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Posted: Thu May 11, 2006 10:36 am
by Lord Cyclohexane
[OOC: Raf, the map still doesn't ring any bells... Must be from a module I haven't read yet]

"I'm sorry, you definitely are right, Master Moorkroft, we ought to give our regards for the dead. I'll assist you in getting... Nicholas, was it? The name of the hanged man? I'll help get him down, as the chain may make it difficult. One of us should try to lift the body a bit, the other remove the chain from what holds it. Then we can figure out what to do with the beheaded man as well, the one here in this room with us...

"And please forgive my lack of manners. My name is Adrian Auricel, originally from Paridon. I'm pleased to meet you." He then turns to Shana, saying, "And I am pleased to meet you as well, mi'lady Shana. I only wish I could have done more to protect yourself and the young master Tavian from that watery horror."

Adrian then joins Jamethon in returning to the tower room, if just to avoid having to be the first to walk outside the outer door.

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 3:26 am
by kintire
"Yes... of course..."

Shana seems a little vacant as she follows, shock clearly setting in.

"No need to 'milady' me sir. Shana will do well."

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 6:33 am
by ewancummins
Moorkroft goes to the hanged man, and lifts him by the knees, to slacken the chain, so that Alain [or whomever helps] may remove it.

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 7:04 am
by Tavian
"Step aside, sir, and I will take care of the chain," Tavian says, gesturing to the chain from which Nicholas is hanging.

He waits until Moorkroft and the others move away, then, with a gesture he mumbles a single word which you don't understand but which sends a shiver down your spine.

*Baleful utterance on the chain* (since it is unattended it doesn't get a save)

The chain shatters, sending small pieces of metal spraying in all directions. With nothing to support it, the body of Nicholas falls to the floor.

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 11:49 am
by ewancummins
Moorkroft steps back as the chain shatters. He seems surprised. Then he steps over to the body, and bends down to begin preparing it for burial. '' Let us take him outside and attend to his burial''.

'' What was his name? Was he a follower of Ezra?''

Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 7:40 pm
by StuckInOrbit
OOC: Sorry for my lack of participation the past few days. We had bad weather, high winds and the county lost power and the internet provider sustained some damage and internet was down to the island I live on.

Izabela kindly introduces herself to the newcomer.

"Jamethon, I am Izabela Ellesmera of Barovia. I too have mysteriously found myself amongst the company of these fine people. I agree with your decision to move Nicholos out of this construct."

She reaches into her pouch to touch the cold silver pieces again.

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 1:00 am
by ewancummins
''Madam, after we attend to this unfortunate's motral remains, perhaps we should consider as a group what we are to do next. I for one would be interested in knowing more about this house,in spite of what dangers we may enounter...''

[to Ellesmera[

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 3:51 am
by Le Noir Faineant
StuckInOrbit wrote:OOC: Sorry for my lack of participation the past few days. We had bad weather, high winds and the county lost power and the internet provider sustained some damage and internet was down to the island I live on.
[No problem... Hope things went well for you. :) ]

Where will you bury Nicholas now? - Do you apply one of the usual Ravenloftian burial ceremonies to make sure he doesn't come back? - And don't forget about Stocker's corpse!

When you give a shy look out of the windows, you will see that the fog outside has become thicker than the night before...

It has approached the house... If you open the door, it might well get in...

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 7:06 am
by ewancummins

I fully intend on burying both men outside, in the soil. If no good digging tools are available, we can always make shallow graves, then pile rocks atop them to make cairns. I will of course use the proper clerical blessing and precautions against these poor fellows rising as something unpleasant. A simple ceremony spell, blessing their gravesites.

If no one , or nothing, prevents me, this is exactly what I am now doing...

I walk over and open the door,mists or no mists. Carrying the hanged man outside, I begin to dig a grave, with whatever tools I can find[tree limb, loose board, my boots-if the soil is loose enough] .

Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 11:56 am
by Le Noir Faineant
You others see Jamethon vanish in the fog...

Outside, it difficult to see one's hands before your eyes...

If you're going to bury Nicholas, you'll have to do it right before the front door...

Does anyone of the others help Jamethon or do you just stand by.

And, indeed, you will have to use all kind of exotic tools for digging... No one bears a shovel...

From far in the fog, strange noises, like something wet slurping on the ground, can be heard...

Posted: Sun May 14, 2006 1:09 pm
by BigBadQDaddy
Alain takes a few moments to gather his thoughts, then takes shana's advice. He then gets up to help the newcomer bury His dead comrades.


Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 12:24 am
by ewancummins
The hole isn't going to be very deep. I just dig it deep enough to contain the body, and then some. I ask the others,"Are there any loose boards? We could fashion a cover board for him."

''Shall we bury the other one right here(indicating a spot immediately to the left of the door) ?''

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 6:25 am
by Tavian
Tavian follows the others outside as if to help, but he just stands there, his cloak wrapped tightly, staring off into the fog.

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 11:56 am
by Don Fernando
Jarryd, silently, goes out and tries to help his companions burry the dead bodies. After all, every soul must find its rest outside this forsaken place.

Posted: Mon May 15, 2006 8:17 pm
by StuckInOrbit
Izabela follows Alain outside, but stops upon hearing the strange noises emmiting from the fog.

"Yes, boards... perhaps i'll wander back inside and look for your boards. Alain, shall you join me?"

She then proceeds back inside to look for any loose boards to bring to him.