Radovan Radanavich

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Radovan Radanavich was a member of the Vistani and son of Madame Irena Radanavich. After Radovan fell sick, Madame Radanavich brought him to the doorstep of Rudolph Van Richten demanding a cure. After Dr. van Richten failed to revive her son, Madame Radavich took the doctor's own son, Erasmus, instead[1] and left the corpse of dead Radovan with van Richten. Van Richten followed on horseback, corpse in tow. He ran into the undead of Azalin Rex, whom heard van Richten's plea and granted him the aid to undo the Radanvich tribe. To steer them through the Mists into Barovia, Azalin reanimated Radovan one of the Obedient Dead. With a bridle in his mouth, Radovan led Dr. van Richten and the undead hoard through the Mists to the family's camp in Barovia[2]

After the Radanavich family was slaughtered, Radovan arose from the grave as a ghost.[3] Madame Radanavich eventually led Radovan and the rest of their tribe to Richten Haus, waiting for one last revenge against van Richten.[4]

Although he was not evil when he lived, the transformation into one of the undead robbed him of any morality and rendered him into a vengeful ghost with a particular hatred for Rudolph van Richten for not saving him from his illness. He dwells in Richten Haus[3]


male Vistana Corporeal Fourth Magnitude Ghost, Chaotic Evil; Radovan has the unique ability to warp his body like putty into a variety of shapes.[3] He can also command the cannibal zombies and ghouls on the premises of Richten Haus.[5]


Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

Bleak House

Bleak House:Homecoming - p21

Bleak House:Heroes, Monsters, and Settings - pp15-16
Bleak House:Homecoming - p21
Tales of Ravenloft: The Crucible of Dr. Rudolph van Richten - pp10-16