for his leader, truly baffled by the compassion shown, considering they were just chasing a woman through the streets.

Eyeing the lovely young women up and down for the first time, Sylvain offers a restrained bow. "You would offer healing to a man who just attempted to kidnap you, and most likely still would if I did not have him restrained? I'm not as concerned about healing him as I am with simply keeping him from bleeding to death."

Re: Fields of Silence

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2014 7:54 pm
by Zilfer
Spring 752 BC (Barovian Calender)
The Rat's Way

The girl appearing no older than twenty turns a hue of red as the color rose rushes to her cheeks, at Sylvain's comment. "I don't think they deserve to die... but I think the law would decide yes?" she looked quizzically at the guard badge displayed by Sylvain. It was very apparent that she was a bit naive when it came to punishment around here. There was also a hint of an ascent in her speech.

“Look we have money if you’ll turn an eye and my word that you won’t see us around here no more if you let me and my brother go. I can even tell you a bit of information about who we work for, they won’t have any love for us now that we’ve screwed up their operation and the other people they hired turned out to be skittish rats,” said the still unnamed thug. He offers no resistance to being tied up with the fishing line. “Ain’t no excuse that will cleanse us of what we were doing, and we knew the risks. Just starving or getting eaten by rats isn’t any alternative.”

"Give it up, Gab. You see the guard patch he can't take a bribe, we'll probably be locked away for a long time... If we are lucky. Was good while it lasted..." said Mikhael grimacing at the end of his sentence.