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OOC: Chronicles of Vieiliria

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 3:03 pm
by alhoon
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the OOC thread for the Chronicles of Vieiliria campaign. :)
Vieiliria is a large island domain, lost in the mists that has no known reliable mistway to the Core. Few know anything about it although the vistani tribes seem to be aware of the existance of this land and how to reach it.

One by one, the Players should add the description of their characters and whatever else they want their fellow players to know.

Party Knowledge

Some clarifications
- It's supposed to be fun.

- Unless you prefer otherwise, I would keep most battles fast and story-focused; a few rolls from you, a couple of messages in OOC or PMs of what you plan to do etc. Climatic battles or battles where there's something at stake... those we can play normaly.

- Do not expect the story to tell itself by itself.
"Gobl the Goblin smiles inward as he reaches for the solid white-gray pebble on the garden. With a deepening smile showing yellowing teeth, the goblin pulls back his hand and puts all his body behind the throw, that carries the stone to the wooden shutters and crashes through the thin, elegant material. As curses rise from inside, Gobl turns and runs away laughing, making sure he steps on the flowers in his way out."
is IMO better for the story than:
"Gobl the Goblin breaks the window with a stone and runs away"

- The NPCs may be lying, misinformed or plain wrong. That the knowledgable guy tells you "raddish increase the possibility that you'll be attacked by foul magics" doesn't mean it's true. That the whole village is convinced that the lonely woman in the hut at the outskirts is a witch, doesn't mean it's true.

- That people go pale when you mention the abandoned mill, where nothing grows near it and refuse to talk about it etc, doesn't mean you have to go investigate.
There are lots of threats in the land that your characters can't handle.
Before you step into something that could be dangerous be sure that you learn what you can about it. (Keeping in mind it could perhaps be wrong info)

- It's supposed to be fun.

House rules:
Action Points: Your characters start with 6 AP. You can spend an AP to:
- stabilize immediately instead of dying if you drop to negative hp
- add an 1d6 to an important d20 roll, like a skill check or attack roll, or save. This should be declared after the d20 is rolled but before the result (success or failure) is determined. I.e. you roll the d20, are not happy with the result, add 1d6 to it by spending an AP.
- Regain the spell points of a spell you just cast

Spell Points: I use a slightly modified spell point system from Unearthed Arcana

RMR: The Realm Magic Rating of Vieiliria is ... unknown to your characters but it exists.

Bravery: Fighters gain the bravery feat at first level, gaining +4 bonus vs fear checks (not supernatural mind affecting fear saves though)

Magic Item creation: From scrolls to powerful items, you need the recipy and components to make them. I may ask for spellcraft/arcana/religion checks before I allow you to make anything.
I assume that when you aquire an item creation feat, you learn a couple of such recipies, rituals and necessary incantations.

Re: OOC: Chronicles of Vieiliria

Posted: Mon Jun 10, 2013 6:53 pm
by VAN
Hey guys :)

Boiros is human, rather tall, but not very muscular man with black hair till his shoulders and gray-blue eyes. He wears a breast plate and has a long sword at his hip, a large steel shield is strapped at his back with the holy symbol of Ezra on it. He is from Port a Lucine but after a small adventure in a village in Darkon he was forced to escape and decides to hide in Carnival. Even if he isn't an elf his ears look like elven, sign from his short experience with Carnival. To cover his ears Boiros wears a hood or a helm. He was returning from a village where he and few others were called to get a ghost to rest when mists got him to Vieliria :)

Re: OOC: Chronicles of Vieiliria

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 6:30 pm
by Varrus the Ethical
Hi, folks.

So my character is Wilfred, Wil for short, who is a ranger from the forests of Falkovnia. He's six feet tall, and well muscled, with course black hair, a full beard, and black eyes. On his back are a greatsword and a composite longbow. The longbow looks like it was made to have a heavy pull appropriate for Wil's thick arms.

Re: OOC: Chronicles of Vieiliria

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 9:16 pm
by Roddek
Hello everyone,

At 4'4", Roddek is tall for a dwarf. He's bronzed skinned and muscular, even by dwarf standards, and dressed for war in ornate banded armor. A shield with a clan insignia (an armored warbear by the looks of it) is strapped to his back and a dwarven waraxe to his belt. Roddek's dark brown hair and beard braided into complicated patterns.

Re: OOC: Chronicles of Vieiliria

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 10:01 pm
by alhoon
About average height with dark brown hair and eyes. Relatively thin but muscular and always looks a tad bit dirty. Hair is a bit greasy and unkept. Has a youthful face but also has a small cut under his eye. Dressed in a good quality studded leather armor.

Re: OOC: Chronicles of Vieiliria

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2013 10:02 pm
by alhoon
First post updated with some clarifications and a couple of rules.

Re: OOC: Chronicles of Vieiliria

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 7:40 am
by VAN
Fear: [dice]2[/dice]+6=25

Planes: [dice]1[/dice]+1=3

Local: [dice]0[/dice]+2=8

Boiros speaks Mordentish, Darkonese and Balok to the others.

Re: OOC: Chronicles of Vieiliria

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 11:41 am
by alhoon
OK, Boiros keeps his fear under check. Local and planes have nothing to do at the moment.
As a reminder, you can't roll an untrained knowledge check.

With the local check, Boiros can't figure if he's in Darkon, Dementlieu or someplace else.

Re: OOC: Chronicles of Vieiliria

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2013 11:42 pm
by alhoon
I would also like to ask, as a courtesy to our new member, that your PCs say a little more about the places they describe; after all they have figured Roddek is not from these parts.

I.e. if possible, avoid just saying "I was in Darkon, bound for Port-a-Lucine" as if Roddek knows what that is, but include a short description of the places you mention. Like "I was in Darkon, a large prosperous kingdom that has fallen in dark times recently, bound for Port-a-Lucine, the capital of the small domain of Dementlieu that borders Darkon" etc.

NOTE: I consider the domains somewhat larger than the semi-official scale and with more population.

Re: OOC: Chronicles of Vieiliria

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 1:53 pm
by alhoon
Varrus the Ethical wrote:Wil arches an eyebrow. Wow, these people talk alot.
Arneu is a bard. ;) It's what he does for a life.
I will sometimes condence what he says and speak in 3rd person, but this time, I opted for the long way so that Roddek would start catching up.

Re: OOC: Chronicles of Vieiliria

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2013 5:10 pm
by VAN
Diplomacy: [dice]0[/dice]+4= 12

Need some help to diplomacy guys...

Re: OOC: Chronicles of Vieiliria

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 5:32 pm
by VAN

Re: OOC: Chronicles of Vieiliria

Posted: Fri Jun 21, 2013 10:00 pm
by alhoon
A small delay people, till our new player gets the grip of this game and introduces his character.

Re: OOC: Chronicles of Vieiliria

Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 7:48 am
by alhoon
And now we're back.

Re: OOC: Chronicles of Vieiliria

Posted: Tue Jun 25, 2013 12:15 pm
by VAN
Healing check: [dice]0[/dice]+5=22