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Birthright: Tuornen, Chapter Two

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2012 4:29 pm
by ewancummins
welcome to chapter two

Re: Birthright: Tuornen, Chapter Two

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 12:48 am
by JMaytr

Devlin Flaertes stands on the temple dias along with the arch-prelate of the Western Imperial Temple. He approaches the man and holds out his hand. The elder priest takes a thin blade from his cloak and pricks Devlin's finger. He then holds out a gold ring bearing the stag device of the ruling family.

"This is the symbolic passing of the blood," The priest says and waits as Devlin applies small crimson droplets to the jewel.

He then begins to speak in old Andu, the words unfamiliar to many assembled in the hall save for a few elderly sages. The archprelate raises his hands high in the air and they take on a faint glow.

"Now I act as a conduit, to pass the ties of the land through me to you," Nichilar reaches out to Devlin, takes the ring in one hand and hold the new duke's hand in the other.

Devlin feels the power surge from the priest to him like a bolt of lightning hitting a tree. There is a flash of a memory Devlin realizes is not his own; it is his mother, beautiful and radiant standing next to a much younger Gilgaed on the bluffs overlooking the Tuor river. They embrace and the memory is gone.

For a few minutes Devlin does nothing. Archprelate Nichilar excuses himself from the dias, and takes a seat with the ret of the clergy from the Western Temple. Then the new Duke straigtens himself and walks to the edge of the dias facing the court.

"My Lords and Ladies, Thank you for your attendance here tonight, and it is with solemn spirit that I inherit the crown. My father, the beloved Gilgaed Flaertes, was slain last night by a cowardly assassin; Baubb the Toymaker. This fiend earned his way into my fathers grace through his craft, but a deadly serpent lay beneath. His toys, those trinkets my father cherished and indeed, many of our nobles children may even now possess, are deadly traps. I barely escaped with my life this night for one of those clockwork killers came for me as well."

Devlin shoots the bored looking Braedonnal an icy stare.

"I name the Toymaker Baubb a villain and assassin and this day place a bounty upon his head of five hundred silver stags. Dead he is worth half of that amount."

Devlin allows the decree to hang in the air for a moment.

"Please come forward Lotho, Joram, Tolbert, and Cedric."

Re: Birthright: Tuornen, Chapter Two

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 1:50 am
by ewancummins
The four guardsmen, dressed in crisp, newly laundered surcoats, step forward and bow low to their duke.

Re: Birthright: Tuornen, Chapter Two

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 2:07 am
by JMaytr
"You four showed brave and selfless actions in the face of a dire threat, and it is with your help that I survived my would be killer. The kingdom owes its gratitude to you and I do as well. Kneel; Lotho, Cedric, Jorum, and Tolbert. The honor and nobility of your deeds prove you to be good and moral men with the saftey of Tuornen's future in your hearts."

Devlin pulls his rapier in a fluid, deadly motion, and taps each man lightly upon the shoulder.

"Rise honorable men, as knights of Tuornen. Rise Sir Lotho, Sir Cedric, Sir Jorum, and Sir Tolbert."

Re: Birthright: Tuornen, Chapter Two

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 2:12 am
by ewancummins
The four men rise, proud and happy--even though Joram and Cedric remain a little green from being gassed. They swear fealty to Devlin Flaertes, the Duke of Tuornen.

Polite murmurs of approval rise from the congregation.

Re: Birthright: Tuornen, Chapter Two

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 2:26 am
by JMaytr
"To celebrate this great day a festival will be held. The finest beers from Nabheriene will flow along with the finest foods. I trust Lady Rissa of Nabherine will see to the details. Captain Ghonnalison, please follow me."

Devlin walks slowly to Braedonnal. He whispers to the Elf.

"See me in the war room. Now."

Duke Flaertes walks out of the cathederal followed by a phalanx of guardsmen.

Re: Birthright: Tuornen, Chapter Two

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 8:21 am
by Varrus the Ethical
"We should go down the river a ways, jester," says Roald as he peers into the gloom, trying to find the fat toymaker. "If that was your Toymaker I sent into the water, he aught to wash up on the shore somewhere down river."

Re: Birthright: Tuornen, Chapter Two

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 11:03 am
by Brock Marsh Runoff
-Haes, Cathedral-

Captain Ghonallison watches the ceremony with due reverence, though the warning in the note is never far from the back of his mind. The news of the Toymaker is unsurprisng to Rennault at this point, but is that all there was to it?

He makes a note of the four guardsmen-made-knights, and silently he approves. Commoners tended to make loyal soldiers, he'd always found, but the elevation of such rabble was sure to stir up the gentry. He'd have to keep an eye out for murmurs of discontent.

When the ceremony is over, Rennault approaches Devlin and gives a low bow. "Your Grace, a word? I received a note just before the coronation. His Grace should see it."

Re: Birthright: Tuornen, Chapter Two

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 11:42 am
by JMaytr
The Duke nods to Renaard.

"This way Lord Ghonnalison," Devlin then whispers to the Elf and the three, along with Devlin's guards make way toward the war room. Devlin does a double take when he sees Dominica seated among the foriegn nobles. He offers the woman a smile and then continues on.

Re: Birthright: Tuornen, Chapter Two

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 12:46 pm
by ewancummins
Outside the Cathedral---

Extra carriages have been brought to convey the ducal party back to Caer Haes (where the War Room awaits).

The streets of Haes show a mix of celebration and sorrow, as the wake held for the Old Duke mixes with impromptu toasts raised to the Young Duke; lanterns for the revelers and candles for the mourners, voices singing and weeping.

Braedonnal, riding in the big carriage with his duke and the captain of the city watch, leans forward and speaks-

"It seems that some of the people do not wait for Lady Rissa's beer,Your Grace. " He turns his thin, pale face to the frost-rimmed window pane. A tinge of sadness in his voice, he adds-
"Among my kind, funerals last for weeks, and mourning may last two or three of your mortal lifespans."

Re: Birthright: Tuornen, Chapter Two

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 6:33 pm
by ewancummins
The Auld Oak, after the fight, still nighttime-

Brennan and his servants have cleaned up the mess. The wounded are all doing better now, tended to by Cormac and a couple of the women. The storm has ended and the Huntsman seems to have vanished...

Re: Birthright: Tuornen, Chapter Two

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 8:46 pm
by steveflam
JMaytr wrote:The Duke nods to Renaard.

"This way Lord Ghonnalison," Devlin then whispers to the Elf and the three, along with Devlin's guards make way toward the war room. Devlin does a double take when he sees Dominica seated among the foriegn nobles. He offers the woman a smile and then continues on.

Dominica smiles demurely at Devlin and bows her head in respect as he does a double take. When she rises her head she smiles again, eyeing him closely. Once he has passed she will wait a moment then basically follow everyone out. She has no plans to celebrate or get drunk during the festivities. If she can get close enough to have a word with Devlin, she will, otherwise she will head for her Inn.

Her attempt at seeing him is as follows. She will get close enough to a guard and ask if it is possible to have a word or get word to the new Duke. This is said respectfully and diplomatically.

Re: Birthright: Tuornen, Chapter Two

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 8:48 pm
by ewancummins
tarlyn wrote:
JMaytr wrote:The Duke nods to Renaard.

"This way Lord Ghonnalison," Devlin then whispers to the Elf and the three, along with Devlin's guards make way toward the war room. Devlin does a double take when he sees Dominica seated among the foriegn nobles. He offers the woman a smile and then continues on.

Dominica smiles demurely at Devlin and bows her head in respect as he does a double take. When she rises her head she smiles again, eyeing him closely. Once he has passed she will wait a moment then basically follow everyone out. he has no plans to celebrate or get drunk during the festivities. If she can get close enough to have a word with Devlin, she will, otherwise she will head for her Inn.

Dominica doesn't get close to the new duke before he is taken away in a carriage. No one prevents her from walking back towards the river district.


Passing through the smaller door set within the River Gate, Dominica enters Riverside.
Hazy torches raised along the wharf show the shoddy wooden buildings and the rolling water of the black river. Her breath frosts the chilly air as she walks towards her lodging house.

The impact comes without warning, but instinct rolls her body with the clumsy blow, and her assailant tumbles flat on his face in the mud at her feet. She counts one man there in the muck, sputtering and scrabbling to get up with a blackjack in his right fist—and one bravo standing a little distance away watching the gate. Hard to be sure in the murk but these look like the two overdressed thugs who followed her to the cathedral.

Re: Birthright: Tuornen, Chapter Two

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 9:29 pm
by steveflam
The red haired noble reacts quickly enough. Her hand retrieves something from on her person. She throws it quickly at the man on the ground!

Her other hand is busy at the same time, retrieving a dagger from who knows where....

She talks the whole time, trying to goad and frighten all at the same time, the two thugs.

"You two again? Dear me, is that the best you can do? IF I hired you, I'd demand a refund and kill you myself. You do your
jobs so terribly."

Re: Birthright: Tuornen, Chapter Two

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2012 9:46 pm
by ewancummins
The thug rising from the ground takes the dust right in his face, just as he wipes his eyes clear of mud-
"Ahhh, my eyes! Burns! BURNS!"

His companion whips out a sword and rushes to his aid. The companion charges Dominica and swings the pommel of his sword at her head.

Dominica ducks sideways and evades his attack.