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Re: Tarokka cards as locations in Barovia village

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 11:35 pm
by thekristhomas
So the adventure is now completed, here's how the last session went.

Unable to make much sense of the last two readings (the Temptress in the Mists with the Berserker, and the Innocent with the Hangman sought by the Guildsman) they decided to spend the afternoon in the pub hoping the locals might provide some insight, The innkeeper was friendly, but couldn't think of anything that could help. They drank until evening, at which time the barkeep barred the door, and joined the group by the fire where he kept his customers entertained by telling tales of the witch of Lysaga Hill.

In the morning they returned to the gypsy camp, as soon as they saw the spray from the waterfalls they guessed that it might be the Mists referred to. They decided to rig up a barrel to use as a diving bell to explore the plunge pool. Returning to the pub to buy a barrel, the innkeeper told them that he thought maybe the Hangman might refer to a Barovian officer, as the knotted epaulette that they wore was symbolic of their authority to execute the soldiers under their command, he remembered this because his father had told him one day while they were hunting near the gates of Barovia, which were statues of Barovian officers. With a plan to check the gates before nightfall they dived the pool. Near the bottom they found a tunnel which lead to the cave behind the falls. It was apparent someone had been camping in the cave mouth because of the bed of animal skins and small fire.

I'll have to finish this later

Re: Tarokka cards as locations in Barovia village

Posted: Sat Apr 02, 2016 10:35 am
by thekristhomas
Further into the cave the group could hear the sound of combat, and turning a corner saw a Berserker (did I say I was being VERY literal with the NPCs) engaged against a Crimson Mist, it was clear from the shade of the Mist that it had already been successful in attacking the warrior, who for his part seemed ineffectual.

One of the PCs threw himself in the way of the attacking Mist, knowing it would become substantial once it had fed. The battle was fierce, at the end the berserker and the enchanter lay dead. Searching the berserkers corpse they find a letter, signed with only a capital D instructing him to find the bones of a woman in the cave at Tser Falls, after some searching the bones were discovered.

Hoping still to get to the gates in the daylight the group take one of the wagons to the trail approaching the Castle. Searching round the base of the enormous statue they find a patch of discoloured grass where they dig, unearthing another set of bones this one bearing a ring with a large M. They loaded this onto the wagon with the other and returned to the town, fearing the dying light they headed straight for the inn not wanting to be out in the open at night.

The innkeeper welcomed them back and they tended to the horse and retired. They were disturbed by a disturbance from the stable, the horse was clearly distressed. It was, however, now in the middle of the night, and the Barovian villagers terror of the night had truly got under these adventurers skins. Only when the horses screams made it seem like it was being attacked did they venture out. One took a hoof to the face but managed to calm the beast while the others looked at what had terrified it. The bones of both skeletons had removed themselves from the bag they were kept in and had arranged themselves, in the bed of the wagon, into a pose of repose, hands interlocked.

The next morning they returned to the gypsy camp, to find Madame Eva returned, the negotiations have gone well, and with their quest completed the future of the Vistani is assured. The group explained the events of the previous night to her, and said they believed the bones should be properly interred. Madame Eva refused explaining that they were a vital component in the potion she wished to brew, that they gained their powerful properties from their lack of sanctity, that allowing a small darkness was a small price.

The PCs knew something was amiss, because they should have "leapt" from the Vistani bodies they were occupying, but didn't, which meant their mission was not truly complete. That night, they were haunted by a vision of the original Madrigore on one knee, large gold ring visible, as if begging. They became sure that the bodies needed burial, but would not act against Madame Eva for fear of affecting the future. Days, turned to weeks, and they still didn't act. The visions grew larger, and the PCs could now see a woman, standing in front of the kneeling man, and it became clear that the man was, in fact, proposing. With some prompting, they finally realised that the ghost was telling them to bury the ring (if you're thinking I'm being unfair with my clues, they have been haunted before with a near identical solution) which was a symbol of his family, his marriage etc. Once this was complete they "leapt" bright blue light enveloped them and they were wrenched from the bodies they were riding.

Taking a step back for a minute. There was something that I was trying to lay under the story that I'm pretty sure didn't come through. The villagers were reasonably friendly with the PCs, despite the PCs occupying the bodies of Vistani. This was partially due to the fact that the Vistani had just arrived, the deal with Strahd had not yet been struck etc. but, I had it in mind, given the specifics of my adventure, that actually, the suspicion that Vistani suffer from is a direct result of Madame Eva's decision to use the Madrigore bones and is a form of curse, which the PCs avoided by burying the ring.

Once the leap was complete, the group found themselves on a mountainside in the snow. Worse, they found themselves dying of hypothermia, as the life left them, a figure approached, summoning flame to warm them, ermine robes appeared at their shoulders, and soon they were restored.

When the figure spoke, it was in a voice they knew well, "Fear not simple peasants, I am a stranger here, I am the Azal Lan of Knurl, what is the name of this strange new land?"

Oh boy