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The Devil's Dreams, Chapter Five

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 9:11 pm
by ewancummins
in the caverns below the Delapore lands-

The cold voice calls out again-

''If you accept my terms, send Gauderic on ahead, alone. My minions will guide him. Now go! Bring me Ferenc. You have little time."

Karim suddenly collapses on the ledge!

Re: The Devil's Dreams, Chapter Five

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 9:52 pm
by VAN
Karim feels his head fill with horrible images beyond any imagination. He tries hard to fight it but in vain. Thousands of images bump into his mind nailing his will. Then he feels a terrible pain at his chest. The scimitars fell from his hands as he reaches for his heart. His eyesight fades- he cannot see clearly anymore. He can only hear voices in distance, but cannot discern the words. He opens his mouth and speaks with great effort:

"Save Gennifer. Avenge me. Don't let that creep live."

Breathing becomes almost impossible now; his heart is about to explode in his chest. Karim knows that is the end. His life passes in front of his eyes; all those he helped and loved all the things he has done and wanted to do. Anger and frustration fills Karim in these last moments. He wanted to do so many things, and this fungus demon has prohibited it. With great effort Karim opens his eyes- miraculously focused on the fungus demon- and opens his mouth for one last time.

"With these last words and my last breath, as the dark takes my soul I curse you fungus demon to lose your mind as I lost mine. May your death be only the beginning of your torment."

Re: The Devil's Dreams, Chapter Five

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 10:12 pm
by Adam
Bennedict is paralyzed, looking back and forth from Karim to Gauderic. The younger Delapore's reaction will have to inform what Bennedict does next.

Re: The Devil's Dreams, Chapter Five

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 10:23 pm
by ewancummins
Gauderic bends over Karim. After a monent, he stands and turns to face the others-

''He's dead. He died trying to rescue her."

The young man stands stock still for a short while, as the horror of the situation sinks in for everyone.

Gauderic breaks the silence with a whisper-

''I...I'll go forward alone, if you all think it's for the best. Save my father if you can. Save me if you can. Please, please save Gennifer Weathermay. Don't let Karim's death be in vain."

Re: The Devil's Dreams, Chapter Five

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 10:54 pm
by Adam
Benn nods grimly at Gauderic. "We will. We will be back for you. Count on it."

Benn's hands are shaking on the grip of his crossbow, but he steps forward. "We will accept your deal, with one addition," he says. "Tell us why you want Ferenc. If he has wronged you, we will see that you receive recompense." But if he is innocent, he adds silently, we can hardly be asked to trade one life for another.

Re: The Devil's Dreams, Chapter Five

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 10:59 pm
by ewancummins
The only answer to Benn's questions is his own voice, echoing in the gloomy caverns.

Re: The Devil's Dreams, Chapter Five

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 11:03 pm
by Adam
"Be silent if you like, but know that he is fleeing the estate," Benn says, taking a gamble, "Without our assistance, he will escape your grasp."

Re: The Devil's Dreams, Chapter Five

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 11:06 pm
by ewancummins
There is no answer.

Gauderic swallows a lump in his throat, and takes a few wobbly steps forward...

Re: The Devil's Dreams, Chapter Five

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 11:09 pm
by Adam
"Of course," Benn mutters, "It would be a damned shame if we ever knew what the hell was actually going on."

He slaps Gauderic on the shoulder. "Godspeed, Herr Delapore. Come what may on the surface, we will be returning for you. You have my word."

Re: The Devil's Dreams, Chapter Five

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 11:12 pm
by ewancummins
The pale, shaky young man replies-

''Th..Thank you, Benn. I...euh...good luck to you. "

He turns jerkily on his heel, and marches into the unknown.

Re: The Devil's Dreams, Chapter Five

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 11:33 pm
by Lord Skybolt
Alain goes forward to retrieve the coin he lent to Karim for use as a source of light again . Thinking to himself:Your death will be avenged my friend .

Re: The Devil's Dreams, Chapter Five

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 11:37 pm
by Adam
Benn gestures for the others to follow Alain.

"Whatever our feelings on how this went down, I am sure that we are very short on time," he says, adding quietly, "and I don' think we should discuss them here, where prying ears are listening."

Re: The Devil's Dreams, Chapter Five

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 12:00 am
by Lord Skybolt
Alain nods at Benn's suggestion . Ready to go to more secluded spot to speak .

Re: The Devil's Dreams, Chapter Five

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 12:12 am
by Lord Skybolt
On thinking about the man's words he thinks:
Wait a minute that is that crazy man I met on the road . Matter a fact that was his voice .

Re: The Devil's Dreams, Chapter Five

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 5:03 am
by Rock of the Fraternity
"Hold it."

Everline's voice rings out, sharp and clear. Her heels rap against the stone as she marches forward and seizes Gauderic by the elbow before he can disappear into the gloom. She forces him to turn around and face her, if she can.

"I'll no send a man inta the dark wi'out somethin' ta light his way," she says, her voice a little more gentle now. "The blessin' o' the Sun shine on your soul, Gauderic Delapore, and protect you from all evils that would fester within. The Guardian watch over your soul if your flesh fails, so it be not lost within the Mists. An' the blessing of Everline Vaughn for a man willing to walk into death for honour an' blood."

In full sight of the others, Everline presses her lips against Gauderic's and pulls him close. The display is not exactly romantic, but it is... vigorous.

"Good fortune ta ye an' bad cess ta yer foe, says I," Everline says after disengaging. "May we meet again in better times an' better places."

Everline then turns to rejoin the others. "Let's no' leave the gentleman lyin' here," she says, gesturing at Karim's body. "We can put him on the boat. I'd no leave him here fer the fungus ta grow fat on. We'll build him a pyre in the clean air, yeah?"