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This Sickens Me

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 7:02 pm
by Jack of Tears
This sickens me, and needs to be brought to people's attention. ... 1336937807

Re: This Sickens Me

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 8:03 pm
by Gonzoron of the FoS
Your link doesn't seem to work (or maybe you need an account on facebook to see it). Care to summarize?

Re: This Sickens Me

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:00 pm
by HuManBing
Seconded. I'm not on Facebook, but I'm interested in what Jack of Tears has to share.

Re: This Sickens Me

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 9:22 pm
by Jack of Tears
"You hear those cops coming? They’re not going to help you. My daddy is a cop in this town, and nothing is going to happen to me. You fucking niggers are going to jail.”

- Jacob Caswell

It's a modern-day Indian War... or massacre, if you will. The city of Fernley, NV, has essentially declared war upon Native Americans in general and the Bonta family in particular, with truth and humanity among the first casualties.

In brief, the war began on May 24th, 2011, when a truckfull of skinheads picked a fight with the Bontas, a family from a local Native reservation. When the Bonta family fled, the skinheads chased them down, ran them off the road, jumped out, and beat several members of the Bonta family with bats, knives and a crowbar. When the police and paramedics arrived, however, it was the victims, not the attackers, who got hauled off to jail.

One of the skinheads - Jacob Caswell - is the son of a retired Fernley sheriff. While Caswell went home to brag about the attack on his Facebook page, badly-beaten Johnny Bonta was arrested, taken to jail, and hled in a cell while being denied medical treatment for six days. The Bonta car was seized, and the family was handed a bill for damages. This was just the beginning.

When word spread about the attack, the city's authorities closed ranks to protect the attackers. The local press reported the crime as if the Bonta family had started the fight. The police refused to investigate, and the FBI investigation has thus far been stonewalled by an ongoing wall of silence. Even the Reno Gazette Journal joined the fun, interviewing the attackers but not the victims. As far as I've been able to trace, Jacob Caswell has yet to be arrested or charged, despite having bragged about the beating on Facebook. Oh, yeah - and he and one other attacker are apparently members of the U.S. Army, too... and have reportly terrorized other Natives who remain afraid to press the issue because the police refuse to hear them.

Good ol' American boys, carrying on a proud tradition with the full support of their community.

So dear fellow Burners, FUCK their community.

Fernley, Reno, Sparks, and other local towns make millions of dollars a year selling food, supplies, gas, lodgings, and more to folks traveling to and from Burning Man.


Supply yourselves elsewhere, or don't go to the Burn at all.

Seriously, how can anyone celebrate Oneness, Peace, Love, Magic and all that other cool stuff while giving money to communities that openly support violence and hate against this land's original people?

We're not talking about something that happened decades ago, but an an attack less than two months back that still enjoys overt and covert support in the cities of Fernley and Reno.

To hell with them, then. Don't. Give. Them. Your. Money.

Some people have argued that a boycott will hurt merchants who don't support Caswell and his thugs. But if those merchants truly cared about the state of their communities, there'd be a massive outcry and mass resignations, firings and jailings among what passes for Fernley's "law-enforcement" and "journalistic" communities. Right now, that's not happening.

Until that day comes - until not only Caswell and his friends but every deputy, paramedic, editor and newswriter involved is either in the unemployment line or jail - any monies spent in the city of Fernley supports hate crimes and the ability to get away with them.

Supporting a city that gives a free pass to skinhead violence is a mockery of every Burning Man ideal.

So long as this travesty remains unpunished, money spent in Fernley supports racism, terror and a literal white-washing of justice.




Otherwise, Burning Man is just another carnival for rich white posuers dancing on the backs and the graves of the oppressed.

More details at these links: ... in-nevada/

http://indiancountrytodaymedianetwork.c ... skinheads/ ... alked.html ... an-family/ ... t-attorney ... -americans

(Yes, that last link is from Al-Jazeera. When the leading Muslim news source has more details about this crime than the Fernley News, you know you're in trouble.)

Also, see: ... 4812459997

Re: This Sickens Me

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:46 am
by alhoon
Ehh... is that for real? It seems too... 19th century.

Re: This Sickens Me

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 3:12 am
by Jack of Tears
Saddly it is, you can follow the links provided to learn more if you wish. Scary, sickening, garbage.

Re: This Sickens Me

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:07 pm
by LadySoth
Doesn't seem to be covered on any reliable news sites . . . just some facebook pages and blogs are coming up. If this were real, I'd think the liberal media outlets would be all over this. I'm a skeptic that all the claims in the story are true.

Re: This Sickens Me

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 2:33 pm
by Jack of Tears
Having spoken to people from the area, this seems legitimate. Of course, many of them are outraged by it as well, but that hasn't resulted in them doing much, so far as I can see.

Edit: Indian Country Today seems legitimate, if a potentially biased source. They provide links to a page organizing petitions and the author of the article seems to be a legitimate news corespondent. (Looked her up)

Re: This Sickens Me

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 3:13 pm
by Manofevil
Forbes magazine is certainly a legitamate news source.

Re: This Sickens Me

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:31 pm
by High Priest Mikhal
I don't what's sadder. That this happened? Or that it doesn't surprise me? Expect the worst of people and they'll prove you right every time.

Re: This Sickens Me

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:53 am
by Jester of the FoS
LadySoth wrote:Doesn't seem to be covered on any reliable news sites . . . just some facebook pages and blogs are coming up. If this were real, I'd think the liberal media outlets would be all over this. I'm a skeptic that all the claims in the story are true.
Except... the US media has been listing Conservative for years. The most watch new channel is Fox News, and CNN and others have been aping its style and commentators for a while now.

Re: This Sickens Me

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:46 pm
by Brandi
Jester of the FoS wrote:Except... the US media has been listing Conservative for years.
I will not speak for LadySoth, but it seems like the folks most likely to say "liberal media" mean "the media doesn's **** Sarah Palin's **** with enough vigor."

Re: This Sickens Me

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:46 pm
by HuManBing
Damn straight, I agree that FOX News will always PUSH Sarah Palin's VOTE with great vigor, which the liberal channels won't.

I can only assume that's what you meant, of course.

Re: This Sickens Me

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:14 am
by LadySoth
^I actually have no idea what either of you two meant, since Brandi's initial post was edited and now doesn't make sense ???

I'm certainly not a supporter of Palin though (why even bring her into this dicussion?) . . . by saying that I thought "the liberal media outlets would be all over this story" I meant that it seemed like the type of bleeding-heart vindictive outrage story with a clear victim unfairly targeted that most of the let me rephrase popular, mainstream, outlets cover. Simply put, I was saying it was surprising to me that if this story was totally legit, more of the mainstream outlets hadn't run it. Certainly, Forbes is a legit source, but a blog connected to them (the link that was initally posted was to a blog on the Forbes page) hardly, to me, counts as major coverage by the magazine--it was more of an Op-Ed piece. I'd have thought that if completely a legit story, this would have warranted major headlines all over the place in big publications--liberal/conservative or otherwise. From the links posted here, I haven't seen that. . . that's what I was trying to say.

Re: This Sickens Me

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:16 am
by Gonzoron of the FoS
As I may be the only one to have seen Brandi's unedited post, let me paraphrase it as, "act extremely subserviently to Sarah Palin"

That said, let's try to keep the politics to a minimum, shall we?

Regardless of political leanings, it is somewhat odd if no recognized national news outlet picks up on this story, aside from blogs.