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Re: POVERO Chapter Two

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 1:30 pm
by steveflam
'Sure, girlie--I mean, Gertie. I can get you in. Only I got a problem. Spent my last penny on this cell. Didn't want to sleep in the Pit with the riff-raff. Lice, you see, and fleas. That don't agree with me. But the guy holding money for me got into trouble too, and now I'm stuck here until I can pay my fines. I could call on my brothers for help, but I'd rather not owe the upright men the favor when I can make myself look good by bringing them new talent. So if you can just pay my fine, I'll be sprung and then I can make all the right introductions for you and your brother, too."

Sort of surprised, but not really, considering their profession and honesty of said profession, she decides it better for her and Tom if she pay. Fild too.

"I'll pay your fine. No problems. So, what do you do for th Brotherhood?"

Re: POVERO Chapter Two

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 1:37 pm
by ewancummins
steveflam wrote:
'Sure, girlie--I mean, Gertie. I can get you in. Only I got a problem. Spent my last penny on this cell. Didn't want to sleep in the Pit with the riff-raff. Lice, you see, and fleas. That don't agree with me. But the guy holding money for me got into trouble too, and now I'm stuck here until I can pay my fines. I could call on my brothers for help, but I'd rather not owe the upright men the favor when I can make myself look good by bringing them new talent. So if you can just pay my fine, I'll be sprung and then I can make all the right introductions for you and your brother, too."

Sort of surprised, but not really, considering their profession and honesty of said profession, she decides it better for her and Tom if she pay. Fild too.

"I'll pay your fine. No problems. So, what do you do for th Brotherhood?"

''I'm a carrier. Back and forth, from house to cellar."
Local TC varies, natch, but it seems he means he's a lookout and caser of houses, someone who carries information back to a gang or crew.

Re: POVERO Chapter Two

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 1:48 pm
by steveflam
"That's a coincidence. I acquire items for a price. Looks like the day didn't end as badly as it was looking to. Well then, what can you tell me about Povero, the Brotherhood,

anything else that comes to mind."

Re: POVERO Chapter Two

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 1:53 pm
by ewancummins
steveflam wrote:"That's a coincidence. I acquire items for a price. Looks like the day didn't end as badly as it was looking to. Well then, what can you tell me about Povero, the Brotherhood,

anything else that comes to mind."

''Plenty. I came up here from a sprig. Povero's home."
He falls silent as a guard walks past the two cells, boots clomping on the paved walkway.
After the guard has left, he says,
"Better to discuss our brothers' business later. But let's talk about the town. Shops, taverns, inns, all that." He chuckles. " Where're you staying when you're not staying here?"

Re: POVERO Chapter Two

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 2:00 pm
by Adam

Alfonse sits down and looks the cards over, trying to get an idea for the game by watching the others.

"So, Penelope, what brings a nice place like this to a girl like you?" he flashes her a cheesy grin.

Re: POVERO Chapter Two

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 2:03 pm
by steveflam
Gertie and Mook

"The Frisky Friar. Serves its purposes if you now what I mean."

Re: POVERO Chapter Two

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 2:53 pm
by VAN
Tom tries his best to stop Gem for involving in the fight and keep his bark down.

He stands beside the gnome not to close to disturb but close enough to interfere if anyone else gets involved or Barth tries anything tricky.

Re: POVERO Chapter Two

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 3:21 pm
by ewancummins

Alfonse sits down and looks the cards over, trying to get an idea for the game by watching the others.

"So, Penelope, what brings a nice place like this to a girl like you?" he flashes her a cheesy grin.

The brunette in the low-cut gown offers Alfonse a bland smile in return.
She deals the cards...

Damien wins the game and takes the pot.

He buys (cheap) drinks for the tart and the drover, covering Alfonse's coffee as well.
This leaves him with money from the game.
'''I'm out friends. Got stuff to look into. Thanks for the game."
Standing, he nods to Alfonse.
''Shall we go ask about them, then?"

Re: POVERO Chapter Two

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 7:01 pm
by Varrus the Ethical
Frisky Friar, Titus

Titus leans back in his chair, regarding the gold ducat resting in his hand. He had saved a man's life, an earned a reward in the process. But was that really what the Speaker wanted him to do? If so, it seemed rather... pedestrian.

Titus shook his head and pocketed the coin. Maybe he'd tithe a portion of the coin's value at the temple, paying the Speaker his due.

He nurses his beer, and watches the card game play to conclusion.

Re: POVERO Chapter Two

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 7:09 pm
by ewancummins

Varrus the Ethical wrote:Frisky Friar, Titus

Titus leans back in his chair, regarding the gold ducat resting in his hand. He had saved a man's life, an earned a reward in the process. But was that really what the Speaker wanted him to do? If so, it seemed rather... pedestrian.

Titus shook his head and pocketed the coin. Maybe he'd tithe a portion of the coin's value at the temple, paying the Speaker his due.

He nurses his beer, and watches the card game play to conclusion.
As one of the players stands, Titus gets a good look at his face. He knows the man, somewhat, from the road. Damien.
A gambler, and he travelled with an odd assortment of friends. One of them was a stunted demihuman who carried a newfangled black powder weapon-- an odd sight.

Re: POVERO Chapter Two

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 8:30 pm
by ewancummins
steveflam wrote: Gertie and Mook

"The Frisky Friar. Serves its purposes if you now what I mean."

"Oh, never stayed there, but I know where it is. Used to be a bawdy house back in the old days."

Re: POVERO Chapter Two

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 9:12 pm
by steveflam
"I'll let you know how it is once I get out. Say, Mook. What can you tell me about getting around Povero?"

Re: POVERO Chapter Two

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 9:47 pm
by ewancummins
steveflam wrote:"I'll let you know how it is once I get out. Say, Mook. What can you tell me about getting around Povero?"

Mook tells her about riding on the dung carts.
" Watch don't like to search those."
He warns her about accepting offers of canal rides." It's mostly irrigation ditches that lead nowhere. Kidnappers try to get girlies into the boats and then row them off to a field where they can put sacks over their pretty heads and haul them away for sale."
Horses and donkeys can be hired , for cart or saddle, but the water tax cost always gets passed on to the customer.
The safest and cheapest way to travel, he explains, is on foot.
A strong man can earn a living bearing rich people on palanquins and sedan chairs.

He goes on for a while, talking about his jaunts around the town, before he begins yawning.
" Got to sleep, Gertie. Good luck with the wig-head tomorrow, and please don't forget your buddy Mook."

Re: POVERO Chapter Two

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 10:30 pm
by steveflam
"I won't forget you, Mook. I promise.. You said something about girls. Are you telling me that some people are selling girls as slaves?"

She does want to sleep too, but wants to now more of the plight of these girls Mook speaks of.

Re: POVERO Chapter Two

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 11:39 pm
by ewancummins
steveflam wrote:"I won't forget you, Mook. I promise.. You said something about girls. Are you telling me that some people are selling girls as slaves?"

She does want to sleep too, but wants to now more of the plight of these girls Mook speaks of.
Mook yawns.
"What? Oh, yeah, the girlies. The Brotherood takes a cut from doxy shops, sure, but it don't steal nice girlies off the streets. Plenty enough girlies that will sell it for cash or spice. Kidnapping them like that, it's something that can bring the law down hard. So it's left for men too crazy or too nasty for the Brotherhood. I don't know the ones who do it. Not sure I want to know them."

Noise of a fight in the pit below covers whatever it is Mook says next.

When the ruckus down there dies down again, Gertie listens at the grill for Mook's voice. She hears him snoring in his cell.

It is late, and she's tired. There's not much light in her cell, just torch glow through the grill.