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Re: Crowd-sourcing a Cluster

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 1:05 pm
by Zilfer
Just wanted to make sure, like a poster earlier I probably don't have access to all the sources of it. But generally just looking at the domains some of them need real work on them. I'm trying to figure out can i just add in something directly to the page without any prior knowledge? It's hard to do that without knowing the concept behind it.

Mourning Pyre for example sounds like a cool place and I think I saw it was "zombieland" as mentioned earlier does that mean I could go in and just add to it?

Which btw.... wasn't their a god with a name close to that? hmmm...

Edit: Also can their be "cross overs" of things that are related to the current Ravenloft setting? Or do these two "cores" live independant of each other and neither knows of the other?

Re: Crowd-sourcing a Cluster

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 2:12 pm
by Gonzoron of the FoS
Zilfer wrote:Just wanted to make sure, like a poster earlier I probably don't have access to all the sources of it. But generally just looking at the domains some of them need real work on them. I'm trying to figure out can i just add in something directly to the page without any prior knowledge? It's hard to do that without knowing the concept behind it.
Well, most of them have no real source, and are blank slates. Jester has given a bit of a blurb on his concept for each here in this thread, but beyond that's it up to anyone who wants to contribute. Go right ahead!

Remember, it's a wiki, so it can be revised and re-revised. If some things don't fit together, they can be changed. That's the way it works. Throw your ideas on the wall, see what sticks. Even Jester's guidance isn't set in stone. This is a collaborative effort by the community.

That said, try not to blatantly contradict what others have written for no good reason. Like a good improv troupe, you should respond to other contributors with "Yes, and..." instead of "No" whenever possible.

Now, for the ones based on Dungeon or Dragon articles, yeah, it would probably best to at least read the article if you can, but if you can get the gist from what others have posted, go ahead and float an idea and see if others think it fits.
Mourning Pyre for example sounds like a cool place and I think I saw it was "zombieland" as mentioned earlier does that mean I could go in and just add to it?
Yes, please do!
Edit: Also can their be "cross overs" of things that are related to the current Ravenloft setting? Or do these two "cores" live independant of each other and neither knows of the other?
Like all domains in Ravenloft, the Mists connect them, no matter how isolated they may seem. I think most of us like the interconnected world feel that has been developed over the years, so yeah, crossovers would be OK.

Re: Crowd-sourcing a Cluster

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 2:52 pm
by Zilfer
Alright, I'm not sure how to connect them. I'm just a tad bit baffled as to.... what to write. I mean.... it's like your given an assignment and then they release you... first thing you got to do is figure out what the heck you want to do! The scope and possibilities are endless so i need to chop or get an idea to narrow down the focus. xD I will say I don't know that I like any of the Darklords but begger's can't be choosers right? XD

Re: Crowd-sourcing a Cluster

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 9:29 pm
by Gonzoron of the FoS
Yeah, it's tough to approach a completely blank canvas. That's why Jester gave at least a framework to start from for each domain. As for the darklords, you don't have to start there. There can be plenty of stuff in the domain that isn't darklord related. And I know from firsthand experience that if you dig deeply enough into a darklord you didn't think much of, you can sometimes pull out something cool.

Re: Crowd-sourcing a Cluster

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 11:45 pm
by Zilfer
Alright well i'll keep it in mind.... i'm just blown away at the moment. kinda feeling in awe that little ol me could contribute anything to the community. (which is why when i originally saw my name in your campaign journal I was taken aback that I'd be mentioned at all. :P may have hit the heart strings a bit for some reason xD)

Re: Crowd-sourcing a Cluster

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 3:16 pm
by Jester of the FoS
Zilfer wrote:Mourning Pyre for example sounds like a cool place and I think I saw it was "zombieland" as mentioned earlier does that mean I could go in and just add to it?
Yup. The Pyre is a brand new addition just begging for details and new places and people.
Zilfer wrote:Which btw.... wasn't their a god with a name close to that? hmmm...
I don't recall.
Zilfer wrote:Edit: Also can their be "cross overs" of things that are related to the current Ravenloft setting? Or do these two "cores" live independant of each other and neither knows of the other?
The only "rule" is no direct connections, i.e. Mistways. The two Cores are not connected in terms of trade. I fully expect some inhabitants and ideas to come from other lands. I think I already slipped Ezra in someplace to keep the number of gods down.
Zilfer wrote:Alright, I'm not sure how to connect them. I'm just a tad bit baffled as to.... what to write. I mean.... it's like your given an assignment and then they release you... first thing you got to do is figure out what the heck you want to do! The scope and possibilities are endless so i need to chop or get an idea to narrow down the focus.
I keep meaning to add some hooks for starting points, but worry people will feel obligated to use those rather than their own ideas.
Zilfer wrote:I will say I don't know that I like any of the Darklords but begger's can't be choosers right?
Often the Darklords are the least interesting thing about the lands. The trick is making them interesting or finding other uses for the land.
I opted for non-standard lords. I wanted to stretch the idea of what could be a darklord.

Re: Crowd-sourcing a Cluster

Posted: Mon Oct 15, 2012 3:33 pm
by Zilfer
Sounds good. I like your maps... Btw. (hopefully I'm not confusing you with someone else again! ah!)

Yeah, I can see where you might think people would feel obligated to follow that. Hopefully I can find some time to do some brain storming myself.

Re: Crowd-sourcing a Cluster

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2012 8:26 pm
by brilliantlight
I have worked on Al Kathos and made its domain lord Malbus a half fiend satyr devotee of Bel (There is no canon description of the DL that I know of). He is the epitome of lawful evil and hates the fact that his domain is so chaotic and that he as no real direct political power. Outside the Wounded City the domain is ruled by three noble families that constantly fight each other for dominance. He is trying to convert the entire domain to the worship of Bel since he thinks if he can do that Bel will break the curse that he is under. However, he has yet to convince anyone to worship Bel. Even the priests under his influence worship Set instead of Bel.

Re: Crowd-sourcing a Cluster

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2012 9:53 pm
by twinwolf
out of curiosity were the areas with that are blank or marked with the triple "?" ever assigned names? looking at the map of the hub as it stands now half of it is untitled.

Re: Crowd-sourcing a Cluster

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 9:28 am
by Nemesio
Are we restricted to using the Domains presented above? I have one that I've been itching to share called Medallion. Its kind of based off the House in Thirteen Ghosts or the one in Cabin in the Woods.

A desolate and barren island inhabited by subterranean gnomes with advanced technology who tinker away at an ancient machine. The Machine is a marvel of magical technology. From the outside it appears to be an impenetrable fortress-like construction which constantly belches an eerie mist into the environs. Within it is a complex prison containing countless evils.

Re: Crowd-sourcing a Cluster

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 1:02 pm
by Gonzoron of the FoS
Nemesio wrote:Are we restricted to using the Domains presented above? I have one that I've been itching to share called Medallion. Its kind of based off the House in Thirteen Ghosts or the one in Cabin in the Woods.
See the FAQ here, ... cing_rules specifically the 6th and 9th questions...

Idea sounds cool, though. You could submit to QtR instead....

Re: Crowd-sourcing a Cluster

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 7:36 pm
by Nemesio
I get it now. Thanks a lot but how do I submit for QtR?

Re: Crowd-sourcing a Cluster

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 8:59 pm
by Gonzoron of the FoS
Submissions usually open up sometime in the spring/summer. QtR is published annually on Halloween. Write your idea up as an article, watch for the call for submissions here on the forum (and twitter and facebook) and send it in.

Or if you can't wait, you can add it to Mistipedia on your own (separate from The Hub) as long as you mark it as "Homebrew"

Re: Crowd-sourcing a Cluster

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2012 10:58 pm
by Nemesio
Thanks again bud. :D

Re: Crowd-sourcing a Cluster

Posted: Sun Mar 31, 2013 8:00 am
by kultra
I'm still very new to this site, but I love the crowd-source-a-cluster idea and I just added a couple of things to a few of the pages.

This is what I added to Fallaya Basin
Amongst the many inbred clans throughout Fallaya Basin are those claiming that the reason for their unnaturally familial ways is to preserve a pure, sacred, royal bloodline, thousands of years old. Several different families claim to be maintaining the same bloodline, making them heirs to the kingdom, but whether or not this kingdom ever even existed, nobody knows. There are, however, a trio of gentlemen who have been spotted searching the Fallaya Basin swamps on horseback, trying to find the inheritors of this royal bloodline. Their leader, Stefan le Prince, wishes to marry his daughter Claudia to the truest male heir, so that he might rule through their child. If female member of the true royal clan is found, Stefan plans to marry her himself.
And I added this in Chelleaux
There is a large maze of crypts beneath the city of Sarnis, tunnels with walls made of skulls from the years of beheadings. It is quite extensive, and there are folktales that say the skull tunnels have actually been there longer than the city itself. Some say there are strange shrines that can be found down there.
As well as a brief description of a character named Renoir

Feel free to delete anything you don't like :azalin:

I wasn't sure if I should give Renoir his own page or not since I haven't participated in one of these before, but there ya go, lol. I hope you guys like him, he does still need expanding. I put in a link for a character named The Blood Red Pimpernel as well, but I haven't written his page yet.

There are a lot of cool domains in this cluster. I think it's interesting that one realm is ruled by the spirit of a female succubus, and another by a male succubus/satyr. You could argue that Mademioselle Guillotine and the fury that she inspires has a very sexual aspect to it too. It was hard not to put a reference to that Mel Brooks circumcision/guillotine scene from Robin Hood: Men in Tights in to the wiki, lol.