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Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 3:54 pm
by Moral Machivelli
Buchvold looks intruiged at Perrison. It is not hard to guess that, in spite of the reactions of some of the Fraternity's members, Buchvold takes the brother seriously. He smiles at the description of the group with the clasical elements

Air, hmm simple enough,even from what little I know of him, Earth now, what could that signify? Traditionally physical strength, but in Serd?! Fire ,ah. Well played Brother Perrison. And water...

The Merchant mage lets that thought trail off there.

It is all to easy to see every word he sepaks as babble, but there is far more to him than that.

By the Watchers, who is this man?

He pricks up his ears at the brother's last words

Strange ...

"I do not think the storm will make too much diference to us out here , Brother. Why do you think we should return to the Maison?" He responds, slowly, as if he does not believe that that was what Perrison meant.

Posted: Mon Mar 05, 2007 3:58 pm
by Pamela
Gertrude had to work to keep the pleasant smile upon her face, though she did permit herself to raise her eyebrows. Utterly barmy, she thought. She was still not ready to dismiss the reading she’d had a few days ago; she’d met idiot savants and mystics in her time. There were of course idiots and charlatans galore but she didn’t believe Perrison fit into either category.

She nodded at his warning, and the attribution of the last element to herself; it was one she’d heard often before. The rest certainly fit the others. She had quickly read through the report on Souragne during the last couple of days, and had been stunned to find that the Lord of the Dead had an actual representative. Was this warning some vague generalisation, or relating to the immediate future? Either way, she thought it intriguing to ‘befriend moonlight’.

“I fear that the storm would only follow, Brothers, if the last few months have been anything to go by,” she said a touch wistfully. She recalled Larner’s warning about the traitor’s potential relations with her homeland. “And I’d sooner face it than hide and have the roof fall down around my ears.”

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 9:04 pm
by Nathan of the FoS
When Perrison speaks again, it is in his own quick tenor. "Er...go back to the Maison?" he says in response to Buchvold, obviously confused. "I was..." He gestures vaguely to the tents huddled on the grounds. "So, you think it will keep raining, Sister Kingsley? But I think the Maison is, ah, safe enough...the roof won't fall...surely they built it to deal with a thunderstorm worse than this?"

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 3:10 pm
by Pamela
Gertrude wondered whether Brother Perrison was really as loopy as he pretended, but doubted that she’d get an answer without further acquaintance. Not something I’ll really pursue, she thought to herself. While mystical and prophetic states of consciousness were interesting to read about, they made for annoying live experiences. “I could be wrong, of course, Brother Perrison,” she remarked lightly. Mind you, we all thought the Manoir would be the safest place to be, and look how that ended up…

The professor turned to the rest of the small group. “Well, brothers, shall we attempt to be sleuths, and spy the grounds for clues a la Alannik Ray? Or shall we settle for a round of drinks in the comfort of the Maison?”

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 8:00 pm
by Rotipher of the FoS
The bard curses inwardly as the ranger's words discount the possibility of an abduction -- though he'd not seriousy expected such clumsiness from Van Rijn, it would've made life a good deal simpler -- even as he lets a rush of relief (tinged with embarassment that 'Brother Crow's' worst-case scenario had proven overly alarmist) dance across his features. He looks back to the point from which Krakul claims the ring had been thrown (again, running zombies? possible, but an anomaly nonetheless...) and wonders if the Voros' discernment could truly be so precise; the bard is no woodsman, and in the grass-cloaked absence of betraying mud, can't even tell if a trail is genuinely present.

Though his natural impulse is to follow Dirac and the Voros, to see for himself where this nigh-invisible "trail" had come and gone, the approach of Brother Perrison scuttles that plan. Though Crow has had some time to reconcile the addled Brother's "prophecy" and its ominous implications -- both for his pretense and his personal fears -- he dares not simply walk away from the man: who knew what Perrison's wandering wits might see fit to spill forth, at the spy's departure? Rather than gamble on the maybe-prophet's silence, he remains with the others, expression carefully neutral as he watches the exchange to follow.

The bard maintains that non-judgemental bearing as Perrison recites yet another cryptic metaphor -- his same suit again, blast it, but at least Crow is prepared this time ... and the others' designations, Buchvold's in particular, are not without interest -- and a cautionary message of uncertain abstraction. The imagry of Death contending with the Lord of the Dead (an obvious analogy to Souragne's pervasive animism) comes as little surprise; that the Fraternity wields its forbidden magic so freely on its new home ground, without reprecussions, has already hinted to him that the island's native powers have not seen fit to ally with the mad-thing or its proxies. Lightning could refer to any number of things, from a sudden flash of insight to fugitive sorcerer Jeffery Terrence, who'd wielded it as a weapon of mayhem at the Manoir; as for "befriending moonlight", the phrase seems curiously familiar, yet he can neither place it off-hand, nor be certain it isn't merely some unrelated poetic quotation or lyric, that sparks his memory in passing.

(As for leaving lest the "storm" grow worse, the bard most certainly cannot set aside his mission now, with his blood still in the Fraternity's keeping ... and, recollecting his previous quip about the Shadowcloak, he wonders if he -- and Kingsley -- are already too deeply ensnared to escape that particular "stormcloud's" dour attention.)

Hiding his own speculations deep behind the enigmatic shield of his Mist-gray eyes, the bard watches Perrison's shifting lucidity in response to the others' queries, trying to judge just how much of the mystical Brother's apparent disorientation is genuine. Then, as Kingsley's query brings the group's attention back to practical matters, he brushes dripping curls back from his brow -- not touching skin, as he does so; although Dirac's departure has left them safely cloaked in dimness, he'd prefer not to spoil makeup left fragile by the rainfall -- and quips:

"Well, I doubt if a bit more exploring would leave me any more wet through, or my boots, any muddier than they already are. But if the rest of you have had enough of mosquitoes and drizzle for one evening, I'd be game for a brandy and a sit-down as well. Either way, best if we had some light to navigate by; any of you wizardly sorts have the means to hand...?"

The spy pauses, frowns puzzledly.

"Come to think of it ... what were you all doing out here in the rain and the dark, anyway? It's been beastly out, up until now, and surely our hosts at least had a room to spare, for Professor Kingsley. Really, if you'd been out here planning some sort of a reunion for last October's veterans, I'd hate to think I'd been left out...."

He blinks ingenuously at the others, as if entirely ignorant of Buchvold's clandestine rendezvous with Serd.

[OOC: Can the bard make a Sense Motive guesstimate as to whether Perrison's nutbar-routine is for real? If it is, can he tell if there's anything about the man's mannerisms that smacks of magical influence or artificial impairment (e.g. by drugs)?]

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 8:35 pm
by Nathan of the FoS
Rotipher of the FoS wrote:[OOC: Can the bard make a Sense Motive guesstimate as to whether Perrison's nutbar-routine is for real? If it is, can he tell if there's anything about the man's mannerisms that smacks of magical influence or artificial impairment (e.g. by drugs)?]
Crow's pretty sure that he's not drunk, nor on any other mood-altering substance he's familiar with. He might be under some kind of magical influence, but if so, it's quite subtle and non-standard (nothing as common as charm person, or even dominate person.) There's obviously something very wrong with him, but it's not clear if he knows that and is compensating for it, trying to hide it, or exaggerating it--Crow's gotten possible hints of all three at different points.

Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 9:11 pm
by Nathan of the FoS
The door of the Maison opens again, and Roeccha returns across the lawn, his face shadowed even in the clarity of the gibbous moon. As he comes the four of you realize that his feet cause only the slightest plash as they touch the sodden lawn, and that he casts no shadow at all.

"Brother Serd, Brother Crow, Brother Buchvold, Sister Kingsley," he says, his harsh voice strangely formal. "The Fraternity needs your assistance. Father Shadowcloak has instructed me to ask you to take this," holding out the handkerchief, he shows the ring taken previously, then covers it again, "and take it to the voodan known as Chicken Bone. We have some reason to believe that he will be able to identify the person who wore it most recently. Don't touch the ring yourself, of course. If you need anything or anyone from Port d'Elhour, we can arrange to have you taken there; you should probably depart from that point in any case. We have funds provided for you to find a guide." As he speaks, he removes a purse from within his coat and holds it out to Crow. "Do you have any questions?"

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 11:15 am
by VAN
OOC1>I played instead of alhoon because he doesn't have internet access.

Since these are major news alhoon will play himself what goes on Draxton's mind once he has access to internet. He want let something as breath taking as this for a richmolutese go away lightly. :wink:

IC> "I think I have the right person to accompany us to this job. He is a skilled wilderness man and very loyal follower. He doesn't know what our Fraternity is and I'd like this to remain that way."

Draxton's gaze momentarilly goes to Buchvold. Returning his attention to Roecha he says:

"Esteemed brother, I'd ask permission to call my bodyguard, the ranger Dadrag to this expedition."

OOC2> Draxton is not completely seer about Dadrag's loyalty.

Posted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 2:24 am
by Pamela
Gertrude smiled at the bard’s words, looking forward to a resumption of their conversation, but it went crooked at the question. “No reunion at all, merely a chance meeting,” she replied, “And if you want to know what I was doing outside, just ask them.” She gave a pointed stare at the Borcan snoop and his eavesdropping shadow. She had every intention of speaking a little more honestly- and beginning her own tale- when she was alone with Crow, but didn’t want to give any glances that might be misconstrued. Now to hope they aren’t so simple and blunt as to blurt out my own good news…

This line of conversation was interrupted by Roeccha’s return- or rather, its suddenness. She put his quiet step down to her involvement with the conversation, and curtseyed at his formal address of them. Fraternity summons, she thought with a touch of dread and excitement, contrasting his manner now with his disdain minutes earlier. She relaxed at the request for help, glad to be spared yet another inquiry.

A thrill went down her spine at the mention of Chicken Bone, that elusive voodan. His name had followed her everywhere throughout her visits but blank stares had always met her at the suggestion of a possible meeting. It was tantamount to a private audience with a Bastion as far as she was concerned. She reminded herself that she wasn’t there to discuss the loa, but perhaps if she made enough of an impression, and assured him of the sympathetic treatment she could present his faith…? The religious scholar’s eyes gleamed greedily at the possibilities.

Your loyal follower, not ours, she thought to herself as Serd mentioned his friend or henchman. Likely the latter… And if you don’t want him to know what we’re up to, then why bring him along, where he’ll probably try to overhear? Still, she said nothing; Roeccha himself had suggested companions, and Buchvold would likely jump to the Richemuloise’s defence.

She did however stretch out her hand to accept the handkerchief and the ring. She trusted Crow’s handling of this object, but not the other two. “I would be honoured to go, Esteemed Brother. I shall also be glad to take care of the ring. One question I do have, though, is if there is anyone- or any family- that you can recommend who’d be willing to provide a guide? I’ve found the Souragniens to be either protective or leery about approaching this voodan.”

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 12:41 pm
by Rotipher of the FoS
Crow's query of the others -- motivated, in equal parts, by his curiosity as to how well Serd could explain away his presence without magical aid to his persuasiveness, and to why Buchvold had been firing off his habitual Magic Missiles earlier on -- is forestalled by the shalach-ti's approach across the garden lawn. The bard's eyes widen involuntarily, and his wrists twinge with alarm, when he realizes the darkling casts no shadow upon the sodden grass (Bloody perdition, was it missing before, when I spoke to him in private...?), but he reminds himself that the Fraternity's preoccupation with shadow-magic can easily account for such a lack. His gaze has steadied, his rapid pulse slowed to normal, by the time Roeccha draws near enough to speak.

Still, the spy will definitely be making a note of that.

Listening to the shalach-ti, Crow frowns inwardly -- granted, the FoS's high ranks are all wizards, hence might not have the proper magics ready to hand; still, the idea that a voodan could successfully divine what they could not seems odd -- but does not let his skepticism show in his bearing. Whether played for tool or fool, 'Brother Crow' must be seen as willing to prove his competence, at this stage of the game. Though his stance remains casual, in the manner Kingsley has come to expect of him in recent encounters, the bard again adjusts his grip upon his guitar-case's shoulder-strap -- a subtle "Ready For Action, Sir" gesture -- and accepts the purse which the darkling presents with a firm, businesslike hand.

Gray eyes rising to meet the fallen Vistana's for a conspiratorial instant, the spy wonders if the proffered mission has any practical merit at all, or is merely an excuse to remove the four of them -- all potentially under suspicion, thanks to this latest incident -- off the Maison's premises, if not propel them into a trap. But to betray such doubts now would only draw greater scrutiny their way; even discounting the absent shadow, he dares not hold Roeccha's gaze for long, to probe deeper.

Hearing Draxton Serd's proposal to include the ranger from Nevuchar Springs -- Dash it, he still has that one tagging along? -- the bard adds Dadrag's keen perceptions to the growing list of complications plaguing this operation, but sets aside this concern for the moment to feel out his companions' reactions to Roeccha's proposal. Kingsley's quiet eagerness, in particular, stands out; slow to die though Crow's suspicions usually are, he has accepted by now that academic curiosity sincerely is the professor's primary motivation in life, and this confirms his belief. An encouraging ray of light, he considers her, amidst an increasingly-grim situation: for all her unwitting peril, part of him is grateful the Lady Scalpel is here.

With her presence to remind him why his work is necessary, he feels free to enjoy the thrill of the game, as it enters a new phase. And, in unspoken gratitude, he backs up the Zherisian's question:

"Indeed, a native guide would be best -- one familiar with the bayou -- and 'Dadrag' doesn't sound much like a Souragnien name to me," Crow adds to Kingsley's query, with a doubtful glance at Serd. 'Brother Crow' still hasn't been properly introduced to him, come to think of it; yet another item for the To-Do list...

"Also, how soon are we expected back here? If we're to set forth at once and return before dawn, we'll need some means to signal our return: after tonight's breach, I presume that we can't be issued the means to bypass the perimeter's defenses, lest such tokens fall into unfriendly hands." He frowns with (unfeigned) concern.

[OOC: If the plot allows, can we be back in time for the panel discussion in the morning? I've been looking forward to that!]

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 10:37 pm
by Nathan of the FoS
Rotipher of the FoS wrote:"Indeed, a native guide would be best -- one familiar with the bayou -- and 'Dadrag' doesn't sound much like a Souragnien name to me," Crow adds to Kingsley's query, with a doubtful glance at Serd. 'Brother Crow' still hasn't been properly introduced to him, come to think of it; yet another item for the To-Do list...
"Yes, you'll have to find a guide who knows where to find him," Roeccha says. "I don't know of anyone, but the funds provided are significant. Don't spend more than you have to." For a moment he hesitates, then continues, "If you can't find anyone willing for love or money, choose the person who you think most qualified and show him this."

So saying, he reaches into his coat and brings out a round silver coin--at least, it seems a coin at first, but it is not like the other coins you have seen here. On one side is inscribed a half-moon, on the other a weird sinuous drawing, something like an impressionistic tower or a cemetery gate.

"That should get anyone's co-operation," he says. "Show it only as a last resort, and whatever you do, don't let Chicken Bone know you have it."
"Also, how soon are we expected back here? If we're to set forth at once and return before dawn, we'll need some means to signal our return: after tonight's breach, I presume that we can't be issued the means to bypass the perimeter's defenses, lest such tokens fall into unfriendly hands." He frowns with (unfeigned) concern.
"The perimeter defenses are not the problem," Roeccha says, then frowns as if he has said more than he intended to. "With that token in hand I doubt you will encounter any difficulty, but to be on the safe side you should not return here before sunrise. Go back to Port d'Elhour for tonight, if that's necessary. You may bring your bodyguard, Brother Serd; I need not tell a Richemulouse the importance of discretion. If you find it necessary to bring others for your safety, try to find other bodyguards to Fraternity members; I will arrange to get permission from the brothers who have hired them. Do you have other questions? If not, let me send you on your way."

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 10:49 pm
by Nathan of the FoS
OOC: There can be further discussion with Roeccha; I'm just posting this now so that we can move on quickly if there are no questions.

IC: Roeccha raises his hand and places it on Crow's shoulder. "All of you do likewise," he says, gesturing with his free hand. As they touch, he speaks a few words and seems to drop something like a small black snake from his hand.

As it reaches the ground it uncoils, broadening and lengthening quickly until it has become a thin black path leading roughly in the direction of Port d'Elhour, winding its way among the trees into the darkness. Whatever it is made of, the moonlight fails to illuminate it; it is as black as ink and reflects no light at all.

Stepping forward, Roeccha puts his foot on the path.

As you follow, the world twists. The moon is larger, and there are no clouds--and no stars--in the sky. Weird shadows play across the face of the moon; all of you, save Roeccha, see your shadows unusually sharp, distinct, and active, moving (as it seems) in the corner of your eye even when you make no motion. Roeccha himself has become something like a three-dimensional silhouette, a moving paper figure on a paper background, and you realize you are seeing "Roeccha" as he really is--a shadow given substance by arcane power, its master elsewhere.

As quickly as it began the journey ends; you step forward, blindly following your shadowed guide, and find yourselves knee-deep in weeds, a few yards from the road. The lights of the first outbuildings of Port d'Elhour are visible ahead of you, and the first drops of rain signal the renewal of the storm.

For a moment there are four of you and five shadows; then the shadow is gone.