Brother Greggory

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Brother Greggory is member of the Order of the Guardians. He works and resides in Mordent. He was sent by Sister Eleyna, his superior, to bear a message to the Watchers at the Gate in the Mountains of Misery of Darkon. The message contained instructions for the destruction of the Key to the Abyss. Shortly after reaching his goal, the Watcher's Stronghold was overrun by member of the Unholy Order of the Grave dispatched by Death. Brother Greggory was seized, tortured, and kept alive only to serve as a blood bank for their leader, the vampire Master Bralkain. Greggory was rescued by heroes dispatched by Eleyna after he failed to return.

Data from the Ravenloft Catalogue

TSR JAM 1999: The Heart's Final Beat

TSR JAM 1999 - p37-40