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The Horror of ROLF!

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 3:16 pm
by Steve Miller
Hi everyone!

For those who might not remember/know, I worked on Ravenloft during the AD&D2 days. I'm also a big fan of classic horror films from Universal and Hammer, so when my co-designer on the ROLF! game line either suggests or approves ideas for someting involving werewolves, vampires, mummies, Frankenstein, and so on, I have lots of fun.

I would like to share that fun with my Ravenloft friends who may not have checked out the ROLF! game from NUELOW. It's just a silly bit of fun, but it might be something you could find entertaining if you haven't tried it yet.

"The Horror of ROLF!" is a collection of seven monster-themed supplements that, together with the ROLF! core game, can be had for 43% off the usual retail price from now through Halloween on October 31.

Give it a chance. Let us know what you think!

Click here for more details, or to buy the bundle of pdfs.

Re: The Horror of ROLF!

Posted: Sun Oct 28, 2012 2:38 pm
by Steve Miller
We've just released a new horror-themed ROLF! product -- The Hopping Vampires of Yao Ping, because nothing says Halloween like hopping vampires, right?

Click here to check it out! (And maybe even get your own copy for just US$0.50.)

Re: The Horror of ROLF!

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 7:27 am
by alhoon
From my email, ROLF! has released their 50th product!
It must be of celestial quality and lead to fiendishly good times since it is named "Angels, Demons & Death "

Re: The Horror of ROLF!

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 1:15 pm
by Steve Miller
alhoon wrote:From my email, ROLF! has released their 50th product!
It must be of celestial quality and lead to fiendishly good times since it is named "Angels, Demons & Death "
I believe that it is. :)

I didn't plug it here, because I'm not sure that it's horror-y enough. The set-up: The Grim Reaper has a plan to end Creation, so the Guardian Angel of Supermodels and the Patron Demon of Excess team up to stop him.

Re: The Horror of ROLF!

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2012 12:39 am
by Steve Miller
In case anyone is interested, today NUELOW Games released a sequel to "Angels, Demons & Death" titled "The Date of Doom."

In it, Millie and Myron's first date is ruined by an evil mystic who wants to punish a world that mocks him and is full of excessive ATM fees.

Click here to check out previews or to download your own copy for just $0.60. I assure you -- it's a better love story than "Twilight" and there are even more unexpected twists. And all in just six pages!