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Re: Birthright 3 Chapter 6

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 3:14 pm
by steveflam
Domenica arrives at teh Auld Oak Inn with GIMP in tow. Passing through the door, she looks around.

Re: Birthright 3 Chapter 6

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 3:54 pm
by ewancummins
DOMENICA sees a large gathering of people, mostly men and older boys. Almost everyone, apart from a few servants, carries a weapon of some kind. It looks like a mixed bag of militia, hunters, a few sellswords, and perhaps some noble's guards.
A little commotion forms off to her immediate left: armed men surrounding a man wearing a furry mask and a tall, skinny
woman, or so it at first appears...
A closer look reveals that the furry figure wears no mask at all! It's some kind of tawny beastman. And the skinny woman with it is an elfmaid dressed in strange leather gear with bronze rings attached.
The local men who have surrounded this bizarre duo stand dumbfounded, staring, but not attacking.

Across the room, DOMENICA picks out another woman, certainly human, dressed in the colors of House Elevenemiere. She's talking with a couple of scruffy looking fighting men.

Her attention is drawn away from that woman in noble colors by Cormac's reaction to the beastman...

Re: Birthright 3 Chapter 6

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 4:06 pm
by ewancummins
THE AULD OAK, continued

Adam wrote:His eyes go wide, and he hurries across the room.

"You-" he says to Foerde, "You-I thought you were dead!"


The militiamen immediately surround Foerde and his companion. But being mostly locals, some among them know him.
Instead of attacking or arresting the intruders, they stare in surprise.
One of them, a neighbor, says
" We thought the elves killed you."

Before he can fully explain, Foerde hears another familiar voice calls out. Cormac!

Re: Birthright 3 Chapter 6

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 4:20 pm
by ewancummins

CAINE enters the lower floor parlor where the others have gathered to bid SAFANA farewell.
The archmage has dispensed with his ruff, but wears the same black robes--or identical garments-- that he wore the day he admitted his guests.
A skullcap of thin silvery metal keeps his long hair from falling in his face.

" SAFANA, how well do you know the geography and history of Tuornen?"

The wizard glances at Filbert and TERMELAN." Hmmm...consider than an open question."

Re: Birthright 3 Chapter 6

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 4:31 pm
by steveflam
Domenica spying what might happen, yells as loud as she can towards the men who are surrounding Foerde. She does not know the beastly man, but if he is there

it is because he can help. And judging by some people's reactions, he isn't some kind of monster.

"STAND BACK! LEAVE THEM BE!" she yells out in as authoratative voice as she can.

She tries to interpose herself closer to the men as possible.

"I intercede on the behalf of Sir Rory , the Duke's man himself. I am the Lady Domenica Barillia of Barillia and Associates back in the city.

He has left me in charge of the hunt for the Crone Oona. We are all here for the same reason, including these two people here."

Re: Birthright 3 Chapter 6

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 4:44 pm
by ewancummins
steveflam wrote:Domenica spying what might happen, yells as loud as she can towards the men who are surrounding Foerde. She does not know the beastly man, but if he is there

it is because he can help. And judging by some people's reactions, he isn't some kind of monster.

"STAND BACK! LEAVE THEM BE!" she yells out in as authoratative voice as she can.

She tries to interpose herself closer to the men as possible.

"I intercede on the behalf of Sir Rory , the Duke's man himself. I am the Lady Domenica Barillia of Barillia and Associates back in the city.

He has left me in charge of the hunt for the Crone Oona. We are all here for the same reason, including these two people here."

The declaration comes out as a hoarse croak, followed by coughing and a string of intelligible words. Anyone paying attention gets the gist, but others just hear some woman in urgent need of beer or spiced cider to clear and soothe her throat.

Re: Birthright 3 Chapter 6

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 5:03 pm
by steveflam
"GIMP, get me some water or tea" she croaks. She is still trying to push her way towards Foerde and the elf woman.

Re: Birthright 3 Chapter 6

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 6:39 pm
by Varrus the Ethical
Auld Oak, Roald.

"We lost all our horses, damn tragic that, and we didn't find a friend of ours we thought captured by the elves. But, yes. We all survived by some miracle. Killed a lot of elves int he process, too." Roald nods towards the children. "And we rescued those little ones from some foul Elf-Demon... thing."

"So what is this about a witch bounty?"

Re: Birthright 3 Chapter 6

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 6:51 pm
by ewancummins
Varrus the Ethical wrote:Auld Oak, Roald.

"We lost all our horses, damn tragic that, and we didn't find a friend of ours we thought captured by the elves. But, yes. We all survived by some miracle. Killed a lot of elves int he process, too." Roald nods towards the children. "And we rescued those little ones from some foul Elf-Demon... thing."

"So what is this about a witch bounty?"
"My uncle, the Count, has offered a purse of money and a cask of fine ale to the man who brings in the Crone."
The young lady smiles.
"Oh, but you missed all that. Since you left Haes, some hooded thugs have run wild in the city. Arson, beatings, some suspected murders...and black magic. One of the gang's escaped leaders, Oona the Crone, is supposed to be some kind of evil witch. I don't know all the facts. But the excitement here in our province these last few days has been such that I gave our household men, the Sheriff, and the militia captains all a stern warning about molesting any innocent elderly women. If people start to panic.."

Re: Birthright 3 Chapter 6

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 6:53 pm
by ewancummins
steveflam wrote:"GIMP, get me some water or tea" she croaks. She is still trying to push her way towards Foerde and the elf woman.


The bar

Gimp hurries to fetch a drink for the mistress.

(Anyone looking that way sees a man covered head to toe in black studded leather armor. Even his face is covered.)

Re: Birthright 3 Chapter 6

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 7:01 pm
by Varrus the Ethical
Auld Oak, Road

Roald glances briefly at the queerly armored man before returning his attention to the young lady.

"It seems that I've missed out on a bit of fun while I've been away." Roald chuckles. "Captain Ghonallisan will be sorry to hear of his city's misbehavior while he was away."

"Oh, and here I am talking away like some boor without making proper introductions. I take it you already know who I am, but I'm afraid you have be at a disadvantage. Who do I have the honor of addressing?"

Re: Birthright 3 Chapter 6

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 7:06 pm
by ewancummins
Varrus the Ethical wrote:Auld Oak, Road

Roald glances briefly at the queerly armored man before returning his attention to the young lady.

"It seems that I've missed out on a bit of fun while I've been away." Roald chuckles. "Captain Ghonallisan will be sorry to hear of his city's misbehavior while he was away."

"Oh, and here I am talking away like some boor without making proper introductions. I take it you already know who I am, but I'm afraid you have be at a disadvantage. Who do I have the honor of addressing?"
She laughs.

"We've met, briefly, my lord. My clothes then were rather frilly. Court stuff. I'm Erin Hunter, warden for my uncle Bramm's estates."

(Roald knows that the Count of Elevesnemiere is named Bramm, though he hasn't met the man.)

Re: Birthright 3 Chapter 6

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 7:10 pm
by Varrus the Ethical
Auld Oak, Roald

"Oh, yes! I thought you looked familiar. I do apologize for not recognizing you sooner, Lady Hunter." Road raps the side of his head. "Too man blows to the head, you see. Plays hell with the memory."

"So do you intend to hunt this witch yourself?"

Re: Birthright 3 Chapter 6

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 7:21 pm
by ewancummins
Varrus the Ethical wrote:Auld Oak, Roald

"Oh, yes! I thought you looked familiar. I do apologize for not recognizing you sooner, Lady Hunter." Road raps the side of his head. "Too man blows to the head, you see. Plays hell with the memory. So do you intend to hunt this witch?"
She nods.
"The witch threatens our province. If she's really here, that is.
We should look for the Castellan of Caer Haes. SirRory-- you know him, yes?"
She casts about.
"The last message I had said to expect him or his agent."

Re: Birthright 3 Chapter 6

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 7:31 pm
by Varrus the Ethical
Auld Oak

Roald's mood sours at the mention of the Castellan. "Sir Rory? Yes, we go a ways back, he and I."