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Re: A New Barovia: Chapter One

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 5:31 pm
by steveflam
VAN wrote:"Thank you Mr Lemay for letting us in that late."

Adam gets in and follows the bard barely looking at the books. He is expecting a famous bard like Lemay to have many books but this wasn't the time to look at them. The cleric gets a seat beside the fireplace and says:

"Well sir, are here to seek some advice about lycanthropes and the werebadgers in particular. You see, we try to help the Militia with to solve these tremendous murder problem. It has been another one today, don't know if you have heard. We managed to find out that a werebadger is involved and we would like to know if you know any weakness these creatures have. Anything you know about them might be useful."
George listens to Adam. "Well, hmmm,........ Werebadgers you say? And you are investigating these grisly murders I've heard of ...... how interesting. Werebadgers....... Werebadgers.... yes......." Tapping his head with his finger, he closes his eyes. "Sithicus......years ago there was rumored to be one such creature, but this is only heresay, not firsthand knowledge. I would tell you otherwise, you see. Now this creature was evil and ruthless. From what i was told it fled that land because of the Lord of some Keep there."

He pauses, picking up a cup and sipping from it. "I can offer you some tea or coffee perhaps? Ah yes, this Werebadger. Brass, yes that is it. Brass does harm it. That or a magical weapon, but Brass is more effective yet not as solid as a normal metal blade. Getting someone to make one for you will be a bit costly, mind you. That is what you would plan to do, isn't it? And it takes a few days."

Scratching his head he sips more of his cup and asks "Have you had any luck in your investigation? Have you even, dare I ask, faced this foe yet? Forgive my bluntness but I rarely get out these days and any information on the goings on in the city is deeply appreciated."
Ken of Ghastria wrote:"Yes, truly," says Khalfani as Lemay allows the group to enter. Once inside, he bows to their host. "I am Khalfani Fenimikk. People seem to know my name, foreign as it must sound, because of my time in this land. I am honored to meet... you...." His dark eyes grow wide at the stacks of books, and he is silent for several seconds before saying, "I hope that the winds of fortune blow upon us all this night."

After Adam speaks, the gnome adds, "Indeed. A man as clearly well read as you may have already made some educated assumption about the recent grim events. We have come to you for aid. As strong as bronze and iron are, struggles such as this are often won with the mind."
Looking at Khalfani he smiles. "This can be true, Master Fenimikk. It all depends on the foe you face. I fear that the mind may not be enough against such a foe as this Werebadger. Might I add, you appear to be interested by my books."

Re: A New Barovia: Chapter One

Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:21 pm
by BigBadQDaddy
Thomas merely takes the back seat for a while in regards to interacting with the Bard. The man's strange manner of speaking catching him off guard. In the meantime he casually strides along the perimeter of conversation, eying books and keeping up with the conversation. Whether eccentric or not his line of questioning seemed strange to him.

Re: A New Barovia: Chapter One

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 8:11 am
by VAN
"Brass eh, good to know that. Do you have by any chance any spell that can change the metal weapon from one to another? As about facing it, well no. We have seen it but not facing it. Since you were blunt with us, may I ask you why you have let us in Mr Lemay? I mean strangers come to your house late at night without checking on Quorrin who we are and if indeed he sent us here. Don't get me wrong we are those who we say we are and indeed Quorrin told us to come and speak with you because you havethat nuch knowledge and can help us to our investigation but you should admit that is a bit strange, that's all."

Re: A New Barovia: Chapter One

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:38 pm
by Ken of Ghastria
tarlyn wrote:Looking at Khalfani he smiles. "This can be true, Master Fenimikk. It all depends on the foe you face. I fear that the mind may not be enough against such a foe as this Werebadger. Might I add, you appear to be interested by my books."
Khalfani nods his head in amused embarrassment. "My apologies for being so see-through, um, transparent," says Khalfani, stumbling slightly on the Mordentish tongue. "It is an impressive amount, sirrah. You have learned and studied much, it seems. Have you traveled much?" He walks along the stacks of books, seeming to admire them as a hunter might admire a stuffed boar's head above a mantle. As he looks, however, he pays particular attention to what books are on the top of the stacks or nearest to Lemay's chair.

Essentially, Khalfani wants to know what's been at the top of Lemay's "must-read" pile lately. :wink:

Re: A New Barovia: Chapter One

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 4:34 pm
by steveflam
VAN wrote:"Brass eh, good to know that. Do you have by any chance any spell that can change the metal weapon from one to another? As about facing it, well no. We have seen it but not facing it. Since you were blunt with us, may I ask you why you have let us in Mr Lemay? I mean strangers come to your house late at night without checking on Quorrin who we are and if indeed he sent us here. Don't get me wrong we are those who we say we are and indeed Quorrin told us to come and speak with you because you have that nuch knowledge and can help us to our investigation but you should admit that is a bit strange, that's all."

"Do I have a spell? You, uh, think me able to cast spells?" The man blinks a moment. "I am a Sage, not a Mage or Bard. As for Quorrin, I trust him implicitly, thus the reason for letting you in."
Ken of Ghastria wrote: Khalfani nods his head in amused embarrassment. "My apologies for being so see-through, um, transparent," says Khalfani, stumbling slightly on the Mordentish tongue. "It is an impressive amount, sirrah. You have learned and studied much, it seems. Have you traveled much?" He walks along the stacks of books, seeming to admire them as a hunter might admire a stuffed boar's head above a mantle. As he looks, however, he pays particular attention to what books are on the top of the stacks or nearest to Lemay's chair.
Essentially, Khalfani wants to know what's been at the top of Lemay's "must-read" pile lately. :wink:
Turning to Khalfani, he smiles at the Gnome. "Yes, I have traveled extensively our lands as a matter of fact. There are not many lands I haven't visited and spent time therein, really. I find different cultures fascinating to be frank."

Khalfani sees the books closest to Lemay are in a language he does not understand. The next pile are books on languages of the core. Specifically Balok, Zherisian, High Mordentish, Darkonian and a language called Chondonthyn [sp].

Re: A New Barovia: Chapter One

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 4:23 pm
by Ail

"Ah books..."

Robert says with a very badly feigned tone of interest. It's plain and clear to all he doesn't care much about them.
He looks around for a place to sit, feeling a bit uncomfortable in this den of knowledge and "sageness".

But he becomes interested when Lemay admits to travelling. He was a good traveller himself, too, although more for necessity than anything else. Sithicus, though, was a place he had never gone too. He almost had ventured south, once, escaping from one his many misfortunes on the road, but he gone turned to Borca instead. Not sure if it had been an improvement...

"Brass... I can't say I've ever found a good brass blade. But perhaps a hammer could be effective with it. I'm guessing... So, is brass easy to come by, here? That's the first problem before finding someone to work it."

He looks at the door handles in the house.

"On the other hand" he adds, musingly, "I'm guessing these things might be sheer dangerous to us. What can you suggest we use for our protection, Mr Lemay?"

OOC: is this common in game? For me brass could be easily found in handles, general metalwork, even maybe bells, but I don't know about Barovia. What is it like, Tarlyn? The PCs would know by now.

Re: A New Barovia: Chapter One

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 4:58 pm
by VAN
Adam's eyes shine as Lamay tells them that he travelled much.

"Well Mr Lamay I know that this isn't the right time but I would like to speak with you about your tavels one day if you want. I have travelled a lot myself as well and I do like share my experiences as long as learn from others. I have been in many lands, Darkon, Nova Vaasa, Tepest, Richmulot, Dementlieu and Borca and I have lived both good and bad experiences that if you are intrested can discuss with you over a cup of tea when this terrible monster will be taken down."

OOC> Yeah Adam is intrested in Lamay travels as well.

Re: A New Barovia: Chapter One

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2011 8:23 pm
by Ken of Ghastria
"I am pleased that you are so well traveled, sir," says Khalfani. He points to the Zherisian language book. "With your permission...?" Assuming Lemay does not object, the gnome begins examining the first pages as he continues talking. "Enlightenment comes from seeing new things. I'm sure recent years have been frustrating for you." He looks at Lemay casually.

"Is there a way of detecting the person who has been so cursed? The hair, the fingernails...?"

Re: A New Barovia: Chapter One

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 5:22 pm
by steveflam
VAN wrote:Adam's eyes shine as Lamay tells them that he travelled much.

"Well Mr Lamay I know that this isn't the right time but I would like to speak with you about your tavels one day if you want. I have travelled a lot myself as well and I do like share my experiences as long as learn from others. I have been in many lands, Darkon, Nova Vaasa, Tepest, Richmulot, Dementlieu and Borca and I have lived both good and bad experiences that if you are intrested can discuss with you over a cup of tea when this terrible monster will be taken down."

OOC> Yeah Adam is intrested in Lamay travels as well.

"Yes if I have the time, it would interest me to converse with you about the lands I have traveled, Adam. Learning other cultures and languages is imporant for a person in my opinion."

Turing to Robert, Lemay smiles.
Ail wrote:
"Ah books..."

Robert says with a very badly feigned tone of interest. It's plain and clear to all he doesn't care much about them.
He looks around for a place to sit, feeling a bit uncomfortable in this den of knowledge and "sageness".

But he becomes interested when Lemay admits to travelling. He was a good traveller himself, too, although more for necessity than anything else. Sithicus, though, was a place he had never gone too. He almost had ventured south, once, escaping from one his many misfortunes on the road, but he gone turned to Borca instead. Not sure if it had been an improvement...

"Brass... I can't say I've ever found a good brass blade. But perhaps a hammer could be effective with it. I'm guessing... So, is brass easy to come by, here? That's the first problem before finding someone to work it."

He looks at the door handles in the house.

"On the other hand" he adds, musingly, "I'm guessing these things might be sheer dangerous to us. What can you suggest we use for our protection, Mr Lemay?"
"To be honest, a brass blade would not last long. I am not one who is knowledgeable in creation of weapons but I deem it is not important what type of weapon it is, Robert. Though I suspect a mace might last longer than a sword and need less reparation. I have no clue as to where to purchase such an item or if any is readily available here in the city I'm afraid. And a book never harmed anyone, Robert. Knowledge is a good thing, my young friend. Don't forget that."
Ken of Ghastria wrote:"I am pleased that you are so well traveled, sir," says Khalfani. He points to the Zherisian language book. "With your permission...?" Assuming Lemay does not object, the gnome begins examining the first pages as he continues talking. "Enlightenment comes from seeing new things. I'm sure recent years have been frustrating for you." He looks at Lemay casually.

"Is there a way of detecting the person who has been so cursed? The hair, the fingernails...?"

Lemay looks at the Gnome and looks at the Zherisian language book. "I do have more than one copy. You may keep that one in return of a future promise to teaching me your language. I judge this to be a fair transaction. Though you will have to spend some time with me I am afraid.

As for the recent years, I was a bit frustrated at first but soon found other projects and caught up on my reading. As to noticing a werebadger in their natural form, I do not know as I have never seen one I am a afraid. I do hope I have been helpful to you all."

Re: A New Barovia: Chapter One

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 6:50 am
by BigBadQDaddy
Thomas clears his throat and pipes up from his lingering in the background. "Mr Lemay, you seem to me the sort who knows who's who. Would I be correct in assuming so?"

Re: A New Barovia: Chapter One

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 8:29 am
by Ken of Ghastria
tarlyn wrote:Lemay looks at the Gnome and looks at the Zherisian language book. "I do have more than one copy. You may keep that one in return of a future promise to teaching me your language. I judge this to be a fair transaction. Though you will have to spend some time with me I am afraid.

As for the recent years, I was a bit frustrated at first but soon found other projects and caught up on my reading. As to noticing a werebadger in their natural form, I do not know as I have never seen one I am a afraid. I do hope I have been helpful to you all."
Despite his disappointment on not getting even more information about werebadgers, Khalfani smiles. "Yes, that is a fair transaction! I shall gladly accept your book as 'payment' for teaching you the Akiri tongue." Khalfani raises his hand toward his face, then remembers that many in the Core frown upon the Akiri custom of ending a transaction by spitting in the hand and then shaking the other person's hand. After an instant's pause, Khalfani continues moving his hand up to scratch an nonexistant itch under his kaffiyeh.

He then listens for the response to Adam's question and begins thinking of tinkerers in the city who might have access to brass....

Re: A New Barovia: Chapter One

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 5:45 pm
by VAN
"I will be very happy to do that Mr. Lemay. I'm sure you have a great amount of experience as well to share from your travels. Can you tell me where you have been?"

Thinking that they are there for a mission Adam cleares his throught and says:

"We have been told that a demi human might be the werebadger. And this demihuman in my opinion is a spellcaster because managed to get in Militia Headquarters unseen. Have you heard of any spellcaster demihuman in Krezk Mr Lemay?"

Re: A New Barovia: Chapter One

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 6:08 pm
by Ail
"Pardon me, Adam. But I don't think we have established he was working alone. For all we know, he could have had some help getting inside. Not necessarily being a spellcaster, you know...

But now that I think of it, let's remember what Thomas said earlier on. This guy is someone who knew the workings of the militia headquarters at least, someone who has access to the insides of it. Not many demi-humans will have that, right? Right?"

Re: A New Barovia: Chapter One

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:11 pm
by steveflam
BigBadQDaddy wrote:Thomas clears his throat and pipes up from his lingering in the background. "Mr Lemay, you seem to me the sort who knows who's who. Would I be correct in assuming so?"
" I am unsure of what yo mean by that, Thomas. I do know who the Mayor is, who is the head of the Militia here, about the Goblyns if that is what you mean."
VAN wrote:"I will be very happy to do that Mr. Lemay. I'm sure you have a great amount of experience as well to share from your travels. Can you tell me where you have been?"

Thinking that they are there for a mission Adam cleares his throught and says:

"We have been told that a demi human might be the werebadger. And this demihuman in my opinion is a spellcaster because managed to get in Militia Headquarters unseen. Have you heard of any spellcaster demihuman in Krezk Mr Lemay?"
"Um, there is of course a crazy old dark elf who is in the care of Captain Dmitri, his name Jacob. Spellcasters do not announce themselves much in the city. Citizens fear magic which is normal under the circumstances. As for where I have been, let me see.

I have visited the rest of Barovia years ago, Darkon, Paridon my homeland, Borca, Sithicus, Har'A'Kir[sp], Mordent, Lamordia, Nova Vaasa, Falkovnia, Dementlieu, Richemulot and my favorite.... Kartakass."

He turns to Khalfani now, and offers a cheeky smile in reaction the gnome's body language.
Ken of Ghastria wrote: Despite his disappointment on not getting even more information about werebadgers, Khalfani smiles. "Yes, that is a fair transaction! I shall gladly accept your book as 'payment' for teaching you the Akiri tongue." Khalfani raises his hand toward his face, then remembers that many in the Core frown upon the Akiri custom of ending a transaction by spitting in the hand and then shaking the other person's hand. After an instant's pause, Khalfani continues moving his hand up to scratch an nonexistant itch under his kaffiyeh.

He then listens for the response to Adam's question and begins thinking of tinkerers in the city who might have access to brass....
"Master Gnome, I wish to learn the gnome tongue, not Akiri. And as your custom dictates," here he spits in his hand and offers it to Khalfani, "This is how we seal our transaction, am I not mistaken?"

Re: A New Barovia: Chapter One

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2011 10:25 am
by VAN
Adam nods.

"Yes you are right Robert more people can be involved into this, but one of them could be a spelllcaster as well".

Turning again to Lemay says:

"Well do you know anyone else apart of the dark elf Jacob that might have access in militia Headquaerters? Or is a spellcaster? As about the travels yes after we have caught this werebadger we can share our experiences in these lands over a cup of tea if you want Mr. Lemay."