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A new template for vampire hunters:

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 3:41 pm
by Tykus
From the dreams in my head to this post--I present to you--the Reflection template.

When an individual becomes a vampire or a vampire spawn, the individual’s reflection disappears. Most sages attribute this to the mirror is a reflection of one’s soul and a vampire has lost its soul. Few sages wonder as to the fate of these lost soul-reflections. Until recently, it was believed that the lost reflections simply vanished, never to return. However, during a particularly harrowing and vicious encounter with a vampire, an adventurer discovered a hidden power within himself and went toe-to-toe with a vampire with nothing more than his fists and prevailed. He had no training in unarmed combat and yet his blows landed as hard as the vampire’s and any wound the vampire inflicted healed as rapidly.
Since then, the adventurer has learned of others like himself—very rare individuals with ability to mimic several vampiric abilities when in the presence of a vampire for the express purpose of combating vampires. The few sages that have learned of these individuals call them “reflections,” (based upon one of the abilities of these people) as these individuals “mirror” the physical attributes of vampires. Those of a more scientific or natural order mind believe that vampires may have come into existence as a predator to the sentient races but in order to prevent vampires from going from predator to a rampant infection, reflections come into being as a sort of anti-body. It is unknown how many reflections actually exist, as a person can go through his or her entire life without ever encountering the undead, and the source of this power is equally unknown but most believe that it is the Positive Energy Plane (or similar life-giving energy source). Additionally, a person could fight multiple vampires before becoming a reflection.
Vampires themselves are usually completely unaware of reflections existence due to their relatively low numbers. There is the occasional legend, however these tales are usually taken as exceptional individuals rather than a new breed of creature.
Creating a Reflection
“Reflection” is a template that can be inherited or acquired that can be added to any corporeal humanoid or monstrous humanoid (referred to hereafter as “base creature”). Any templates already in place are retained unless the template changes the base creature’s creature type. Subtypes the base creature had are retained and it gains the “augmented” subtype if it doesn’t already have it.
Attacks: The base creature retains any natural weapons and attack bonuses. It should be noted that a reflection’s physical ability scores change with respect to a vampire. Any attacks gained by class are also retained. The base creature gains a slam attack if it didn’t already have one. The base creature’s attacks (manufactured weapon or natural) are treated as having the necessary requirements for bypassing damage reduction for purposes of damaging the vampire ONLY. In addition, a reflection can perform critical hits against a vampire.
Special Qualities:
Reflection’s Aura (Su): The base creature gains a couple of special abilities while it is within 30 ft. of a vampire:
Reflective Healing (Su): The base creature gains the fast healing or regeneration trait (or both) and at the same rate and conditions as the opposing vampire for only the damage directly caused by the vampires physical attacks.
Physical Might (Su): The base creature’s physical abilities (Str and Dex) gain the ability score adjustments of the vampire template while fighting the vampire. This only applies to direct attacks and defenses of the base creature against the vampire. If there are different types of vampire templates, then the adjustments for that template is used. If the vampire has aged past the base adjustments (as is usually the case in Ravenloft) or has the evolved template from Libris Mortis (or both), the base creature gains the new adjustments. For purposes of fighting vampire spawn (as described in the Monster Manual), the base creature gains +6 Str and +4 Dex. The base creature doesn’t gain the ability adjustments associated vampire’s base creature. A reflection fighting a vampire giant might be better equipped to handle the undead behemoth but he is still at a disadvantage as he doesn’t have giant’s natural strength.
A reflection also gains several non-aura-oriented abilities:
Increased Fortitude (Ex): While not immune to a vampire’s energy drain or mental attacks, the base creature gains a +4 bonus to Fortitude saves for negative level checks acquired from the vampire or its spawn and +2 to Will saves against mental-based attacks.
Vampire Sense (Su): The most shocking ability of a reflection when the base creature becomes aware of his abilities is his vampire sense. Within 30 ft., a reflection can pinpoint the exact location of a vampire (even when invisible; unless steps are taken to prevent detection). Outside the radius, the base creature sees an image of the vampire (its lost reflection) superimposed over the base creature as a translucent image anytime he looks into a mirror or other reflective surface. This indicates to the base creature that a vampire is near. The exact range varies and is never consistent but is usually limited to a few miles. In Ravenloft domains that have a vampire lord, a reflection feels the constant nearness of the darklord as its essence permeates the land (this effect doesn’t override the accuracy within 30 ft.). Such darklords don’t gain the ability to sense the reflection but will recognize that the base creature as a threat without really knowing why as soon as the reflection is sensed or detected.
Positoxic Fluids (Ex): Any vampire that feeds upon the base creature’s blood or other fluids suffers from bloodwine poisoning (as described in Libris Mortis, pp. 74-75) except the Fortitude save is 10 + ½ the base creatures total HD (from race and class) + the base creature’s Con modifier. All vampires take a -2 penalty to their Fort saves and take an initial 1d4 Cha damage and a secondary 2d4 Cha damage.
Level Adjustment: +0

Thoughts? Ideas? Heavy sarcasm?

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 4:08 pm
by Gonzoron of the FoS
I like the concept a lot. A whole lot. Very clever, and not something I've seen in any of the roughly 10 billion vampire stories out there.

But, the rules could use a little work.

With an LA of 0 and no downside, why wouldn't anyone take this template if his GM allowed, just in case? I see why you'd be reluctant to give an LA 1 when the abilities only come up in limited circumstances, but I don't think LA 0 is the answer, unless you add some vampire-related downside.

IMHO, the better option is to make it LA 1, and have some of the powers work at a low level even when not near a vamp.

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2009 4:55 pm
by Tykus
Gonzoron of the FoS wrote:I like the concept a lot. A whole lot. Very clever, and not something I've seen in any of the roughly 10 billion vampire stories out there.

But, the rules could use a little work.

With an LA of 0 and no downside, why wouldn't anyone take this template if his GM allowed, just in case? I see why you'd be reluctant to give an LA 1 when the abilities only come up in limited circumstances, but I don't think LA 0 is the answer, unless you add some vampire-related downside.

IMHO, the better option is to make it LA 1, and have some of the powers work at a low level even when not near a vamp.
I forgot to note in the reflective healing that it doesn't apply to spells or powers cast or manifested by the vampire. But you're right, it does need a few more penalties, a LA 1 might be the best option. Maybe the superimposed reflection can be seen by everybody (resulting in an OR adjustment or Cha check penalty)

Maybe a reflection could temporarily gain the chemical allergen of the sensed vampire or the vampire is compelled to attack the reflection (Will save) upon sight. I'm grasping at straws.

Version 1.5

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 3:45 pm
by Tykus
Gonzoron of the FoS wrote:I like the concept a lot. A whole lot. Very clever, and not something I've seen in any of the roughly 10 billion vampire stories out there.

But, the rules could use a little work.

With an LA of 0 and no downside, why wouldn't anyone take this template if his GM allowed, just in case? I see why you'd be reluctant to give an LA 1 when the abilities only come up in limited circumstances, but I don't think LA 0 is the answer, unless you add some vampire-related downside.

IMHO, the better option is to make it LA 1, and have some of the powers work at a low level even when not near a vamp.
Here's an updated version of the template. I added a creature type to the list of choices, expanded upon a couple of the abilities, and added a couple of drawbacks.

Creating a Reflection

“Reflection” is a template that can be inherited or acquired that can be added to any corporeal humanoid , giant, or monstrous humanoid (referred to hereafter as “base creature”). Any other templates already in place or gained through are retained unless the template changes the base creature’s creature type. Subtypes the base creature had are retained and it gains the “augmented” subtype if it doesn’t already have it.

Attacks: The base creature retains any natural weapons and attack bonuses. It should be noted that a reflection’s physical ability scores change with respect to a vampire. Any attacks gained by class are also retained. The base creature gains a slam attack in the presence of a vampire if it didn’t already have one (use the slam attack by size table listed for vampires in the MM). The base creature’s attacks (manufactured weapon or natural) are treated as having the necessary requirements for bypassing damage reduction for purposes of damaging the vampire ONLY. In addition, a reflection can perform critical hits against a vampire.

Special Qualities:
Reflection’s Aura (Su): The base creature gains a couple of special abilities while it is within 30 ft. of a vampire. In the case of multiple vampires, the base creature gets the best adjustments:

Reflective Healing (Su): The base creature gains the fast healing or regeneration trait (or both) and at the same rate and conditions as the opposing vampire for only the damage directly caused by the vampires physical attacks. The healing doesn’t occur if the vampire uses spells or psionics against the reflection.
If the vampire is slain or has fled, the reflection continues to heal any damage dealt by the vampire until healed to the “starting point” (a vampire that deals 67 points of damage to a 120 hp fighter is only going to heal those 67 points).

Physical Might (Su): The base creature’s physical abilities (Str and Dex) gain the ability score adjustments of the vampire template while fighting the vampire. This only applies to direct attacks and defenses of the base creature against the vampire. If there are different types of vampire templates, then the adjustments for that template is used. If the vampire has aged past the base adjustments (as is usually the case in Ravenloft) or has the evolved template from Libris Mortis (or both), the base creature gains the new adjustments. For purposes of fighting vampire spawn (as described in the Monster Manual), the base creature gains +6 Str and +4 Dex. The base creature doesn’t gain the ability adjustments associated vampire’s base creature. A reflection fighting a vampire giant might be better equipped to handle the undead behemoth but he is still at a disadvantage as he doesn’t have giant’s natural strength.

A reflection also gains several non-aura-oriented abilities:

Increased Fortitude (Ex): While not immune to a vampire’s energy drain or mental attacks, the base creature gains a +4 bonus to Fortitude saves for negative level checks acquired from the vampire or its spawn and +2 to Will saves against a vampire’s mental-based attacks.

Vampire Sense (Su): The most shocking ability of a reflection when the base creature becomes aware of his abilities is his vampire sense. Within 30 ft., a reflection can pinpoint the exact location of a vampire. This results in having the uncanny dodge class feature with respect to the vampire. The base creature also doesn’t need to guess which square the vampire is in if it’s invisible (unless steps are taken to prevent detection) but still has to act against the concealment. Outside the radius, the base creature sees an image of the vampire (its lost reflection) superimposed over the base creature as a translucent image anytime he looks into a mirror or other reflective surface. This indicates to the base creature that a vampire is near. The exact range varies and is never consistent but is usually limited to a few miles. In Ravenloft domains that have a vampire lord, a reflection feels the constant nearness of the darklord as its essence permeates the land (this effect doesn’t override the accuracy within 30 ft.). Such darklords don’t gain the ability to sense the reflection but will recognize that the base creature as a threat without really knowing why as soon as the reflection is sensed or detected.

Sensing multiple vampires may result in a madness check.

Positoxic Fluids (Ex): Any vampire that feeds upon the base creature’s blood or other fluids suffers from bloodwine poisoning (as described in Libris Mortis, pp. 74-75) except the Fortitude save is 10 + ½ the base creatures total HD (from race and class) + the base creature’s Con modifier. All vampires take a -2 penalty to their Fort saves and take an initial 1d4 Cha damage and a secondary 2d4 Cha damage.

Nightmares (Ex): As a side effect of a reflection’s vampire sense, a reflection suffers from nightmares. These nightmares always involve the vampire that the base creature senses. These nightmares usually are either of the vampire’s origin or seeing through the vampire’s eyes (usually preying on victims). The base creature must make a Will save to get a good night’s sleep. The Will DC is equal to 10 + ½ the vampire’s HD + vampire’s Cha modifier. A failed save results in the base creature being fatigued upon awaking. These nightmares do not impede spell memorization, daily meditations, etc.

Level Adjustment: +1

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 10:42 am
by Gonzoron of the FoS
much more balanced now. Trouble is that like the ranger, it's so dependant on the DM choosing the right kinds of foes. It would be gamebreaking if every adventure featured a vampire, and the other party members would be totally outshined. And it would be super disappointing if there were no vampires to be found. So, I'm still in favor of giving it an ability or two that is inspired by vampires, but works even when they aren't around...

just my two cents, though. In the right campaign, it could be perfect as is.

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2009 3:05 pm
by Tykus
Gonzoron of the FoS wrote:much more balanced now. Trouble is that like the ranger, it's so dependant on the DM choosing the right kinds of foes. It would be gamebreaking if every adventure featured a vampire, and the other party members would be totally outshined. And it would be super disappointing if there were no vampires to be found. So, I'm still in favor of giving it an ability or two that is inspired by vampires, but works even when they aren't around...

just my two cents, though. In the right campaign, it could be perfect as is.
I'm open to suggestions. Maybe an ability or quality from one of the several half-vampire templates out there? The template could be modifiable for use against other undead creatures.