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Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 12:47 pm
by Nathan of the FoS
Rock wrote:"And does it grant life, or undeath? The story seems a little ambiguous, to me."
"Perhaps there is little difference," Charles says musingly; for just a moment his eyes flit to Khalil and Ulsaon stepping outside. Returning his attention to Devereux, he continues, "My own question would be, if Menanashte is the possessor of the Eye, is he still alive?"

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 1:23 pm
by Rock of the Fraternity
Lia visibly starts, then shudders. "What a lovely thought," she whispers acidly. "Either a centuries old human, with all the knowledge and power of a golden age of long ago, or a centuries old ancient dead with that same knowledge. And either one in possession of an artifact that staves off death. I see we'll need to bring our best artifact weapons on this expedition ..."

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 1:31 pm
by yalenusveler
Andre shudders, as if facing some sudden chill. "Gods...did anyone feel that? It's like that courier lad let in the cold air." He then stopped to consider Devereux's story. "And..that's the problem with gifts from the Gods, really. Except for Ezra, they're not exactly known for maintaining a perspective on things us mere mortals can comprehend, except in the vaguest possible ways."

He stopped for a moment, then turned to Devereux "And...just who gave you this book of tales, eh?"

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 1:48 pm
by DocBeard
What we need, Tomas decides to himself apon seeing Lia helpless with laughter, is one of those Zhersian kam-eras, to record moments like this. No one would believe me back home!

"Gosh." The Lamordian, sharing his countrymen's mild inability to really 'get' the whole follower-diety relationship, is slightly less awed by the whole idea: why wouldn't a diety reward a useful follower, after all? "I wonder what he did to get something like that. At least that explains why people think we're interested in this. It sort of seems like the kind of thing unscrupulous treasure hunters would be into. Even if it isn't real, the story would be enough to sell it to someone who would /think/ it is real, no?"

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 2:50 pm
by NeoTiamat

At the Inn

Devereux flipped through the book. "Er... I think the priest got some very good use out of the Eye, but it says here he eventually tired of living, and the Eye of Anubis was buried with mention of undead.... Doesn't say if its Menetnashte or someone else either..."

Prof. Devereux looked up from the book at Andre's question. "Oh, this! Er... Prof. Ramsey gave it to me as a parting gift when the Expedition was announced. It's... ah...from his personal library I think."

Devereux pauses reflectively. "I gave him a very nice inkstand back. Er...I hope he likes it."

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On the Streets of Port-a-Lucine

The kid was in the tavern for a minute, maybe two, before exiting once more. He led the two pursuers on a merry chase through the rainy streets, ducking and weaving and taking the most obscure shortcuts Khalil or Ulsaon had ever seen, but somehow they managed to keep with him.

It took a while before the two realized they were back on the University grounds. The young boy didn't so much as pause, but was soon at the outskirts of the University of Dementlieu. The kid stopped outside a pair of tall, wrought-iron gates, and with a push, opened them and slipped inside the compound.

The grounds were quite large, far as Khalil and Ulsaon could see, a square mile or so of gently sloping hills forested in gloomy cypress trees. A single cobblestone road wound up towards a distant house on a hill. A tall, wrought iron fence encircled the home, ten feet tall and tipped with spikes, though the gate was ajar. A pair of shrubs flanked the entrance, sculpted to resemble a leaping leopard with flashing claws and a boar at bay. The topiary animals were pinnacles of the gardener's art.

In large letters above the gate, the words:
  • Harrow House
Were written. To the side of the gate, a discreet plaque proclaimed.
  • Trespassers enter at their own risk.

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 3:55 pm
by Rock of the Fraternity
'Ramsey,' Lia thinks. 'The man who would be a god. And who said that a man could not fail but become a god, if he only has enough time and willpower ... and he just happened to give professor Devereux a book that tells us all about the Eye of Anubis. Feint or trap, Ramsey? Do you want to make sure we'll bring it back for you ... or do you expect us to rush headlong into it and spring some horrible trap? Or perhaps you'd have us be your guinea pigs. And then again, perhaps none of the above. You enjoy playing mind games, it seems to me. I'll just wait and see how this turns out.'

"At this time," Lia says, her voice rising slightly, "I wish to repeat a proposal I made before. I suggest we bind ourselves together, be it through oath or contract. If the Eye is real, then it -- not to mention the other riches of Menetnashte's tomb -- forms a very real temptation. And temptation is almost always dangerous.
Let us agree formally to stand together and protect one another, not to doublecross, betray or rob one another, until we return from the expedition to Dementlieu."

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 4:53 pm
by steveflam
Ulsaon looks at Khalil and whispers "Well, what do you think? Signs haven't stopped me before and I'm persuaded to believe neither have they stopped you either." Judging by the ease in which you move around in the dark, I might add.

"I can perhaps ease our entry with a spell. Put an obscuring mist in an area and sneak in or just do the bold, my favorite, and enter at the owners risk, not ours" she says with confidence.

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 5:23 pm
by Nathan of the FoS
Rock wrote:"At this time," Lia says, her voice rising slightly, "I wish to repeat a proposal I made before. I suggest we bind ourselves together, be it through oath or contract. If the Eye is real, then it -- not to mention the other riches of Menetnashte's tomb -- forms a very real temptation. And temptation is almost always dangerous. Let us agree formally to stand together and protect one another, not to doublecross, betray or rob one another, until we return from the expedition to Dementlieu."
Sheer folly, Charles thinks as Lia makes her proposal; his expression remains as polite and blank as ever, but mentally he shakes his head and sighs. Well-meant, but folly. What good are promises when the prize is so rich? And who can know what commitments have already been made? may prove interesting to see how others react to it.

"I think your idea is excellent, Miss Mourneswaith," he says aloud. "For my part I am certainly willing to give my word to this company that I will do all in my power to see that all of us return safely to Dementlieu, and that the riches of Menetnashte find their home here in the University, as objects of study, rather than enriching any individual member or group of members of the expedition."

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 5:45 pm
by Rock of the Fraternity
'Does he think me a fool, or an inexperienced child?' Lia thinks, shaking her head sharply.

"I do not speak of a promise," she hisses, "but of oaths and contracts. We have a priest among us, and some very clever men. I am thinking of something altogether more binding than a simple promise."

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 6:01 pm
by steveflam
Allikhain raises an eyebrow at the thought of signing anything. I'd rather slide down a razor blade and into a pit of acid. I'l give my word but no signature of mine is going to find it's way onto a paper. I don't trust anyone enough to do that. I gave my word I'd guard and that I'll do.

She says as much to the gathered party. "If I might interject on my own part. I gave my word I'd guard the party, and my word is my oath. I won't sign any paper, Lia, sorry. Not now or ever." She thinks a moment then reiterates so everyone gets her point.

"I've never signed anything before and certainly won't start now. My word has been good enough before and still is until proved to the contrary. If you people want to sign anything be my guest, just count me out."

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 6:07 pm
by Rock of the Fraternity
"A formal oath, then," Lia replies smoothly. "One sworn on whatever each of us holds most sacred, sworn in full sight and presence of all the others. Is that acceptable to everyone?"

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 6:25 pm
by Nathan of the FoS
Rock wrote:"I do not speak of a promise," she hisses, "but of oaths and contracts. We have a priest among us, and some very clever men. I am thinking of something altogether more binding than a simple promise."
"Like M'selle Allikhain, I have nothing more binding than my word to give," Charles says flatly. "I am frankly against anything that smacks of magical compulsion, Miss Mourneswaith. You have all heard me give my word, freely and without demand for reciprocation--in the presence of a priest, yet. A gentleman and a worshipper of our Lady can do nothing better."

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 6:48 pm
by lostboy
Khalil scans the property from the shadow of the building opposite.
Looking down he sees the impetuousness in Ulsaons face. "Patience, my little friend is the key of paradise. I am wary of this place, the door is open as if to welcome us, also I believe we are being watched and maybe followed. Perhaps our skills in the dark are not as keen as we think."

He pauses looking again at the property opposite as well as scannign the rooftops and trees visible through the rain and darkness.

[OOC: Spot = 18 ]

By the Inn that could not have been a conincidence......besides I have other things to worry about...

"I do not think we can profit by breaching this gate alone, this is University grounds, and I will guess the gendarmes are on alert tongiht against another incident. I also imagine that whoever resides in this Harrow House is well known enough that we do not need to discover their name."

Turning to Ulsaon he says "Sometimes one must know when to remain cautious like the jackal, or perhaps like the hunting dog with strength in numbers. One of us should wait here and keep watch, the other should return to the Inn for the others, what do you say?"

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 8:13 pm
by NeoTiamat

At the Inn

The others considered Lia's proposal with relative amounts of enthusiasm, though the bulk of the group seemed to be of Charles's opinion regarding magical compulsion.

"Never." Sarari had been unduly quiet the night so far, but her heavily accented voice was firm. "No binding, never again."

"I am forced to agree with Mademoiselle Sarari." Prof. Marchand-Renier gazed at Lia with a kindly gaze. "I am very sorry Miss Mournswaithe, but while are all duly loyal to the Expedition, I fear that frightful oaths are more at home in primitive lands, not in Dementlieu."

"I wouldn't mind." Remy said quietly, torn between supporting Lia and going against his professor. "Just tell me what I need to do..."

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Outside Harrow House

As the two would-be trackers were discussing their next course of action, a single light came down the path inside the fence. As it came closer, they could see it was a lantern.

An old man, hunched forward slightly and with slate-grey hair, came forward, raising the covered lantern high. In his other hand he bore a musket, and a pair of basset hounds dogged his steps, small, short-legged animals with long ears. He glared at Khalil and Ulsaon.

"What in tarnation are you two loitering around here at half-past two in the morning? This here's University Property, and yez iz trespassing." The man hefted his shotgun threateningly. "Go on, git! Get yer sorry carcasses out of here before I sic Bill and Lucy on yez."

The two basset hounds started yapping enthusiastically.

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 9:04 pm
by DocBeard
Tomas looks over to Devrauex, trying to gauge his professor's reaction to the proposial.