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Dark Roads and Golden Hells

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 6:12 pm
by scienceBorg
The latest Open Design project looking for patrons has to do with the planes - Planescape veterans like Colin McComb and Wolfgang Baur are involved.

Here's the link to become a patron: ... cts_id=130

Here's the full pitch:
Dark Roads and Golden Hells is a chance to explore the outer planes of Midgard in mind-expanding style: Inspired by Vance’s Dying Earth, Zelazny’s Chronicles of Amber; by the Outer Limits and The Twilight Zone, by Lovecraft’s eldritch abominations and Moorcock’s Eternal Champion, by just about everything written by China Mieville and Neil Gaiman – and of course by the baroquely stylish weirdness of Planescape and Beyond Countless Doorways, in which our own kobold king had no small part.

Rather than presenting a whole new cosmology, we’ll be concentrating on themes, flavorful locations, and special rules that can be integrated into any planar campaign, whether your PCs are occasional wide-eyed visitors from the prime material or hardened planar cynics supping with devils in a gothic planar crossroads. It doesn’t matter if your multiverse is shaped like a wheel, a spindle, or a million shifting spheres – We promise you’ll find a cornucopia of weird and wonderful locations, feats, spells, monsters, and adventures to insert into your campaign.

There’s a lot for the fertile, fevered minds of patrons to do here!

As well as brainstorming the themes and philosophies, strange powers, hazards, afflictions, and special rules for the outer planes, patrons of Dark Roads & Golden Hells will detail cosmic highways like the Niflheim Road, Tree of Worlds, and River Styx, create strange new creatures, and design new spells and rituals — plus whatever new traits, feats, class options, and any other strange and esoteric things your imaginations can devise!

We’ll also be presenting a dozen or more fully developed locations tied to the new Midgard campaign setting and the Free City of Zobeck: The homes of prominent gods and devils, domains of creatures like the shadow fey, and the afterlife of ghouls and kobolds. Pitched, voted for, and written by patrons, these gazetteers will provide everything you need to run adventures: history and geography, major NPCs, adventure seeds and special rules, and notes on how the PCs’ actions can impact and change them — ensuring they stay fresh and exciting for many return visits.

You can sign up for the Dark Roads and Golden Hells patron project here! Join the Dark Roads and Golden Hells project as a patron today. But remember: “You will not return unchanged.”

-Kobold Quarterly's News Minion.