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Dnar River Madness - straightening out the names

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 7:55 pm
by cure
On the map from ''Servants of Darkness'', which the descriptions in the Tepest chapter of ''Ravenloft Gazeetter Volume V'' seem to be following, the Vaughn River turns south in Tepest and the South Dnar River of Tepest (not to be confused with the South Dnar River of Nova Vaasa) runs east from Lake Kronov.

To my eye then, the two have been transposed.

In support of this conclusion:

1. It would make sense if the South Dnar of Tepest ran south rather than east.

2. Lake Kronov is described as being the source of the Vaughn Dnar ("The Vaughn Dnar flows from Lake Kronov[.]") in the Nova Vaasa chapter of ''[[Ravenloft Gazeetter Volume V]]''. So someone is wrong. And an errata of some sort is necessary.

3. I suspect that there is some geographic nameing convention to the effect that to be a tributary a tributary must not contribute a greater volume of water to a river than the river itself carried up to that point. That is a complex way of saying that Lake Kronov appears to be the largest source of the Vaughn Dnar River so having the Vaughn Dnar fork off into the hills and connecting it to Lake Kronov via a tributary strikes me as an error. Granted, it is asking overmuch for the Tepestians to follow naming conventions (even if they exist).

I care because I am writing up the Dnar river system for the Mistipedia and all was going as well as could be hoped until I crossed the border into Tepest and all Hell broke loose.

PS Was, perchance, the stuff in the intro to Tepest with S and all the road signs pointing the wrong way an inside reference to problems of this sort with Tepest?