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Question About Boogeymen

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 4:10 am
by Hell_Born
I've just recently read Dark Tales & Disturbing Legends, and I must say it lives up to the hype. I'm especially fond of the Boogeymen, but I've just two questions:
*Are there any Netbook articles on Boogeymen, because I'm sure I've read them before?
*What are the known Boogeymen of Ravenloft?
*Where (if applicable) are their stats and what version are said stats for?

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 4:37 am
by Olly
There's a couple in one of the old Kargatane netbooks, but they're in need of a 3.5 update.

Re: Question About Boogeymen

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 8:38 am
by Joël of the FoS
Hell_Born wrote:I've just recently read Dark Tales & Disturbing Legends, and I must say it lives up to the hype. I'm especially fond of the Boogeymen, but I've just two questions:
*Are there any Netbook articles on Boogeymen, because I'm sure I've read them before??
Yes, Ryan updated and expanded his "Noises in the Night" idea from Book of Sacrifices.
*What are the known Boogeymen of Ravenloft?
*Where (if applicable) are their stats and what version are said stats for?
Before this article, I don't recall seeing any. By the way, you might consider using the cool VRGttMists rules and suggestions when using these Boogeymen.


Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2005 4:35 pm
by Hell_Born
Okay, I've found the statted Boogeymen:
*The Dirty Thing, Basket Case and the Elf-Knight in QTR #11
*The Scissorman, Fanton Griswold and The Gentlemen from Book of Sacrifices
*Madame & Monsieur Croquemitaine, Alligator Lenny and The Bad Thing from Book of Sacrifices and later Dark Tales & Disturbing Legends
*Mister Fox from Dark Tales * Disturbing Legends

The ones from DT&DL are 3.5 ed, all others are 3rd ed.

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2005 6:44 am
by Olly
If it's not too much trouble, could we get a 3.5 upgrade for the old bogeymen from someone?

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 9:25 am
by The Giamarga
Where are each of these bogeymen located? All across the core? Souragne only? If the latter the 3.5 updates should be included in the Souragne project.

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 12:07 pm
by Hell_Born
Pretty much anywhere across the core as far as I know, except the Elf-knight: that boogeyman only haunts Tepest.

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 12:45 pm
by Tobias Blackburn
The Giamarga wrote:Where are each of these bogeymen located? All across the core? Souragne only? If the latter the 3.5 updates should be included in the Souragne project.
Bogeymen can go anywhere their story is know. They aren't limited by geography like darklords. They can go from Sourgane to Paridon, then to Darkon before a quick jaunt to Barovia, hopping to the new place without going through the space between. At the same time, if town B has never heard the tale, they can never go there, even if town A ten minutes walk away has been terrorized for years.

Of course, they can be limited by their stories, only able to go after certain prey in certain places at certain times.

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 1:28 pm
by Hell_Born
Which is why the Elf-knight is only found in Tepest; it's story has never spread beyond that benighted land and would never receive any of the respect/usage it sees in Tepest if it did. The Elf-Knight is an embodiement of the Tepestani fear of all things 'fey' and 'unhuman', with a little "they want our women!" thrown into the mix.

But given Souragne's position, it's hard to tell what Boogeymen might and might not have reached it, plus the fact that Souragne is slightly different in environ to that preferred by some Boogeymen (Alligator Lenny haunts sewers and storm drains, and there are none in Souragne). For Boogeymen of Souragne, I'd recommend using the Boogeyman template (from either QTR #11 or DT&DL) and whip up some unique ones suited for a swamp land. A Real-Life boogeyman that might serve as an example is Granny Greenteeth (an amphibious Greenhag).