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Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 1:53 pm
by Kaitou Kage
Art for the Red Jack


Needs a border still, but otherwise done.

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2009 3:15 pm
by EO
Looks good. :D

Also, looking at those stat blocks, I'm thinking it may be better to either release two versions (4E/3.5) or release only one book, but with a supplement with the stats of the other edition.

The problem with lumping stats for 4E/3.5 into the same book is that it will encumber the book with a lot of crunch. Each of those blocks takes about half a page to a page, so having two for each fey will really lenghten the text. Since most people will either use 4E or 3.5, they don't need the two editions' stats side by side. I'd rather either release a supplement or two versions of the same book.

What do you guys think?

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 4:06 pm
by Sorti
Added hp and Charisma to the Elegist. What do you mean with "a CR 11 boss monster"? as a CR 11 monster he's not a boss fight for an 11th level party alone, better for a 6th-7th level party. Still he's not harmless (he can conjure 5 ghouls per round, and his Bardic Music DCs are 33 on average).

Doubled Cecil's HD, added SLAs and tactics on how to make him deadly as never before :) (and yeah, he's pretty deadly, maybe too much?)
EO wrote:The problem with lumping stats for 4E/3.5 into the same book is that it will encumber the book with a lot of crunch. Each of those blocks takes about half a page to a page, so having two for each fey will really lenghten the text. Since most people will either use 4E or 3.5, they don't need the two editions' stats side by side. I'd rather either release a supplement or two versions of the same book.
We can have Appendix I: 3.5e stats and Appendix II: 4e stats, so if somebody is not interested he does not have to skip them every time while reading.

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 5:42 pm
by Kaitou Kage
I like the idea of using an Appendix for stats. My personal thought is we should include the 4e stat blocks with the book. As Neo said, there are a slew of 3.5e fey and so on, but not as many 4e ones. We can make the appendix be the 3.5 stats.

Speaking of 3.5 stats, I'm no better at them than Neo is, so I'm leaving my creations in your capable hands, too, Sorti.

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 6:30 pm
by NeoTiamat
The Amadan-na-Scathan Level 19 Elite Soldier (Leader)
Medium Fey Humanoid XP 4,800

Initiative +18 Senses Perception +18; truesight 5
The Prince's Mien aura 1; enemies that start their turns in the aura are dazed.
Reckless Tactics aura 10; lower-level fey allies in the aura gain a +2 bonus to their damage rolls (+4 vs. bloodied enemies).
HP 354; Bloodied 177
AC 37; Fortitude 32, Reflex 34, Will 32
Saving Throws +2
Speed 8
Action Points 1

[BM] Darkling Axe (standard; at-will) * Weapon
+26 vs. AC; 2d10+7 damage, and ongoing 10 damage (save ends). Failed Save: The target loses a healing surge.

[R] The Fool's Arrows (standard; at-will) * Weapon
Range 10/20; +26 vs. AC; 3d6+8 damage and the target is pushed 1 square.

[C] Nine-Fold Curse (standard; encounter; recharges when first bloodied) * Psychic
Clost Blast 4; +22 vs. Will; 4d8+7 psychic damage and the target is weakened (save ends).

[M] Mirror Strike (immediate reaction, when a melee attack misses the Amadan; at-will) * Weapon
The Amadan-na-Scathan attacks the enemy that missed it: +26 vs. AC; 1d10+6 damage.

Second Wind (standard; encounter) * Healing
The Amadan-na-Scathan spends a healing surge and regains 88 hit points. The Amadan gains a +2 bonus to all defenses until the start of its next turn.

Skills Acrobatics +21, Athletics +19, Endurance +17, Diplomacy +21, History +19
Str 20 (+14) Dex 25 (+16) Wis 19 (+13)
Con 17(+12) Int 21 (+14) Cha 24 (+16)
Equipment Obsidian battleaxe, longbow

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 11:00 pm
by NeoTiamat
Re: Elegist

I just meant more HP and Constituion, but that works. I was just thinking that he's supposed to be someone important, and at first he looked as though one good fireball would put paid to him. (I tend to subscribe to the idea that all the Spell Resistance and DR and etc. can't substitute for having enough HP to last a bit)

Bardic Music DC 33?! :shock: Might be a good idea to slightly tamp that down...

Re: Cecil

*whistles* I like the Alabaster connection, particularly the thought that he can turn into an Egyptian-type cat statue at will.

Still, looking it over, it might be simpler to basically just say he casts spells as a Wizard or Sorcerer of ________ level and leave it at that. It saves us from having to come up with SLAs, and it makes him more customizeable as a foe. Probably as one of 10th level or so, since he does have a bunch of other abilities (and is Tiny-sized, which is nice from the AC perspective.)

I'd keep the Alabaster ability as a SU just because it's cool.


Just a general thought (and yes, I know this is just slightly late), but have you considered the New Form stat-blocks? The ones that showed up in MMIV and MMV and a few of the later books?


Re: 3E vs. 4E

Hrm. Of all the proposals, I think I like Sorti's proposal best. Have one book, and then at the end have two appendices, one each for 3rd Edition ad 4th Edition statistic.

This way we won't have people who prefer one edition to the other yelling at us for favoritism.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 12:50 pm
by Sorti
NeoTiamat wrote: I just meant more HP and Constituion, but that works. I was just thinking that he's supposed to be someone important, and at first he looked as though one good fireball would put paid to him. (I tend to subscribe to the idea that all the Spell Resistance and DR and etc. can't substitute for having enough HP to last a bit)
Well I thought that since he's described as slender and frail he shouldn't have Con 20...
NeoTiamat wrote:Bardic Music DC 33?! :shock: Might be a good idea to slightly tamp that down...
Ah don't worry, suggestion and mass suggestion work only on fascinated targets, and fascinate doesn't work during combat. Anyway, that's more or less the DC the bardic music has for a bard around that level.

NeoTiamat wrote:Still, looking it over, it might be simpler to basically just say he casts spells as a Wizard or Sorcerer of ________ level and leave it at that. It saves us from having to come up with SLAs, and it makes him more customizeable as a foe. Probably as one of 10th level or so, since he does have a bunch of other abilities (and is Tiny-sized, which is nice from the AC perspective.)
I gave him SLAs instead of caster level because I want to avoid him becoming "just another mage". and begin casting fireballs, fly, and other flashy spells... I think it's better to having him stick to thematically-coerent spells :)

NeoTiamat wrote:Just a general thought (and yes, I know this is just slightly late), but have you considered the New Form stat-blocks? The ones that showed up in MMIV and MMV and a few of the later books?
In fact, I didn't :D I have a program that generates the stats in this form, and I'm lazy :)

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 1:25 pm
by NeoTiamat
*snickers* Well, that is one argument I can't very well rebut, so this format works for me.

As far as Cecil goes, he probably is a bit nasty for a 12th level foe, but not unduly so.

As for HP, thought occurs to me (not for the Elegist, necessarily, but for the scrawnier Fey in general). Some Undead have a thing called Unholy Toughness, wherein they add Charisma as if it was Constitution. A few of our lower-constitution Faerie could benefit from it. After all, just because Red Jack looks like an old geezer, or the Elegist like a gothic poet doesn't mean they're not unnaturally tough.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 1:58 pm
by NeoTiamat
Cecil, the Master Cat Level 15 Elite Controller
Tiny Fey Magical Beast XP 2,400

Initiative +11 Senses Perception +17; truesight 6
Plague of Misfortune aura 5; enemies in the aura take a –2 penalty to attack rolls.
HP 288; Bloodied 144
AC 29; Fortitude 25, Reflex 29, Will 28
Saving Throws +2
Speed 6
Action Points 1

[BM] Claws (standard; at-will)
Reach 0; +20 vs. AC; 1d6+4 damage.

[R] Eyes of Eternity (minor; at-will) * Gaze
Range sight; +18 vs. Will; the target must roll twice for its next attack roll and take the worse of the two results. This effect lasts for one attack roll or until the start of Cecil's next turn, whichever comes first.

[R]Flesh to Alabaster (standard; recharge 6) * Gaze
Range 5; blind creatures are immune; +18 vs. Fortitude; the target is slowed (save ends). First Failed Save: The target is immobilized instead of slowed (save ends). Second Failed Save: The target is petrified (no save).

Shadow Path (move; recharge 56) * Teleportation
Cecil teleports 8 squares.

Alabaster Form (standard; at-will) * Polymorph
Cecil takes the form of a gold and alabaster cat statue and gains resist 25 to all damage and regeneration 5. Cecil can take no actions in Alabaster form other than revert to its normal form (as a minor action). Cecil does, however, maintain all of his senses and can communicate telepathically.

Skills Acrobatics +16, Arcana +19, History +19, Religion +19, Bluff +18, Diplomacy +18, Insight +17, Stealth +16
Str 4 (+4) Dex 19 (+11) Wis 21 (+12)
Con 16 (+10) Int 24 (+14) Cha 23 (+13)


Tactics: By and large, Cecil tries to avoid combat if at all possible. If he does enter into a fight, it is usually at the side of a more prominent 'Master', such as a human Death Knight (Level 17 Elite Soldier) or a Drow Priest (Level 16 Controller (Leader), or behind a line of Faerie henchmen such as War Trolls (Level 14 Soldier), Drider Fanglords and Shadowspinners (Level 14 Brute and Skirmishers), or Cyclops Impalers, Ramblers, and Guards (Level 14 Artillery, Skirmisher, Minions), or both.

Once the actual fight begins, Cecil finds himself a good position (possibly via teleportation) where his aura can affect the enemy but where Cecil himself is out of the line of fire. Cecil then proceeds to use the Eyes of Eternity on as many targets as possible, up to three a round, by dropping his other actions. Cecil is an experienced combatant, and generally targets Strikers or any other characters with high damage or low accuracy. Flesh to Alabaster is reserved exclusively for any foes that menace Cecil personally.

If ever attacked directly, Cecil promptly turns into Alabaster Form, so as to make himself an unattractive target in favor of his allies, possibly spending an action point to invoke Flesh to Alabaster on his attacker before transforming. He periodically teleports about to find a better position, and if things seem to go truly south has no qualms about staying in statue-form for a few rounds until Shadow Path is recharged, and then disappears somewhere, using a mixture of teleportation and stealth to escape.

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 4:26 pm
by NeoTiamat
Lucas Silver Level 4 Solo Artillery
Medium Fey Humanoid XP 875

Initiative +4 Senses Perception +8
HP 220; Bloodied 110
AC 18; Fortitude 16, Reflex 18, Will 20
Saving Throws +5
Speed 8
Action Points 2

[BM] Punch (standard; at-will)
+11 vs. AC; 1d6+4 damage

[A] Dazing Snapshot (standard; at-will) * Psychic, Charm
Area Burst 1 within 20; +7 vs. Will; 3d6+4 psychic damage and target is dazed (save ends).

[R] Ready for the Camera (standard; at-will) * Psychic, Charm
Dazed target only; Ranged 20; +9 vs. Will; target is immobilized until the end of Lucas's next turn. Lucas teleports to within 2 squares of the target.

[R] Capture the Soul (standard; recharge 56) * Psychic
Dazed and immobilized target only; Ranged 2; +9 vs Will; 3d8+4 psychic damage and the target is dazed, slowed, and weakened (no save), and Lucas gains one Unfixed Soulbound Daguerreotype. The conditions cannot be removed until the Unfixed Soulbound Daguerreotype is burned by a blessed fire.

Consume Soul (minor; at-will) * Healing
Lucas consumes one Soulbound Daguerreotype and gains one of the following bonuses: +2 to his next attack roll OR +1 to all defenses until the start of his next turn, OR up to 15 hit points healed.

Soulbound Daguerreotypes
Lucas Silver uses these primitive, silver-dusted photographs to contain the captured souls of his victims. Unlike normal Daguerreotypes, Lucas's creations are nearly indestructible to everything but burning with blessed fire. Lucas carries four Soulbound Dagguereotypes with him at all times, and up to thrice that number stashed in his lair. An Unfixed Soulbound Daguerreotype must be treated with certain rituals and arcane solutions before becoming a Soulbound Daguerreotype.

Skills Arcana +8, Diplomacy +11, Bluf +11
Str 14 (+4) Dex 15 (+4) Wis 12 (+3)
Con 15 (+4) Int 13 (+3) Cha 18 (+6)
Equipment daguerreotype camera, four Soulbound Daguerreotypes


Tactics: Lucas Silver begins most combats by firing off a barrage of Dazing Snapshots at any grouping of two or more foes. He uses his long range and superior speed to stay out of reach, periodically consuming a Souldbound Daguerreotype for defense if he's being hemmed in too closely.

If he sees an opportunity to catch a lone, dazed foe away from the rest of his foes, Lucas moves in, using Ready for the Camera to position himself, and then spending an action point to use Capture the Soul, often preparing the way with a consumed Soulbound Daguerreotype for accuracy.

Lucas rarely uses the Soulbound Daguerreotypes for healing unless he is below a quarter of his hit points. Unless defending his stash of Soulbound Daguerreotypes, Lucas usually prefers to run after having acquired one or more Unfixed Soulbound Daguerreotypes, opting to re-establish himself elsewhere rather than risk even temporary destruction.

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 4:19 pm
by NeoTiamat
The Minister of Fear Level 25 Elite Controller (Leader)
Medium Fey Humanoid (blind) XP 14,000

Initiative +14 Senses Perception +#; blindsight 20, truesight 5
A Murder of the Soul (Fear, Necrotic) aura 5; at the start of the Minister's turn, he makes a Spirit Murder attack against each enemy within the aura that he can see.
HP 470; Bloodied 235
AC 41; Fortitude 40, Reflex 35, Will 41
Saving Throws +2
Speed 6
Action Points 1

[BM] Claws (standard; at-will) * Fear
+30 vs. AC, 2d10+8 and the target is pushed 4 squares.

[BR] Spirit-Murder (standard; at-will) * Fear, Necrotic
Ranged 10; ghostly crows flock to tear at the target’s soul; +30 vs. AC; 2d6+8 necrotic damage and target takes a –2 penalty to attack rolls until the start of the Minister’s next turn.

[A] Wages of Sin (standard; recharge 6) * Fire, Necrotic, Zone
Area Burst 3 within 10; the ground beneath the targets opens up into a vision of hell, and the souls of the target's dead enemies rise up to grasp them with infernal hands (the Minister and all Hounds are immune); +28 vs. Reflex; 5d8+9 and the target is restrained (save ends). The zone is difficult terrain until the end of the encounter. Any creature that starts its turn in the zone takes 20 fire and necrotic damage.

[C] Feral Bloodlust (standard; recharge 56)
Close burst 5; up to three allies in burst make a melee basic attack. The attack is made with a +2 bonus and deals an extra 2d6 damage

Skills skill name +#, skill name +#
Str 18 (+16) Dex 14 (+14) Wis 29 (+21)
Con 27 (+20) Int 21 (+17) Cha 24 (+19)
Equipment armor, shield, weapons, other gear

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 4:54 pm
by EO
Could you guys post those stats in a new Google Document?

It'd make it easier afterwards to edit and compile them than going through the forums.

Also, after looking at the Kappa fey and the Tengu fey, I think they may need some polishing. They could use the Type-Faerie thing others faeries have to be more consistent. Also, for the Tengu especially, Tengu are in Ravenloft already, so I wonder if it could be reworked as a Faerie using the narrative of a Tengu and not a Tengu itself. Much like Brum that uses the narrative of the Ogre.

I've gone through the document for typos and other structure things mentionned here.

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 5:47 pm
by NeoTiamat
I was planning to put them all together into a Google-Doc once I finished them (I'm putting them here out of hte idea of getting some feedback on them), but sure, I can do that.

Also, there are Tengu in Ravenloft? :shock:

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 7:51 pm
by Kaitou Kage
EO wrote:Also, after looking at the Kappa fey and the Tengu fey, I think they may need some polishing. They could use the Type-Faerie thing others faeries have to be more consistent. Also, for the Tengu especially, Tengu are in Ravenloft already, so I wonder if it could be reworked as a Faerie using the narrative of a Tengu and not a Tengu itself. Much like Brum that uses the narrative of the Ogre.
This rework of the tengu shouldn't be hard. What are you looking at for the kappa?

The hardest part for me would be trying to come up with a type for them. I'm open to suggestions, of course. I just never thought about labeling them with a type while I was creating them.

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 9:08 pm
by EO
Also, there are Tengu in Ravenloft? Shocked
Well, don't think they're explicitely mentionned, but I tend to picture them in Rokushima Tayoo since they're from Kara-Tur and Rokushima has more or less the same inspiration sources.

For the kappa, my bad, I thought there was already a Kappa monster, but looking quickly, I haven't seen any mentions.

For types, I guess it can go with the personality of each Faerie you've created. The King of Flowing Blood represents Murder and medecine I guess, but mostly murder, so a Murder-Fae (Neo can correct me since he's more familiar with the concepts). I'm not sure about the Teacher, he represents learning perhaps, lessons.