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Posted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 4:55 pm
by ewancummins

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 12:01 am
by Lord Cyclohexane
Having come up with Roland, Adrian hears the hooded man's request for a sacrifice. Ignoring that, however, Adrian turns to his companion [for the rest of you, Adrian addresses the empty air] and asks, "Avra, is that... yes, I thought so."

Closing his eyes and letting his head fall, Adrian concentrates on the part of him that is divine, and through force of will pushes the probability fields slightly. Reality changes in response, and the psychic landscape becomes slightly less habitable to those of corrupted spirit. Adrian then looks back up, and continues listening to the hooded man.

[In game, Adrian used his feat, "Glorious Weapons." I burn a turning attempt, and everyone's weapons are aligned as Good for purposes of overcoming damage reduction]

Posted: Fri Sep 29, 2006 4:26 am
by kintire
As soon as Brethana takes her swipe Shana thrusts her hand forwards and the shimmering focuses to two bright points of light that leap from her hands and dart with blinding speed towards the raven that Moorkroft is attacking slamming into it with two sharp bursts of energy.

[Magic Missile on the bird!]

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 5:40 am
by Le Noir Faineant
Nathan of the FoS wrote:"Fair enough. I agree that the current situation is in no-one's interest. Can you or your masters offer me any assistance? After all, it would hardly suit your turn to have me dead and her still on the loose."
The yellow-eyed man laughs and pats Roland on a cheek. "Boy, you obviously haven't understand - I am not here to negociate. I am here to give an order..."
tarlyn st-denfer wrote:Brethana says back to the others"Dont be frightened by what IM about to do"....
Brethana's angry blow misses the dread messenger by an inch, and he stumbles back, away from the path, into the corn... The two croaking ravens, caught by surprise, flutter up and down, apalled...

"You elven bitch! How will I enjoy to taste your flesh..."

With that, Yellow-Eyes turns and runs into the corn field, at full speed!

[The crops at the side of the ride stand high enough for a human to disappear... Or either you follow him right away, or it seems that you will soon loose his track...]

Shana and Moorkroft hit the left raven with full force, and the bird falls before their feet, dead, while the other bird, still not having found its balance, desperately struggles to get away...

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 6:46 am
by steveflam

Brethana swings her mighty sword back and forth as she runs, cutting a path for the others, and as she runs she keeps taunting Yellow-Eyes,yelling and growling at him...

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2006 10:05 am
by Nathan of the FoS
Rafael wrote: The yellow-eyed man laughs and pats Roland on a cheek. "Boy, you obviously haven't understand - I am not here to negociate. I am here to give an order..."
Roland jerks away from the yellow-eyed man's touch, his face freezing into a grimace of anger. As the stranger darts into the corn Roland mutters something and slaps his shoes, then rises into the air, pursuing the stranger into the cornfield at a height of about twenty feet. Pursuing at full speed, he yells down to Brethana, "Attagirl, long ears! Cut him to the bone!"

OOC: Roland's intended actions: cast lightning bolt next round, and invisibility as soon as the crows show up. :shock:

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:16 am
by kintire
Shana spins round and sends two scintillating points of light curving gracefully towards the yellow eyed man, then running after him to keep him in range

[Magic Missile again!]

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:17 am
by Le Noir Faineant
tarlyn st-denfer wrote:
Brethana swings her mighty sword back and forth as she runs, cutting a path for the others, and as she runs she keeps taunting Yellow-Eyes,yelling and growling at him...
As fast as Brethana runs, Yellow Eyes seems to move faster...

That trick of switching your feelings of distances... He's doing it again!

In one moment, Brethana thinks to cut him into the back, but then, he suddenly is a few meters away...
Nathan of the FoS wrote: OOC: Roland's intended actions: cast lightning bolt next round, and invisibility as soon as the crows show up. :shock:
Then Roland strikes with his lightning bolt, and everything around him and Brethana vanishes in a field of electric energies and fire...

But he has definitely hit the mark - he hears Yellow Eyes howl like a dog...

From very near!
kintire wrote:Shana spins round and sends two scintillating points of light curving gracefully towards the yellow eyed man, then running after him to keep him in range
...And then, Roland is missed by a magic bolt B-Y A-N I-N-C-H, and beautiful Shana stumbles into Brethana, knocking her head against the elven woman's nose...

[1 unlethal DAM for both...]

What becomes of her other magic projectiles, Shana cannot say... They vanish somewhere in the expanding explosion...


You others, who still stand outside the cornfield on the road, see your companions jump into the field, disappear, and then, after a few seconds, a huge explosion light the evening day...

Flying hay, halms and corn darken the sky for a moment...

[React quickly and with force!]

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:23 am
by Le Noir Faineant
[Kintire, it seems we posted at the same time, but I edited the post to count Shana's action in... Rolled a 1. :wink: ]

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 7:26 am
by kintire
[well, at least its my head against his nose, not the other way around!]

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 12:10 pm
by Nathan of the FoS
Rafael wrote:...And then, Roland is missed by a magic bolt B-Y A-N I-N-C-H, and beautiful Shana stumbles into him, knocking her head against his nose...

[1 unlethal DAM for both...]
OOC: Er, what? Roland's 20 feet in the air--how on earth did Shana run into him? Some weird distance-distortion thing?

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 12:56 pm
by Le Noir Faineant
Nathan of the FoS wrote:
Rafael wrote:...And then, Roland is missed by a magic bolt B-Y A-N I-N-C-H, and beautiful Shana stumbles into him, knocking her head against his nose...

[1 unlethal DAM for both...]
OOC: Er, what? Roland's 20 feet in the air--how on earth did Shana run into him? Some weird distance-distortion thing?
OOC: Sorry for the confusion - meant Brethana! EDITED EARLIER POST ACCORDINGLY...

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:27 pm
by steveflam
[ er I am presently swinging my great sword to and fro, just wondering how Shana got underneath my swinging and bumped into my nose...... ]

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:35 pm
by BigBadQDaddy
Alain's temper flares for a moment and he yells at his companions:
"Fools! Why follow what You can't catch and can't see!"
He readies his shovel and begins to look all around for a possible returning yellow eyes.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 7:21 pm
by LouisVendredi
[OOC: Not sure if I saw any of this as I was with the boy. Please let me know.]