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Re: Whispers of the Dark Mother Chapter 1

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 11:03 pm
by ewancummins
JMaytr wrote:Farmhouse

As Herman bangs his shovel against the ground, 2 fat centipedes burst from the earthen basement floor. They are as big as hounds, their flailing antennae nearly doubling their length. They clack their mandibles together and prepare to attack.
I believe I have a nat 1 in the queue.

Re: Whispers of the Dark Mother Chapter 1

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 11:49 pm
by JMaytr
The Laughing Dragon

Amara is lightning fast as she whips around and plants a knee deep in the groin of the drunkard. Had she not held back on her attack, she might very well have crushed his genitals.

His partner, one hand on his dagger pommel, looks ready to pull it from its sheath.

"Hey! He was just trying to be nice. No need to go all crazy like that," he keeps his hand on the weapon.

The Bartender clears his throat loudly and in a dramatic fashion.

"Now Sven, she's paid for a room with meals. That means shes my guest and if you pull that blade in here, I'll whup you myself."

Sven shirks away, helping his coughing friend to his feet. They leave the tavern.

"Don't mind Sven and Gralton," the bartender says, filling Amara a fresh drink. "They don't mean any harm. Though I won't fault you for giving Gralton a lesson on manners. Since losing his wife, he's become such a jerk."

Re: Whispers of the Dark Mother Chapter 1

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 11:53 pm
by JMaytr

Junia whips her sling bullet into the vermin and the stone punches hard into its chitinous side. A white, milky fluid seeps from the wound. It recoils from the attack, clacking its mandibles rhythmically, almost as if it was cursing.

Re: Whispers of the Dark Mother Chapter 1

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 9:52 am
by steveflam
JMaytr wrote:The Laughing Dragon

Amara is lightning fast as she whips around and plants a knee deep in the groin of the drunkard. Had she not held back on her attack, she might very well have crushed his genitals.

His partner, one hand on his dagger pommel, looks ready to pull it from its sheath.

"Hey! He was just trying to be nice. No need to go all crazy like that," he keeps his hand on the weapon.

The Bartender clears his throat loudly and in a dramatic fashion.

"Now Sven, she's paid for a room with meals. That means shes my guest and if you pull that blade in here, I'll whup you myself."

Sven shirks away, helping his coughing friend to his feet. They leave the tavern.

"Don't mind Sven and Gralton," the bartender says, filling Amara a fresh drink. "They don't mean any harm. Though I won't fault you for giving Gralton a lesson on manners. Since losing his wife, he's become such a jerk."

Amara appears pensive at the barkeep's words. "He is having a hard time dealing with the loss of his wife it appears. Each person is different when dealing with personal loss or tragedy. Might I inquire as to how his wife died? I might have some kind words for him on the morrow. It might help him somewhat."

Re: Whispers of the Dark Mother Chapter 1

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 1:39 pm
by JMaytr
The Laughing Dragon

The Bartender nods.

"Aye...Car was her name I recall. It was during childbirth. Her and the babe were both lost. A sad thing that, but still, it don't excuse his behavior on most days."

The bartender moves away, restocking the tankards and then moving to check the wine casks. He goes about his business.

A human approaches Amara smiling. When he gets close-but not too close-he bows.

"That was a fine display of violence milady. I am Roark and I am a...scout of talent you might say. That big sword of yours, I imagine you swing it as fast as you dropped poor Gralton. If you are interested in making some quick coin, I know of an enterprise that would pay. That is of course...if you have no qualms about fighting for money."

Roark looks over Tiberius as well, taking note of the mans armor and flail.

"Is this your companion? I'm sure there's work that could be found for him as well. Are you a fighter lad? Want to make some gold?"

The Bartender moves back toward Tiberius and Amara. Seeing him, Roark shrinks away, I'll be over here if you want to discuss it further," He whispers, keeping an eye on the barkeep, he backs away and takes a seat in the far corner of the Inn. A gnome smoking tobacco from a bright orange pipe sits with him.
in this setting gnomes and halflings are the same race. halfling is the term most humans use for the surface dwelling small folk. Below, the dwarves refer to them as gnomes.

Re: Whispers of the Dark Mother Chapter 1

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 2:17 pm
by VAN

"Good to know, really useful liquid this one."

When he heards the shout Terrick follows the guards.

Re: Whispers of the Dark Mother Chapter 1

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 3:48 pm
by kintire
I'm happy for the GM to roll my dice for me, it moves things along more smoothly
Lyrana has dropped into her residence and recovered chain shirt, mace and shield before approaching the farmhouse. Still a little sceptical about giant centipedes she stares in shock as they emerge. Recovering herself she swings her mace at the nearest one, apparently foolishly as it is ten feet away, but as she swings her mace leaps forward to the beast's flank, grasped in a shimmering spectral version of her own hand and executes the strike before returning to her real grip!

Re: Whispers of the Dark Mother Chapter 1

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 4:47 pm
by steveflam
JMaytr wrote:The Laughing Dragon

The Bartender nods.

"Aye...Car was her name I recall. It was during childbirth. Her and the babe were both lost. A sad thing that, but still, it don't excuse his behavior on most days."

The bartender moves away, restocking the tankards and then moving to check the wine casks. He goes about his business.

A human approaches Amara smiling. When he gets close-but not too close-he bows.

"That was a fine display of violence milady. I am Roark and I am a...scout of talent you might say. That big sword of yours, I imagine you swing it as fast as you dropped poor Gralton. If you are interested in making some quick coin, I know of an enterprise that would pay. That is of course...if you have no qualms about fighting for money."

Roark looks over Tiberius as well, taking note of the mans armor and flail.

"Is this your companion? I'm sure there's work that could be found for him as well. Are you a fighter lad? Want to make some gold?"

The Bartender moves back toward Tiberius and Amara. Seeing him, Roark shrinks away, I'll be over here if you want to discuss it further," He whispers, keeping an eye on the barkeep, he backs away and takes a seat in the far corner of the Inn. A gnome smoking tobacco from a bright orange pipe sits with him.
in this setting gnomes and halflings are the same race. halfling is the term most humans use for the surface dwelling small folk. Below, the dwarves refer to them as gnomes.

Amara nods to Roark, face impassive. Not having much experience in these matters, she will wait for Tiberius to weigh in on the subject. Personally, the thought of selling her
skills for what Roark is talking about didn't sound too appealing to be perfectly honest. She much rather gain her experiences by adventuring.

Re: Whispers of the Dark Mother Chapter 1

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2015 4:53 am
by RocEter
The Laughing Dragon

Tiberius watches the scene unfold before him while he continues to imbibe his drink. He listens to Amara's and the innkeepers conversation but offer's no comment. He continues with his silent drinking even while Roark is speaking. When he is addressed directly, he turns slightly giving the man a thousand yard gaze.

When the innkeeper returns, he turns his attention back to him. Pulling out his coin purse, he slides over some gold coin. "Enough for the week." He says.

"I take it that man's offer is of the seedier sort?" Tiberius says.