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Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 5:29 pm
by Nathan of the FoS
Roland has been looking out from one of the front windows and tapping his foot, as if thinking of something. As the others begin talking about going to bed, he turns and says, "If anyone sees a tall, thin woman out here, DON'T LET HER IN. Especially you, boy (this to young Master Armitage). I don't care what she says, or what she offers you; if she does come in she'll probably bite your head off, and then you'd be sorry, wouldn't you?"

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 7:21 pm
by BigBadQDaddy
Alainsoon loses himself to writing his notes and applying them to the ficticious work he is currently writing. For long moments he stares in contemplation, then continues his work. Eventually, his weariness overcomes, and Alain surrenders to slumber in the living room where he has been writing.

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 12:16 am
by ewancummins
Jamethon excuses himself and makes his way back downstairs. He will look around any unsearched rooms, going into the basement if he finds it. He'll take a candle[two or three , if he finds extra] his sword and pistol, and a sharpened wooden stake[should be easy to make].

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 4:54 am
by kintire
Shana finds a comfortable spot, not too far from the others and relaxes into sleep mumbling

"wake me when its tiime fur mwotch...."

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 5:48 am
by Don Fernando
Startled by the find, Jarryd takes his cape and wraps the tome with it, avoiding touching it, just in case he thinks.

He moves slowly through the grass in front of the house, he can see already the candles iluminating the interior. As he reaches the entrance of the house, Jarryd hesitates a little. Should he take the tome inside?? Why was this tome out there? Why is it written in his Language?

He turns back and goes in the open again. I shall find someplace quiet to look at it before showing it to the group. Walking slowly away from the main entrance he finds what appears to be a wooden hatch. Surely it must be the entrance to the basement of the mansion. He tries to open it, and amazingly the door swings open relatively easy. A loud screech breaks the silence of the night. The strange smell that comes out of it reminds Jarryd of the Akiri tombs.. the ancient smell of dust and ....

Darkness hides what lies inside and Jarryd hesitates for a second. He produces a torch from his backback and after a few minutes it illuminates the stairs. Grabbing the wrapped tome in one hand and the torch in the other he ventures into the unknown.


Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 7:56 am
by steveflam
Bethana follows Moorkroft to the basement, armed with her Greatsword and Longsword... "Here, Jamethon, let me go first, friend" Brethana lays a hand on his shoulder , then passes him, her vision more apt to the dark than his. She peers ahead into the darkness not illuminated by the candle, listening intently for any noise and searching for any hidden doors there may be. Her heart pounding at the absolute silence and darkenss, hands clenching and unclenching on her Greatsword nervously.

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 10:59 am
by Nathan of the FoS
Seeing that a small group are about to go downstairs, and that they have no more light than a candle, Roland snorts and says, "Wouldn't you like to be able to see?" Walking over to his trunk, he mutters something and opens it, pulling out a metal rod as long as his forearm with a cap of some gold-colored material at one end. Striking the other end against the floor, the rod releases a steady golden glow. He closes the trunk, mutters something else, and goes to the basement door. He closes the trunk, mutters something else, and goes to the basement door.

Holding the sunrod in his left hand and taking out a pistol which he holds in his right, he follows Brethana and Jamethon down the stairs.


Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 5:15 pm
by steveflam
Brethana talks to Roland without looking back "I dont need any light and Moorkroft seems fine with his candles" and keeps walking down the stairs.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 4:44 am
by kintire
With a sigh, Shana considers the options. Explore the musty basement, or stay in the comfy upper rooms and get some much needed rest.


With a Vampire about.

She follows Roland down the stairs.

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 6:30 am
by Le Noir Faineant
ewancummins wrote:Moorkroft walks up to young Armitage and asks in a loud voice, ''Master Armitage, do you know how to get to your uncle's castle from here?''
[Name's Arlington.]

The boy looks tired. "Far from the border of the fields."

Then his eyes brighten.

"At the Old Hanging Tree, there's a waysign, or so."
Nathan of the FoS wrote:Roland has been looking out from one of the front windows and tapping his foot, as if thinking of something. As the others begin talking about going to bed, he turns and says, "If anyone sees a tall, thin woman out here, DON'T LET HER IN. Especially you, boy (this to young Master Armitage). I don't care what she says, or what she offers you; if she does come in she'll probably bite your head off, and then you'd be sorry, wouldn't you?"
The young boy looks frightened, grabs Roland's hand and insists to go with you downstairs.

BigBadQDaddy wrote:Alainsoon loses himself to writing his notes and applying them to the ficticious work he is currently writing. For long moments he stares in contemplation, then continues his work. Eventually, his weariness overcomes, and Alain surrenders to slumber in the living room where he has been writing.
*Knock knock*

Alain is brought back from his unpleasant slumber by a heavy pushing against the front door.

In the darkness of the night, he can see through the window: A slim female shadow standing at the front door... The moonlight falls on a pale, white face...

And a moment later, the figure is gone...

Nathan of the FoS wrote:
Holding the sunrod in his left hand and taking out a pistol which he holds in his right, he follows Brethana and Jamethon down the stairs.
With Roland and Brethana taking the lead, you walk down the narrow stairway...

You see a source of orange ligt illuminate the small earth tunnel that extends at the end of the stairway, and after a few meters, come along a small, pumpkin lamp...


[Happy Halloween, fellas!]

"So, mommy has set up a light for me", whispers little Master Arlington, and his voice is but a whisper...

As you walk forward, you notice that you are not walking over dirty wooden planks anymore.

You step out on a stone-paved cellar, small, burning candles enlight it...


Before you lies a coffin... Empty.

And as you turn to ask the young boy, he has suddenly disappeared!
Don Fernando wrote: Darkness hides what lies inside and Jarryd hesitates for a second. He produces a torch from his backback and after a few minutes it illuminates the stairs. Grabbing the wrapped tome in one hand and the torch in the other he ventures into the unknown.
As Jarryd opens the door, something stings into his hand. [DAM 1]

As he looks down a long stairway, he sees a blood-stained paper lying before his feet, twitching like if animated by an unholy inner life...

The paper is wickedly folded, and forms something like...

A twisted human doll...

Coffin and floor

Posted: Wed Nov 01, 2006 8:07 am
by steveflam
Brethana pulls out her GreatSword, and moves toward the coffin, inspecting it , then the surrounding floor for footprints, looking down the hallway ...........


Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 12:22 pm
by ewancummins
Jamethon sets his candle down in the corner [stone paved area, not near flammable stuff], and begins looking around the room. He'll search it as thouroughly as he can, unless interrupted by something bad happening....

[OOC , He's stuffed his ears with candle wax, so he probably cannot hear very well]

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 6:57 pm
by BigBadQDaddy
Rafael wrote: *Knock knock*

Alain is brought back from his unpleasant slumber by a heavy pushing against the front door.

In the darkness of the night, he can see through the window: A slim female shadow standing at the front door... The moonlight falls on a pale, white face...

And a moment later, the figure is gone...
Alain is caught completley off guard by the figure in the window and give a startled cry. He then bolts from his resting spot and runs to the doorway to the basement.
"The woman! She is out side the window!" He shouts down the stairwell to the others below. He then reaches for his rapier, which is long gone.
"I havn't any means to defend myself..."he mumbles to himself. He then in a panic runs to the kitchen in search of a blade.


Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 7:09 pm
by steveflam
Brethana , upon hearing Alain, pushes past everyone, taking the steps 2 at a time, and arrives at the door, "Alain, can you use a Long Sword?" she asks , as she eyes the door warily , heart beating fast "Just take it from my hip , friend and let us find this devil woman and dispose of her, the young Armitage has apparently disappeared as we reached the basement, Alain...".......

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 7:22 pm
by Nathan of the FoS
"So, mommy has set up a light for me", whispers little Master Arlington, and his voice is but a whisper...
For the first time Roland's face relaxes from its customary pinched, bitter expression into something softer and more pleasant--but it passes quickly.
And as you turn to ask the young boy, he has suddenly disappeared!
Roland's eyebrows rise, and he mutters one word to himself..."Ghost!"

Just then he hears Alain's call from upstairs, and Brethana pushes past him. Restraining an urge to trip her, he follows her and is half-way up the stairs when he realizes exactly what Alain said.

"Oh, by the Form," he moans. "She's here."