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Ravenloft - Uberwald

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 7:46 am
by Murgatroyd
Hello Everyone... or should I say "Good Evernink"...
As your (curreently) newest board member, I should begin by admitting that I am about to commit a form of sacrilege...
I used to play AD&D for many a year, used to ref for TSR at conventions back in the old days, and when I played instead, I always placed in the final... Ahhh happy days.
However at my advanced, (Nay decrepit), time of life I'm looking to do something even wierder than AD&D... (though I may return to it sometime... 4th Ed : Urrgh)
I'm currently setting up a Discworld campaign, based on the books by Terry Pratchett. The rules system will be based on 2nd ED AD&D, with elements of GURPS Discworld. However I envisage the campaign being long on roleplay and short on rules...
I'm going to transplant certain elements of Ravenloft to Uberwald... a gothic region, well populated by old vampire families, werewolf clans, and mad scientists. There's a whole clan of Igor's who practice their own brand of transplant medicine quite openly in the community, where their surgical skills are respected and admired. They also practise on themselves... Now to the fun bit : Figures :D
I've managed to collect many of the Ral Partha Ravenloft miniature sets and individual figures, and they will be very handy for portraying the local residents in Uberwald. Thus far I have the Mordenheim's lab set, with the extra Life Energisers, and the lab tables, The Ravenloft denizens set, and the Castles Forlorn set. I'm currently bidding on several individual pieces on E-Bay.
RAFM also do some great figures including their Mad Scientists Lab, (RAF04586), Wizards Laboratory, (RAF04581), Sinister Scientists, (RAF02914) and maybe even Johan Ripponof and Doom Ray, (RAF1844)...
Not to be forgotten, Grenadier did some lovely pieces, some of which are being re released by Mirilton... The Nightmares section has some very appropriate pieces : Psycho Killers (NM017), Vampire Vault (NM018), the old grenadier set Demons has been revived as Demons 1,2, and The floating horror (NM11, 12, and 13 respectively). They also do Vampires (NM002), Vampire hunters (NM008), Unholy Undead (NM009), and to those devotees of more fishy horror, they have also done their old Spawn of Cthulhu figure, and called it Hell Beast (NM004), (Undoubtedly to avoid any conflict with RAFM who has the COC liscence currently) The other pack of note is the re released Deep Ones, (My personal favourites of all the deep one figures ever produced) these are sold as "Creatures from Deep" (NM003). Incidently, the figure that has been so nicely painted in the "Other figures for use with Ravenloft" section, with the snake coiled around his pointing arm is sold, (Along with a splendid Giant snake) as Shapeshifter Shaman (BA008). Alas they haven't yet re released their splendid Hunchback gravedigger... ( From a Horror set called Children of the night, (I think... though I may be wrong.) It contained a Pair of vampires, a witch, the hunchback gravedigger, an excellent werewolf, a zombie, and several other figures... I can't find it on the look up site I visit for Identifying old sets). Lastly, their old Shelob figure, from back when they had the LOTR liscence is CR009 - Giant Spider.
There's probably an existing thread about Ravenloft figure collecting... perhaps someone might point me in it's direction...
I hope the figure refrences may be of some help to others...