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Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 3:41 pm
by BigBadQDaddy
William gives George a knowing look as he introduces himself to the old sailor.
"It's nice to encounter such a civil group of people on our travels. And family no less. The things I could tell you of the folk we have encountered since we left on our journey. The inn keepers alone are enough to make your skin crawl."
After making his jest, he holds George's gaze a moment or two, as if implying their is something else he would like to discuss with him more discreetly.
He perks up at the sound of one of the young twins mentioning his name. He can't remember which, either Laurie or Gennifer.
"Yes ma'am, you would be correct. I am no Darkonian. I hale from the city of Paridon. The city cradled in the mists. Haven't been there in quite some time though to tell ya the truth. Been sailin' the sea of sorrows since I was a wee lad mostly. Course, I don't sail so much these days." He finishes with a somewhat sorrowful smile.
After hearing Lucius mention Mordent, William quites up to listen.

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 5:23 pm
by A G Thing
Deari simply nodded slightly with a little bit of a sharp exhale, and smiled in response leaning against the wall, and letting Lucius pull away slowly to tuck in Vassili... She did however make sure to watch as he left, carring the child with him, and told Hobert to follow and stay with the boy as he slept. She was so excited and yet flustered, as this was such a good moment. She enjoyed his rather bold touch and was so sure she was not hidding it well at the table but she did not care.

Still there was some time before most of the others would bed down, but she was so distracted by the feelings she was having she was mostly unconcerned on what would be said. She waited there where she was off to the side, where Lucius had last seen her, and they would return together once more, when he was done tucking in the child. She knew earlier she would have to wait and be patient through tonight but that was certainly more difficult that it had seemed before...

But she would do what was right, if she thought he was in danger, and she would wait for that to be so. She was only so convinced and wondered against herself if she was over protective. She heard mumbles of the conversation she was missing from her spot, and while she could make out some of it she knew she was not going to catch it all. She was sure however that she would be brought up on it, later...

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 6:47 pm
by steveflam
Jacob listens as he cooks. The three newcomers seem interested in him and when they eat, he speaks for himself. "I'm an outlander, if it please you. I've been with these fine people for a few months. Well, ever since I arrived here in your land. In actuality, I hide my real shape as in my land, most of my race are evil. Here, I'll show you what I mean. I am unsure if you've any of my race here in your lands in all honesty."

Jacob removes small item from his hair and before you stands his real dark elf form.

This is the first time the party actually sees what the dark elf really looks like. He now waits for George's reaction. The man eyes Jacob carefully, and appears concerned. Then his eyes take in the dark elf's holy symbol and he relaxes once more.

"You worship the Morninglord on your land? I'd be ineterested to learn more sometime, if you're willing."

"In my land he has a name, the Morninglord. Lathander is what he goes by. Maybe we can share some information here, if you are willing. A simple question on my part, in any case. Have you heard of a certain elderly gentleman Balfour de Casteeles? We ran into him on more than one occasion and he apperas to have taken an interest in our activities."

"Interesting, about the Morninglord. You being an outlander does surprise me. I am presuming you arrived via the mists?"

"Yes I did, as a matter of fact. I am beginning to think this may be how us outlanders arrive in your land. Once in Darkon I will be researching your lands as much as I can. I'll be in Martira bay for a while in actuality."

"Casteeles? That old coot? He is more than he appears, that's for sure. He belongs to some Fraternity, if my information is correct. I know not the name, but I do know they ineterest themselves in everything occult or arcane in these lands in as much as I know. They're very secretive, so little is known of them. If he shows interest in your group, that can be construed as a good omen. They don't usually involve themselves in the activities of people unless it is important. I've never heard of them impeding a person or a group's activities.

In fact I seem to recall on more than one occasion they've involved themselves slightly if only to aid people. This is either by direct involvement or from the sidelines. Recently I heard they helped a band of adventurers out of Sri Raji. Apart from that, I don't know more."

Jacob hides his surprise. So this man is well informed. Fair enough. And it means that the party is known to a Fraternity. From George's description it seems this Society isn't an evil one and that Casteeles belongs to it. Judging from what George has said, perhaps the items they carry were what interests this Fraternity. It remains to be seen what this Fraternity would do about the items once they arrived in Darkon.

Turning to William, George returns the look. He understands the underlying stare, but says nothing. He'd find some private time with the sailor later.

"Lucius, as for my family's name, I can't help you on that matter. Neither can the girls. I never was one for studyng my family's name or its history, to be honest. I left that to other members of my family. I'm sure once you're in Darkon you can research it more. Sorry I can't help you more."

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 7:07 pm
by ewancummins
George scans the room and spies Cornelius as well as Jacob. Excusing himself from the others, he walks over to Cornelius and introduces himself.
"I'm George Weathermay. Nice to make your acquaintance, friend dwarf. You travel far from your kin, I see. Might I inquire as to what brings you to be with these men and that one?," he nods towards the cooking drow.
"He isn't like any elf I've seen before, to be perfectly honest."

Cornelius answers George.

''I am Cornelius Ordmann. It is good to meet you, George Weathermay. I travel with these humans and the elf because they are my friends. As for the elf, well, he's not from Darkon or from Sithicus. You cannot expect all elves to look and speak the same, anymore than you'd suppose all humans to be of one kind.''

With that, the dwarf seats himself and is content for the time being to allow the evening's conversation to unfold around him. His pet lizard crawls out of its hiding spot in his satchel and perches on his right shoulder. Like its master, the reptile watches the busy humans in silence.

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 7:53 am
by VAN
"Well we might be strange group and from different lands, but we are tied and we care very much for each other. I'm from Darkon, as Cornelius and Lucius. We came here in Kartakass for a quest the Temple of Martira Bay asked us to do. If I'm not indiscreet you said you are looking for a friend of yours. What is his name and how he looks like? We may have bumped intto him these days."

During the dinner Van glares a few times Gennifer, she was the only one of the family that she hasn't said a word.

At the mention of Fraternity Van quirks an eyebrow.

"I have been to Darkon and travelled a lot and still have never heard of this Fraternity, guess because that is secret. But why? Do they have a reason to be so secretive? And can you please tell us more about this band of adventurers out of Sri Raji."

Van eyes his companions.

"I think we are this is band of adventures..."

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 9:30 am
by BigBadQDaddy
Lowering himself into a seat, William mutters in a disdainful voice, "So, the old man has a whole Fraternity taken interest in our little collection of doer-wells. Hmph."

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 12:12 pm
by Ail
Lucius takes Vassili to one of hte rooms and gently lays him on the bed, pulling the covers up. He stays for sometime looking at the sleeping child, thinking
You and I are very much the same right now: a potential danger for the ones around. And barely aware of in how many different ways that danger can manifest. Let's hope we can solve both of our problems in Darkon. Ezra grant us that!
He went to the window and looked outside. The night was starry and calm. Nothing dangerous could be seen, and in the far distance, some brightness of the sky denounced the proximity of Pel. Hobert came to meet him, looking up and yelping lowly. Lucius began carressing his head affectionately, and Hobert seemed to enjoy. He stood up on his hindlegs, nestling his muzzle near Lucius stomach. Lucius grinned and said
"You're a clever dog, Hobert. Sometimes it seems as you can understand people..."
He still ruffled the dog, but did not encourage his plays.
"You know I'm not the playing kind, Hobert. Cornelius will probably be a better companion for you in that area. While I..."

He looked through the window again, and then continued aloud, half speaking to himself and half to Hobert. He was sure the dog would understand him: he always seemed to have a preternatural connection with Deari anyway.
"Funny how I came to find love so far away from home. And so unexpectedly too. I may not be the wisest person in the world tonight, I know I feel inebriated. But even then, I must not do anything foolish. I must not harm Deari through my ignorance, I must not do anything that may condemn her to a possible existence of suffering. Oh, if I only knew how this dreaded disease passes from person to person."
He looked at Hobert as if expecting an answer, but all he got in return was a really good attempt at a wet lick of his face.
"Of course you wouldn't know that, but I wonder... will that book Casteele gave Cornelius speak of it? I wonder where the Dwarf has put it. Of course, with our guests around here tonight, it's probably not the best course of action to ask him directly. Meanwhile, I'll play safe... no bites, no scratches... even if I'm in the guise of a man today and those might be harmless."

And to himself, a thought that made him blush but which he, even alone, did not dare to pronounce aloud.
And not that, either... not all the way, at least.
Judging from their mutual yearning, and the occasional stiffled moaning he had heard from her earlier this evening (which he truly believed only he had heard), that possibility was not at all unlikely. It might not happen just yet, the chance might not even come for many days, but it was looming on the horizon. He turned to go back inside.

"Come along, Hobert."
But the dog merely whined a bit, lay on the floor at the foot of Vassili's bed and hid his head between his paws. He gave a single bark and then assumed a guarding position. Lucius smiled and thought
Yes, probably you have your own tasks too

He returned to the room and stood behind Deari, gently holding her head and caressing her cheeks and hair. He surveyed the whole space and tried to understand the point of the conversation. He had still heard George's comments about Balfour and Mordent, but was no longer present when Van had asked about the party from Sri Raji. But instead of asking any new question, he was only interested in ascertaining what had already been asked, and what answers had been given. He spied the place where Cornelius had laid his wares, but decidedly said to himself
I'm not going to steal his things, even if the book could help us all!.

Remembering his vow of earlier days Let's be happy while we can he let once again the mood of the room insinuate into his spirit and ease his worries. He sat next to Deari as before, and now calm and smiling, he took her face, looked at her deep beckoning happy eyes and said lowly, so only she could hear "Deari, I love you" which he crowned with a heartfelt kiss on her lips. He then sat by her side, his hand in hers again, while looking at her beauty. Still, he attempted to be marginally attentive to what else transpired in the room, trying to perceive if these strangers could actually know anything that might help him with his dilemmas.

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 2:01 pm
by A G Thing
Deari is quite glad to have Lucius back and rests well as they sit, once more at the table. Of course she responds quite in kind with his kiss and, then responds in kind to Lucius words as well.

"I love you too..."

She rests back and listens to the conversation as it progresses with a rather contented look in her eyes. She does not find much want to speak or add in until she looks at the rather quite of the two sisters, Gennifer. She does not know what is holding the girl back from the talk. Still what to broach conversation with them...

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 2:57 am
by ewancummins
Cornelius gets to his feet and walks over to one of the windows and opens it. Checking the bug net he'd emplaced earlier, he's pleased to find that the honey-baited trap contains numerous insects. Reaching up, he plucks insects from the netting and feeds them his rock lizard., one by one.

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 6:17 am
by Ail
As Cornelius stands and goes to see his net, Lucius goes suddenly pale. He only relaxes when the Dwarf feeds only his lizard (he's still remembered of the weevils he so enjoyed in Sri Raji), but even so he tries to attract the guests' attention away from him.

"And so, why don't you tell us more about you? What brings you to Kartakass, alone on the road? You said you could defend yourselves, and it is clear this is not the first time you choose to stay away from cities and inns..."

He leaves the idea hanging in the air, insistingly like a question.

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 4:45 pm
by steveflam
VAN wrote: I'm from Darkon, as Cornelius and Lucius. We came here in Kartakass for a quest the Temple of Martira Bay asked us to do. If I'm not indiscreet you said you are looking for a friend of yours. What is his name and how he looks like? We may have bumped intto him these days.

At the mention of Fraternity Van quirks an eyebrow.

"I have been to Darkon and travelled a lot and still have never heard of this Fraternity, guess because that is secret. But why? Do they have a reason to be so secretive? And can you please tell us more about this band of adventurers out of Sri Raji."

Van eyes his companions.

"I think we are this is band of adventures..."
George raises an eyebrow at that admission. "It appears you get around. Well I can't tell you what I don't know, about the adventurers. What I have heard is they traveled with the old man on a boat from Sri Raji to Martira Bay. My contact tells me they are in search of items. Now that I think of it, you are short a few members from the information I had learned. I won't pry, mind you.

I am looking for Rudolph Van Richten, truth be told. I heard he may have been here recently. The tales of his death may well be exaggerated, if you ask me."

He pauses, rubbing his eyes and stretching to get comfortable.

Ail wrote: "And so, why don't you tell us more about you? What brings you to Kartakass, alone on the road? You said you could defend yourselves, and it is clear this is not the first time you choose to stay away from cities and inns..."
He leaves the idea hanging in the air, insistingly like a question.
"Well... for me, well I've been traveling many years on the road. And I don't only hunt game." He says this matter-of-factly, not an ounce of boast in his voice at all.

"Actually the girls have only just recently joined me on the road. Up until recently they spent their life in Mordent. They're really interested in the good Doctor. Mostly I keep them in check so they don't hurt themselves."

He winks at both girls. Laurie sticks her tongue out at her uncle and Gennifer speaks for the first time. "Yes George, and we also keep an eye on you." She giggles and then goes back to her silence, observing the goings on in the shelter.

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 5:03 pm
by Ail
Lucius hears more attentively at George's words. As he hears the name Mordent, he assents with his head calculatingly, but says nothing.

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 6:22 pm
by A G Thing
Deari pays attention at the turn of the conversation, and she finds a question in her mind.

"Forgive me for doubting your skill, but why are you traveling alone? You could have traveled with a caravan or such perhaps, but you put yourself and these girls at risk for more danger to the were creatures or other perils here? Are you prepared for such?"

She is concerned and confused, and hopes to hear what they think on this because perhaps they have not heard or did not take such tales seriously. She has just learned different herself and wants to make sure to try to tell them if it was so.

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 6:28 pm
by Ail
Lucius looks at Deari smilingly. He ruffles her hair and then outlines her ears, while looking at the twins and waiting for an answer. In his mind, he still considers the name George said. It dropped like a bomb in his mind, and all suddenly brought up the memories from his teaching days.

He mumbled softly to himself, but of course Deari still heard him
"... they said the Société had all of his books stored in secure places for the senior members..." There was some kind of hypnotic dance in his eyes, as he said this... but it could as well be just daydreaming.

He was now holding her tight to him, and carressing her arm up and down, as if keeping Deari from cold.

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 6:31 pm
by steveflam
George turns to Deari, smiling. "You've been in Kartakass, my dear. You're still alive. I am thinking that some of your companions have been here before and know the perils of the land. My nieces and I are well prepared to face the lycnathropic scum here. On more than one occasion we've faced this were creature or that and have survived."

He sighs and runs his hand through his hair, holding his hat in the other and laying it in his lap. "I can assure you that my nieces and I are well versed as well as trained against such creatures. To answer your question, well we are as ready as one can be against Lycanthropes. We carry many types of weapons and know how to use them. As for us being alone, that is a false assumption on your part. Many times we've been accompanied by friends to help us against the were creatures. It just happens that at this time we are alone. That won't last long, I can assure you."