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The tale of Fanton Grimswold

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2010 11:35 am
by herkles
The story of Fanton Grimswold

This is the Story of Fanton Grimswold, referred to as the faceless man by many people in the land of Barovia. The story begins many a year ago. Fanton Grimswold was a greedy man. He coveted gems, gold, and treasure above all things and sought them out where he could. Fanton sought to find some way to get his riches. Then one day he heard in his village news that a terrible demon or some other sort of monster held great treasure, treasure that he would have. He wanted this treasure more than anything. It would make him a rich man and he would have power. Yet this monster is said to have slaughtered everyone it meet. Fanton would need a powerful weapon to defeat this monster.So he searched and looked through blacksmith shops and other shops seeking a weapon to destroy the monster. They all told him that they had no such a weapon to destroy the monster. He turned to the religious people and they were unmoved by his greed. He was starting to get angry, and then he remembered that deep within the forests lie hags and witches.

So he went to this hag in the forest and told her, “domna I have heard that you have magic and spells to slay monsters and demons.” The crone regarded him for a moment and then spoke, “I do. But I will not give it up for free. “Fanton wanted the treasure more than all so he asked her, “What is it that you want for me to have these spells” The hag then nodded an evil glimmer in her wrinkled old face and told him, “how about we play a game. If you win, I will give you the magic to destroy the monster you seek…” The hag was interrupted at this point by Fanton who stated eagerly. “I accept.” The hag nodded and looked at him in the eye and continued on. “If I win, I will take your face for my own!” This shocked Fanton, but so great was his greed that it made him agree to this as well.

The game he found out was a simple one, it was a dice game. He was to pick either even or odd and if it came up even he won, odd she won. It was simple, and one that he thought he could cheat to make sure he got his treasure. So she handed him some dice that were made out of bone. “Even” The greed evident in his eyes as the hag replied. “Odds it is then.” There two dice and Fanton was to roll the first one and the hag to roll the second one. So they rolled. The first dice turned up a 2 with the second seeming to rolling for a while till it landed with a thud on 1.

“It seems I have one, young man.” The hag said, her evil shining in her eyes. Fanton balked in horror and tried to run away. Yet, all he heard was the cackling of the hag as she chased him till she performed some dark salt smelling magic upon him. With that he lost his face. He then ran off in horror and he found a small village, in his rage he slaughtered them all and took the youngest and most handsome man’s face for his own. He then dragged their bodies deep into the Balinoks. It was there he made his castle of bones. He learned that the face of the man he took would not last and he needed another face. So on the first full moon of the New Year, he comes down from his mountain fortress and looks for a fresh face. Only those safe in their home and with salt out are said to be able to be safe from

//this is something I wrote that I thought would fit Ravenloft's atmosphere as a tale that barovians told. feedback is welcomed.