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Re: Dark Days in Zherisia (Chapter One: A Loaf of Bread Astr

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 9:27 am
by blackaeon
The door had creaked open easily when pushed upon, and the longer the assembled group sat, the more the scent of various spices and scents began to fume from several wall sconces in the back of the room, braziers that looked like butterfly-winged elves smoldering softly. There were several wildly-patterned rugs on the floor, and tapestries covered the walls. To the left, one showed a black-skulled beast, capering as it juggled men's hearts, one hanging from its fanged maw, while the one to the right showed angelic figures gamboling across a snow-capped mountain. The one to the back of the room, which blocked out some of the faded sunlight that would have otherwise streamed through it, depicted a gaunt and enrobed figure, shrouded by mists and bearing a blazing sword in its right hand. The table they arranged themselves at had a sumptuous red, silken cloth that appeared to be of Rokushiman make, and the basket that had been located beneath the table was wrapped in blue cloth. Opening it up, the group found a delicious and substantial loaf of rye beneath, as well as two bottles containing clear liquid; upon simple inspection, the smell revealed that one contained gin, whilst the other was only filled with water.

For as lived-in as the sitting area seemed, inspection of the kitchen revealed that, besides some tins of pickled herring and a soft Dementlieuse cheese that was covered in a red wax rind, very little of interest was inside. There were the usual cooking utensils, pots, and pans, of course, but the kitchen itself seemed to be in relative disuse, judging by the thin layer of dust on the countertops.

A shadow appeared at the doorway, and a beautiful raven-haired woman, perhaps in her middle-aged years, stepped inside almost noiselessly. She was wearing a kerchief that covered her tangles of curling hair and a simply made but very colorful dress. Only the paleness of her skin and her bright blue eyes gave away the fact that she was giogoto, and the soft smile that formed on her face when she saw the assembled group made her look younger momentarily. "I am glad to see that you could all make it, my friends," she said, a slight accent to her voice that Miranda recognized as someone who had not spoken Zherisian as a native tongue, at least not early in life, "and I apologize for contacting you in such a seemingly underhanded fashion. I am Isabella." Reaching into a cunningly-disguised pocket on her dress, she removed a deck of Tarokka cards, identical to the ones that'd been given to each of the assembled group, and they seemed to flip about in her hands; the way she shuffled and cut them so quickly, it almost looked like she was a three-card ante player like the police were always rounding up in Blackchapel on streetcorners.

Taking the last available seat, she placed the Tarokka deck down in the middle of the table and said, "Typically, I would not resort to my magicks, but I have had no other recourse, and so I thank you for not taking my unconventional method of asking for help in a poor fashion. I have been in hiding, thanks to a very dangerous man; had he have been known I was reaching out for help, he might have done something terrible to me. His name is Chauncey Lamb, a man whose cruelty and capacity to destroy the lives he touches is matched only by his ability to avoid reprisal. You see, a year ago, his thieves had stolen my treasured Tarokka deck, which has passed from mother to mother in my family the last twelve generations, and which has served as one of my sole means of support! When they stole it, my son Eran was furious, and he tracked them down." Tears began to stream from her eyes and her chest shuddered as she said, "When he tracked it down, he found the thieves were in Lamb's employ, and for it, Chauncey Lamb had him killed!"

Taking a few moments to regain her composure, she wiped the tears away from her eyes and sniffled as she said, "I sought help from the police, but they could do nothing. I asked around, I paid bribes, but there was nothing! But through consultation of my Tarokka deck, I have found where he is hiding! He's hiding in an old warehouse that extends over the water at one of the south-most points in Blackchapel, and I can provide directions. Now, though, is where I must beg of your assistance. I cannot hope to face this man on my own, and the Guard moves so slowly that if I were to go to them, Chauncey would certainly know of their coming well in advance. Even if they did arrest him—what guarantee would I have he would be punished? This criminal has evaded the law for decades. But you must know of these frustrations as well, for word on the street has it that Chauncey has wronged far more people than just I. So there we are. It is time for him to pay.”

Despite the Tarokka reader's insistence, only one of the five was able to immediately recognize the name as being something other than a low-class Paridoner's idea of a good moniker for a child. From what Pavel understood, this Chauncey Lamb was a fagin, using fear and intimidation to control a mob of urchins, as well as his own group of criminal scum associates, and there had been murmured whispers that Lamb's group may have been connected with what happened to his wife and daughter.

OOC: Back to you, lovely player folk

Re: Dark Days in Zherisia (Chapter One: A Loaf of Bread Astr

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 9:45 am
by steveflam
Miranda listened intently, but said nothing until Isabella was finished.

"Well um, let me be the first to say, Isabella, I understand only too well your need for revenge. On a personal note, I will tell you this. I have only one friend. She has gained my trust over the years, earned it. As such, I will help you, if only for this Lamb cretin. He probably is just a bully who needs to be taught the error of his ways. I do not tolerate bullies and truth be told it
sounds like he needs to be taught a life lesson. Until you've earned my trust, I wouldn't go around calling me your friend. That
goes for the rest of you as well."

Once everyone has heard her she goes on. "I have everything I need so no recompense is necessary monetarily. If you do in fact offer us something, I would tell you what does interest me, but in private. Fair enough? So I am in."

She gets up from her seat and walks over to Isabella, handing her back the card. "Looks like this card belongs in your deck.
So you're a Vistani then? Interesting."

She moves back to her seat then, standing.

Re: Dark Days in Zherisia (Chapter One: A Loaf of Bread Astr

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 12:28 pm
by A G Thing
Watching the woman enter, Pavel is not completely surprised by her appearance for he had thought correctly that the sixth visitor would be the one who had called them. The woman, having presented the rest of the deck and confirming her role in this little get together draws his attention.

Yet as he listens to Isabella as she speaks her all to familiar tale of woe he is brought to an uncomfortable stillness in his attention though his face stays neutral. While he listens however the familiar name of Lamb causes his mind to pull up his own thoughts and plans and his attention becomes locked on the woman's tale. Of course Miranda's words after bring a small and rather sarcastic smile to his face.

Die roll for Pavel's Sense Motive Check
Pavel is wondering about Isabella's sincerity. It just seems awfully convenient to him. PS: Enjoying the game a lot!
Rolled on: May 17, 2014, 9:39 a.m.
1d20+3 → [14,3] = (17)
"Well Miranda, that is perhaps a bit of an understatement. Lamb ain't needing to be taught a life lesson. The man knows enough about life that he knew damn well every horrid thing he's done and enough to pay off or avoid the attentions of any who could teach him some of those fine lessons. Only thing I think any one of us would have to teach him is how much deserved pain he has missed out on."

Pavel picks up his card from the table again and twirls it in his fingers a bit before dropping it and looking at the woman who is their host.

"Isabella... Yer tale is certainly familiar to my and the sound of it Miranda's own circumstances... Fact is that I have heard quite a bit about yer so called Lamb. A finer piece of scum has probably not yet festered its way into Blackchapel. Has a number of little ones picking pockets for him and more than a few that grew into working in his larger 'business ventures' as adults. Much as I would want to see him gone from the streets, the fact is that I question our friendship a bit as well..." Pavels tone is not jocular or funny. The light hearted man of moments ago has become rather neutral in tone and his once pleasantly appraising stare has now taken on a more hardened cast.

"You seem to want us to get revenge for you? To murder this poor excuse of a man on your word he is the man we should kill. That is what you are asking us to do and in the process open us to exposure to the guards attentions. Some of us know exactly how unfavorable the attention of the city guard can be."

His eyes, somewhat angered have moved from looking at anyone and are now on the task his hands are performing as he reaches across the table and grabs the loaf of bread from in front of Rendon and placed it before him.

"Tell me my dear... Why should we break bread with you on this? The man should die by all accounts... But I have yet to hear of any reason why we should take such a risk for you?"

His look at this point is directly at Isabella's eyes. It is a measuring look. It openly seems to be asking what the woman is willing to give for her revenge, but only to her.

Re: Dark Days in Zherisia (Chapter One: A Loaf of Bread Astr

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 2:14 pm
by blackaeon
Even as she swept up the cards that'd been given to her by Miranda and Pavel, a rolling motion in her wrists as she took them, re-integrated them into the deck and shuffled them easily, Isabella looked from the two querents to the others. "I am partially Vistana, yes," she said, "on my Mother's side. As for any sort of incentive that I can give to you, I have little to offer, though if you desire payment, I can offer a hundred pounds for the effort."

Trailing off for a few moments, she glanced into Pavel's gaze and said, "I do not expect you to kill this man, though I would be indebted to you if you would. Run him off into the Mists if you like, or give him a good drubbing, threaten him. Whatever it takes, but this man is evil, and should he remain in our city, he's liable to do far worse."

Re: Dark Days in Zherisia (Chapter One: A Loaf of Bread Astr

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 4:06 pm
by A G Thing
Pavel smiles just as innocently happy as before directly to her as she meets his gaze and in the same instant breaks the bread into equal parts for all involved. The change from serious to light hearted is so fast it is odd to see but both faces seem quite natural on the man.

"Just wanted to hear what you had to say. Keep your money. I will help with your problem. Just have a few questions myself that I want to ask you in private as well. Guess that puts me behind Lady Miranda on that account..." He begins passing out the bread to the others.

"Sir Rendon. Pour me and my friend here a cup of the gin would you kindly?"

In Darkonese to the ever silent knight. "So I gather you heard all about the job. Lady Isabella really is something ain't she! Sending us to take care of a criminal the likes of Chauncey Lamb! All my years in the Blackchapel this is not the first I heard of such a soul as her. Seeking vengeance for a loved one though... Can't say I object. Course I bet you got a bit of a story to tell..." His joking smile returned he settled back to wait for a response from any of the others.

Re: Dark Days in Zherisia (Chapter One: A Loaf of Bread Astr

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 4:21 pm
by steveflam
Miranda sighs. "I don't want any money. I'll take a look at your book collection if you have one. As for killing someone, I won't kill this man. I'll help subdue him, whatever, but not kill him. I reserve the right to kill that special someone. That special scumbag who takes away those dearest."

She refuses bread or drink, most of her body calm. Her eyes reveal serious anger when she speaks. Anyone looking at her will notice her fists clenched.

"So, are we going to start today? Otherwise I could be doing something I need to be doing."

Re: Dark Days in Zherisia (Chapter One: A Loaf of Bread Astr

Posted: Sat May 17, 2014 6:27 pm
by Zilfer
Rendon was silent for a time as he poured the Gin like suggested. Things here weren't like they were back home, if you wanted someone dead you'd just walk up to them and challenge them right then or you'd sabotage their equipment during a hunt. He wasn't one to think like that no, but he'd seen it done back home. Obviously people would look down upon this if they figured it out but if they didn't who's to say he didn't die to the many dangers of the forest? Here killing a man held you accountable and though he might not fully agree with the laws he, he was bound by his citizenship that he had earned through working here for the last years.

"Please just Rendon, I don't like titles," he said to Pavel before leaning back again. "Well I can't promise I'd kill a man if he's a criminal I would definitely love to be one of those that assist putting him behind bars. If you tell me that bars can't hold him.... well back home sometimes we had to kill for the good of the village. It's not an easy choice to take the life of someone you grew up with, even if you hold different views. I caution those who would think differently..."

"I'll accept payment. Forgive me but it's not that I am any less humble than these men and women around me but I may be behind a few months on rent," said Rendon. "Perhaps we should get some initial investigating today, I for one believe in knowing the skills of my companions so I will be upfront with you all."

Rendon stood without his cane though, and it was clear enough that he could wall well enough with out it. From his cloak he pulled forth a light cross bow unloaded and placed it upon the table. "I am better with a crossbow than a sword, I can manage to climb onto roofs well enough. People pay less attention to cripples so I'm able to get around easier without being noticed. If we are ever in the forest I can track game at least a few days old, and finally I've seen enough wounds in the forest to be able to know how to patch up basic wounds though don't expect me to be able to stitch together wounds like those of the faith."

With that Rendon sits down picks up his leaning cane and puts in front of himself crossing his hands and leaning his head on the cane waiting and contemplating. "Anyone that is ready to leave, I'll travel with them. I suggest if we do plan to go after this guy we always stay in groups," said Rendon as he looked to the two that spoke in another language he couldn't recognize. "That means one of you two have to be with our 'silent friend' here."

Re: Dark Days in Zherisia (Chapter One: A Loaf of Bread Astr

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 12:28 pm
by kintire
Niamh places her card face down on the table and slides it slowly across to the woman, seeming lost in thought. Once the others have spoken she replies:

"Well that is quite the tale. A hundred pounds, eh? And with my gallant and noble companions heroically turning it down, that means my share is swelling as I watch! But still, to kill a man I don't even know... I didn't know what job I would find myself doing when I entered the workforce but I confess hired assassin wasn't high on my list..."

She looks around at the others, assessing what might be wise to say.

"But I also am in need of a little cash. And it IS a noble cause..."

Re: Dark Days in Zherisia (Chapter One: A Loaf of Bread Astr

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 1:35 pm
by A G Thing
Pavel smiles begrudgingly but in no way put out. "My silent friend is more perceptive and understands a bit more than he lets on. Also, I don't mind watching over him somewhat, seeing as he and I have a sort of bond going I think!"

Responding to Niamh. "I agree that before we take on this dangerous task, we need to be sure we understand a bit more about our enemy. I say, those of us wanting to continue should meet somewhere inconspicuous after we spend at least some time studying our lost little Lamb and his flock of wolves. I also know someone who can fight in my place and who has a bone to pick with Chauncey on a personal level. I will try to learn a bit more about the man and send my friend to meet you wherever we plan to meet. Just know that he is not exactly as friendly as I am."

Die roll for Pavel's Bluff Check
Rolled on: May 18, 2014, 5:29 a.m.
1d20+5 → [20,5] = (25)

Re: Dark Days in Zherisia (Chapter One: A Loaf of Bread Astr

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 2:35 pm
by Metaflux
When the dark haired half-elf entered the room, the knight looked up with a hoping demeanor that someone besides just one individual knew Darkonese. All of that hope went down the drain, though, for none of it was understood. As the conversation continued on, endlessly, with not a word he could comprehend, the knight proceeded to rub his forehead in frustration. This continued until Pavel spoke to him.

"I actually caught not a single word of what they were saying. All I know is that she summoned me here, wants my help in...I suppose, killing someone, and then we go on our way...all of which I do not necessarily wish to partake in," said the knight almost grudgingly.

Lifting his hand away from his face, the knight finally caught a glance at the deck the woman was toying with. A fire burst forth within his very soul, igniting a hatred he wished he'd abandoned back at the inn. Realizing the other individuals' discreet sense of friendship and discussion, he pushed the flame to a smolder, yet kept it stoked. To Pavel, he said, "Why are we in service to a mist walker? I see no reason why I must aid her. Her troubles are not my own," and with that, the knight abruptly rose from his chair, and made an attempt to pace himself towards the front door.

Re: Dark Days in Zherisia (Chapter One: A Loaf of Bread Astr

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 6:43 pm
by A G Thing
In Darkonese to the Knight as he rises to leave. "The fact is, she said we don't have to kill anyone. She also offered a hundred in the coin of the land for avenging her dead son. Of course, if you don't want to I can see that too. Just wait outside for me if you do. Want to ask you something!"

Re: Dark Days in Zherisia (Chapter One: A Loaf of Bread Astr

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 7:56 pm
by Metaflux
The sensation of a slightly empty coin bag reminded him just exactly how poor he was. Stopping mid stride, the knight, heeding Pavel's words, glanced back at the half-elf, anger still surged, but the reality was more a solution to his current situation. Pondering over any feasible explanation as to why he shouldn't assist this...thing...was draining him of logical answers, and so, after a few moments, he wordlessly returned to his seat and waited for Pavel's word of leave.

Re: Dark Days in Zherisia (Chapter One: A Loaf of Bread Astr

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 9:05 pm
by steveflam
Miranda offers. "Anyone needing coin, well Isabella can give them parts of my share. Incidentally, Isabella, if you have any books on foreign languages. I'll accept one or two as long as we are clear I won't kill this man. I'll help capture or subdue him."

Looking at Rendon she says. "I am adept with my quartestaff as well as my fists and feet. I can stun a woman or man with but a punch or kick. Is that what you had in mind when you spoke earlier?"

Re: Dark Days in Zherisia (Chapter One: A Loaf of Bread Astr

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 11:53 am
by Zilfer
"That is Precisely what I meant. Thank you," said Rendon making a mental note of it. Then he looks over to Pavel. "This friend of yours, Pavel do you know what his skill sets involve?" Rendon was taking account of the skills they had at their disposal it sounded like it was going to be well rounded, though he wondered if anyone was good at chatting up folks around town to get information.

"While we are all here, does anyone know where this guy lives? Does he have security? Or know anyone that could find where this guy is... I mean if not we could always try to lure him to a trap as well. An invitation of some importance," said Rendon.

Re: Dark Days in Zherisia (Chapter One: A Loaf of Bread Astr

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 4:00 pm
by kintire
Niamh watches the knight with interest, then smiles slightly as he sits down again before turning her attention to Pavel

"Just how unfriendly are we talking here?"

She then glances at Rendon

"I am afraid I don't mix much with that sort of person. Or anyone else really. But I'll be happy to do what I can when we find him. I have a few tricks."