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Anniversary: A Year in Review

Posted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 11:36 pm
by Jason of the Fraternity
My esteemed brothers and honored guests,

On October 31, 2003, a great tragedy befell the online Ravenloft community. The Vallaki bookshop that many of us visited on a regular basis burnt to the ground, and the Kargatane owners scattered to pursue their personal interests.

Without a place to call home, hundreds of refugees fled in search of a site to fill the void. Many of these refugees found other websites dedicated to Ravenloft, and others began to create their own. In fact, six of these refugees gathered together and began discussions on creating their own website where their projects could continue. Thus, the editors of the Undead Sea Scrolls and the editors of Quoth the Raven joined together to form the Fraternity of Shadows.

Like the phoenix, the legendary bird of resurrection, the website arose from the ashes of its predecessors. Struggling to live up to the high standards set by the Kargatane and having to slowly draw back refugees from the mists, the Fraternity of Shadows has slowly grow into what you see today. After only a year, we have gained more than 300 members. Some of these faces are old and familiar, and some of these faces are fresh and new. However, everyone who came here shared a common interest; all of them had thoughts and ideas on the Ravenloft setting.

In the last year, the Fraternity of Shadows has released four issues of Quoth the Raven with a fifth issue scheduled to be released in January of next year. We, the Fraternity, have also created several areas for reviews, campaigns, artwork, and other contributions. Yet, most importantly, the fans have contributed to the success of these and other projects. We are rapidly growing, and there is great potential for the year ahead.

So let me be the first to lift my glass in gratitude to all of you for your help and support this past year. Without your help, we wouldn’t be where we are today. However, let this not merely be a toast but a challenge as well. Keep up the good work and see what the next year holds for the Fraternity of Shadows

Jason “Javier” True
Master of Illusions
Fraternity of Shadows

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 9:07 am
by Tobias Blackburn
Great year guys! Here's to many more!

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 9:33 am
by Snake
I still can't believe its been a year already; great job everyone.

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 9:42 am
by Wiccy of the Fraternity
One year on the site, another two with the USS before that, where does the time go. Not complaining mind you, I am enjoying every moment of it to have such a unique opportunity to help support the campaign setting we all love, sleep and breathe (or it that just me with all three of those? lol).

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 10:25 am
by Gonzoron of the FoS
cheers to what will hopefully be the first year of many!

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 10:00 am
by MadStepDad
Well, if it's a party y'all know I gotta crash it. Man. Time flies when you're havin fun, huh? It's been a whole year since the Manoir opened its doors to the public - and it feels like you are already an institution. I can think of other notable one year anniversaries in this shared world of ours - my own heart of midnight, for example - and it just seems that more things change the more they stay the same.

A toast to the Frat boys for their unholy dedication, and congratulations to Jester for accepting their poisoned kool-aid. Ravenloft for life, suckers! From here until the Time of Unparalleled Darkness!




Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 2:58 pm
by maraudar
Congrats on the year and the great work. I only recently discovered FOS but have to say I am impressed and awed by both USS and Quothe the Raven. As well as the whole the place. Keep up the great work.


Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 4:01 pm
by Wiccy of the Fraternity
Stay with us Marauder, we hope to improve and expand even more :)

MSD, the party is everyday, why should one day be special? Okay, it was our anniversary, but each day we go on, it is something special as it gives something more to the fans of the setting and forms a community :)

Posted: Sat Dec 18, 2004 6:51 pm
by Sir T
Well done people. I'm sorry I could not have as big a part in your sucess as I would have liked, but I'm happy for you all. This is a terrific resource for the community and I hope it continues for many years to come.

Posted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 3:46 pm
by Wiccy of the Fraternity
I haven't seen you post for a while T, where you been hiding? :P

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 12:52 pm
by Sir T
Its a long story Wicci. To put it short, I was moved out of my flat by my landlord temporarily to a new place that was far far better at a reduced rate. Of course when I jumped at the chance he moven in builders into my old place straight away, and gave everyone else on the floor notice to quit, while making their lives intolerable with banging and sawing so they would quit. They left, and then he moved me again, to a place that not onlky had trains running night and day right beside the house shaking the place apart, but had people downstairs, the type that give drug addicts and alcoholics a bad name. I lasted 1 night there and fled.

I then spent some time sleeping on someone elses floor. I eventually got a new place (not easy on disability allowance) and have slowly found that the place I am in now is as bad as the old one, apart fromt he fact its smaller and even more leaky (Water poars from the bathroon ceiling when its raining, a not too uncommon occurance in Ireland). The heating is on for only an hour a day (maybe) Also the place is so quiet the isolation is killing me. 9 years of past unhappyness has just came flooding out I suppose. Because of all this my depression has returned full force. The final straw was when I found whenever I have a shower water poars into the floor below me. So I'm heaving that place and heading home to live with my parents for a while.

So thats why I wasnt posting.. :)

Needless to say I've lost most of my posetions(sp) in all the moving around, but I still have my Ravenloft stuff, and my computer. So I hope to be posting a bit more than I have been. Evil to slay, and all that :)

Sorry for the long post, but once I got started I guess I couldn't stop. Hope I didn't bore anyone to death! :oops:

Oh did I mention today I lost my wallet, and I had to break down the door of this god-forsaken flat because I locked myself out? I dont know what i've done to deserve this domain, but I wonder would any of the other darklorks like to swap? :twisted:

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 3:22 pm
by Malus Black
Sir T wrote:Sorry for the long post, but once I got started I guess I couldn't stop. Hope I didn't bore anyone to death! :oops:
That is hardly a problem on these boards - death is such a temporary state, after all.

Seriously, though, nice to see you back, and I hope things work out for you - we all know paladins have a hard time :)

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 5:50 pm
by Sir T
I'm surprised people remember me, to be honest! :shock: :)

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 7:43 pm
by Jason of the Fraternity
Sir T wrote:I'm surprised people remember me, to be honest! :shock: :)
Well, we only have so many self appointed paladins walking around the halls of the manor... :wink:

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 8:13 pm
by Wiccy of the Fraternity
Jason of the Fraternity wrote:
Sir T wrote:I'm surprised people remember me, to be honest! :shock: :)
Well, we only have so many self appointed paladins walking around the halls of the manor... :wink:
These days at least :twisted: