Sean Timothy (I10 NPC)

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Sean Timothy, now presumed deceased, was one of three werewolves lurking in the vicinity of Mordentshire when Azalin and Strahd visited Mordent in 579 BC. The other two, Esther Timothy and Eowin Timothy, were likely his litter mates. His parents are unknown and offspring, if any, are unknown. There were offspring from at least one of the three werewolves as the members of a litter born in 660 BC were named Eowin, Ester and Sean in honour of their ancestors from a century earlier.

Continuity Problem

The Bloodlines family tree for the Timothy Family in Realm of Terror gives 660 BC as the birth date for Eowin Timothy, Ester Timothy and Sean Timothy. From this birth date follow those of the children, Virginia Dilisnya (682 BC), Clifford Dilisnya (687 BC) and Nathan Timothy (684 BC), and those of the grandchildren, Winifred Ratcliff (706 BC), Michael Ratcliff (706 BC) and Alfred Timothy (709 BC).

Unfortunately, Ravenloft II: The House on Gryphon Hill places Eowin Timothy (I10 NPC) and Sean Timothy (I10 NPC) in Mordent in 579 BC when Strahd and Azalin made their visit. There is also an Esther Timothy (I10 NPC), albeit spelled with an 'h'. An attempt in the Realm of Terror to address the matter is made insofar as Cain Timothy and Elizabeth Timothy, the parents of Eowin, Ester and Sean, are put in that time in place of their children, with Cain Timothy being born in 537 BC and Elizabeth Timothy being born in 539 BC. This attempt is deeply flawed however. Not only are the children born over a century after their parents, the death dates of the parents are given as 579 BC, eight decades before their children are in fact born. The cleanest solution is to conclude that the correct birth dates for Cain and Elizabeth are 637 BC and 639 BC with the pair meeting a sticky end in 679 BC (perhaps along side their son Sean Timothy) and that the Timothys from the prior century were a famous litter of three whose names were recycled by descendants in the naming of the litter of 660 BC.

Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

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