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Re: Birthright Tuornen Chapter Four

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 1:35 pm
by Varrus the Ethical
"Davis" looks at the men eyeing him and says, "You guys look like you could use another fighting man. Or at least that's what I was told by Sergeant Arseface back there." He spits onto the ground. "Mind you, considering they have a bloody fire demon fighting for them, I don't really know what use any of us are."

Re: Birthright Tuornen Chapter Four

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 1:44 pm
by ewancummins
Varrus the Ethical wrote:"Davis" looks at the men eyeing him and says, "You guys look like you could use another fighting man. Or at least that's what I was told by sergeant arse-face back there." He spits onto the ground. "Mind you, considering they have a bloody fire demon fighting for them, I don't really know what use any of us are."

The men laugh. Somebody claps 'Davis' on the back and another man thrusts a sloshing wineskin into his right hand.

A big gray-haired guy with an old burn scar down the left side of his face grimaces and says, "The demon can burn Haes, not take and hold it. Need men for that."
He scratches his old burn marks.
" But if things don't go as planned, I think maybe our employer would burn the whole city to the ground before he lets his cousin keep it. That'd be a shame. We'd miss a lot of good loot."

Re: Birthright Tuornen Chapter Four

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 1:57 pm
by ewancummins

Cormac takes his leave of Gunnar and the esquire, and soon encounters Foerde in the great hall of the manor.

The beastman priest (he claims to be a priest, at any rate) is busy...

RocEtr, clicky-->
(Mike, what is he doing? Teaching kids? Working? Carpentry skills?)

Re: Birthright Tuornen Chapter Four

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 2:08 pm
by Varrus the Ethical
"Davis" takes a mouthful of the wineskin before returning it to its owner. "Duke Carlion would've gotten better results if he payed real fighting men like us more rather than wasting his coin on some mage."

Re: Birthright Tuornen Chapter Four

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 2:16 pm
by Brock Marsh Runoff

Renn feels the sickess slosh over him as he finds himself lost in whatever strange magic. It was like being too-drunk, only worse. It was like the delirium brought on by the herbal treatments doled out by the old women of Ghonallison. He uses his bow to steady himself, though even in this state he is careful not to put too much weight on the weapon.

When his senses return, he can't quite understand what he sees. Have they been transported behind the lines? If so, why did this room seem so familiar, so like the one they just left?

Or had they left it at all?

He can hear the strange voices, and for a moment he thinks they are Alamien soldiers--but don't they speak the same tongue as himself?

Still confused, he falls back on his instincts, dropping into a low crouch and nocking an arrow. He then looks to Filbert for some sign of what's going on.

Re: Birthright Tuornen Chapter Four

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 2:39 pm
by ewancummins
Varrus the Ethical wrote:"Davis" takes a mouthful of the wineskin before returning it to its owner. "Duke Carlion would've gotten better results if he payed real fighting men like us more rather than wasting his coin on some mage."

The scarred man shrugs.
"I dunno. I didn't see no mage with him when he called the demon out of a campfire, couple of minutes ago. Or maybe he is a magician? All I know is that he's paid us in good silver. Okay, enough chatter."
The man turns to address the other stragglers riding into the street.
" Fall in and get ready to take Haes!"

Re: Birthright Tuornen Chapter Four

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 3:21 pm
by RocEter
ewancummins wrote:THE MANOR

Cormac takes his leave of Gunnar and the esquire, and soon encounters Foerde in the great hall of the manor.

The beastman priest (he claims to be a priest, at any rate) is busy...

RocEtr, clicky-->
(Mike, what is he doing? Teaching kids? Working? Carpentry skills?)
Ewan he would be teaching kids and providing spiritual guidance. As Cuiraecen is the only temple in Ghonallison with a rating 2. That means pretty much everyone worships Cuiraecen. If they need proof of some sort he recite battle hymns or rites of some kind.

Re: Birthright Tuornen Chapter Four

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 4:08 pm
by ewancummins
The Manor

Foerde sits on a bench in the cold, draughty hall. The priest seems to be in the middle of a story, something about a battle. Several dirty, shivering children squat or sit in the hall and listen to him—but none of them dares to approach within arms’ reach of the strange ‘beast man.’
A woman comes in and shoos the kids away, avoiding Foerde’s eyes as she does so. “Go on, children, the priest has better things to do than entertain you.” The kids scurry off and the woman quickly follows after them.

Dietric whispers in Cormac’s ear-
“That Foerde guy creeps me out. Look at his face, and that fur— he aint human, or aint a normal human, that’s for sure.”

Re: Birthright Tuornen Chapter Four

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 4:20 pm
by Varrus the Ethical
"Davis" gets into formation, careful to keep "Joffery" close to him. Leaning towards the boy, he says, "Whatever happens, keep your head low and stay right behind me."

Re: Birthright Tuornen Chapter Four

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 6:55 pm
by Adam
Cormac nods. "Aye, not a normal man at all, lad. But, I have a feeling we can use him. An' he owes us. AN'..." he pauses, "I imagine he wants tae get out there an' kill some goblins same as we do."

He nods towards the men. "I'll go an' have a word wi' him. See that our supplies are squared away an' we're ready to leave."

Once they're gone he turns and walks to Foerde.

"Havin' a chat wi' the wee ones, eh?" He smiles. "I see those wounds 'ave 'ealed up nicely. Per'aps ye've got a minute ta chat wi' me? Got an offer fer yah, one I think yeh'll be find amenable."

Re: Birthright Tuornen Chapter Four

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 8:56 pm
by RocEter
Adam wrote:Cormac nods. "Aye, not a normal man at all, lad. But, I have a feeling we can use him. An' he owes us. AN'..." he pauses, "I imagine he wants tae get out there an' kill some goblins same as we do."

He nods towards the men. "I'll go an' have a word wi' him. See that our supplies are squared away an' we're ready to leave."

Once they're gone he turns and walks to Foerde.

"Havin' a chat wi' the wee ones, eh?" He smiles. "I see those wounds 'ave 'ealed up nicely. Per'aps ye've got a minute ta chat wi' me? Got an offer fer yah, one I think yeh'll be find amenable."
"Yes, I was telling them a story about Cuiraecen's battles before he ascended to become a God." Foerde says standing up. "Of course I have time, lets walk shall we. What do you have in mind?"

Re: Birthright Tuornen Chapter Four

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 11:11 pm
by Lord Skybolt
Adam wrote:Cormac strokes his beard thoughtfully, evidently weighing things in his head.

"Aye, we'll wait," he finally nods, "It'll give us time to make sure we have all we need."

He turns to the door and opens it, snapping his fingers as he suddenly remembers something. "Oh, yeah. I almos' forgot. The missus made yeh a li'l gift, Gunnar. Jes to let yeh know there ain't no hard feelin's. Dietric?"

The hired man tosses Cormac a burlap bundle, which Cormac throws to Gunnar. "Wear it in good health," Cormac chuckles as he departs, closing the door behind him.

He exits into the office, nodding for his men to follow him, the congenial expression very quickly replaced with business. "Le's go find Foerde," Cormac mutters. "We got things to plan."
Gunnar looks in the burlap bundle .

Re: Birthright Tuornen Chapter Four

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 3:54 am
by ewancummins
Lord Skybolt wrote:
Adam wrote:Cormac strokes his beard thoughtfully, evidently weighing things in his head.

"Aye, we'll wait," he finally nods, "It'll give us time to make sure we have all we need."

He turns to the door and opens it, snapping his fingers as he suddenly remembers something. "Oh, yeah. I almos' forgot. The missus made yeh a li'l gift, Gunnar. Jes to let yeh know there ain't no hard feelin's. Dietric?"

The hired man tosses Cormac a burlap bundle, which Cormac throws to Gunnar. "Wear it in good health," Cormac chuckles as he departs, closing the door behind him.

He exits into the office, nodding for his men to follow him, the congenial expression very quickly replaced with business. "Le's go find Foerde," Cormac mutters. "We got things to plan."
Gunnar looks in the burlap bundle .
As Gunnar unties the strings to shake the tight-wrapped bandle loose, a faint barnyard odor mixes with the room's aroma of pine. Unfolding the cloth, he finds a gray, un-dyed fleece. Holding up the wooly sheepskin, he sees holes cut for arms and neck. The jacket looks like it will fit a man of his size.

Ranald remarks-

"That was thoughtful of him. "

Re: Birthright Tuornen Chapter Four

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 4:52 am
by ewancummins
Varrus the Ethical wrote:"Davis" gets into formation, careful to keep "Joffery" close to him. Leaning towards the boy, he says, "Whatever happens, keep your head low and stay right behind me."

Reese swallows a lump in his throat and drops a jerky nod.

Horns blow on all sides.

A quick look round shows Roald troops moving into position for a general attack. The streets behind him are packed with Alamien pikemen, Brecht Crossbowmen (instantly recognizable by their slashed and puffed garments)smaller numbers of archers, and large numbers of ragged irregulars. Based on what Roald saw when last he was in Haes, the Alamien host must be at least three or four times as numerous as ‘the elfy duke’ has got, unless that worthy has found some new source of fighters.

With a terrific din of cracking stone and snapping timbers, the door of the River Gate collapses in a flaming wreck! The fire demon roars into the city--incinerating the Tuor soldiers who try to stop it with hurled buckets of water and sand.

''Light Horse to the fore, light horse to the fore!"

The horsemen set out at a trot.

The boy on the pony waves the green scarf banner. Men heft their weapons and scream- ''Clear the way!"
Someone cries out- "Mind the splinters, boys!"

The trot becomes a canter...

Re: Birthright Tuornen Chapter Four

Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 8:22 am
by VAN
Filbert opens his eyes and found himseld at the sinister Shadow Realm. He checks the surroundings to make sure there isn't a monster or undead around and says:

"Are you both ok? If you feel dizzy it is normal so don't worry. This world is slightly different from the one you are used to. You will always have the feeling of someone is watching you, maybe hear voices or see red spots that can be eyes. The worse part is that you dn't know if is indeed someone or something hiding or is your phantasy. Stay close to me, I'm not an expert but I have been here few times and can recognize few things when I see them. The distance here is how to say, not real, long distance can be covered in few minutes the land maybe is different as well, things use to change fast in this world. Don't eat or drink anything if possible because it may be poisonous. Our plan is reach the dwarf, which I suppose is a prisoner, and free him or if is an enemy kill him. Now if you have no more questions please follow me and keep your eyes open and of course have your weapons ready."

With that Filbert draws his sword and starting to head outside of the house.