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Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 12:10 pm
by Grey Arcanist
"Not a bad idea, Crow," Conrad said in reply, "Though if we use it, we'd need to be careful not to bring the house down around us..."

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 12:16 pm
by Moral Machivelli
Buchvold nearly wreanches the book from conrad's hand's as the latter turnes back to the libery, buchvold beguines studeing the book.

Spare me this sentimental drival. he thinks as he starts upon the introduction. When will those twins keep to the facts. now what sections do I require. In front, A fraternity member guts another rat.
The obedient dead....Blah, just details of animation rituals, and a few unnatural abilities posses by the more powerful undead. and a hundered zombies do not sound like possers of great indervidual power. If so, why so many?

Buchvold skims through the pages as quickly as is possible. He stops

Ah, this looks more promising. A section on Necromancers. We maight be able to determine Van rijin's plans. He reades through the section carefully, whisiling at "The Rite of Stratagey. Ideal.He thaught Now ,what does it say...

Ah, a hundered zombies ,sound like canon fodder to me. Rijin is trying to drain our resources. Then he will send in stronger troops... such as more wolfwhares.. . Possibly those twins are not totally hopeless.

He shouts to Conrad. "When you have Compleated your research, return here. I have worked out Rijin's stratagey."
"Buchvold!," Crow hollers from the Restricted section. "Have you got another one of those transmutation spells you'd used downstairs on you, by spell or scroll? Please say yes! If we can punch through the floor in here, we can start getting the most precious books out through the dining hall and onto the back portico! The Brothers downstairs can gather to haul them out, before those zombies reach the garden!"
The Borcan Illusionist pauses. "Not exactly, But I believe there might be a way for me to cast it again. However, It's not guarentead..."

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 12:24 pm
by Rotipher of the FoS
"This house coming down is now only a matter of time", Crow mutters to himself, as he completes his work in the Restricted section. Brushing the dust from the shelves from his clothing, and fuming a bit over his ragged condition -- Damn that wolf-thing to perdition; I liked this coat... -- he moves to rejoin the other two, but then pauses: one of the file cabinet drawers has been left wide open, something that he doubts that any security-obsessive Fraternity archivist would tolerate.

Something else missing? Did the intruder search in this section also? The musician hurriedly thumbs through the opened drawer's file-folders, checking for an empty one and peering at all the folders' tabs to see what sort of contents are listed.

OOC: So was the folder Rijn emptied labeled? He evidently took only the contents, not the folder itself, so it should still be there. (hope hope hope)

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 12:25 pm
by Grey Arcanist
Can you find any mention in the Foxgrove-Weathermay book of a powerful necromantic book, Buchvold? I think it was named after an item of clothing. I do seem to recall the Twins talk about that...and I'd like to see if it's listed in this library's catalog." Conrad says.

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 2:36 pm
by Jester of the FoS
Rotipher wrote:Something else missing? Did the intruder search in this section also? The musician hurriedly thumbs through the opened drawer's file-folders, checking for an empty one and peering at all the folders' tabs to see what sort of contents are listed.
Crow scans the nearby index, everything is neatly listed alphabetically. It is easy to see what was taken. Plans. Blueprints for something listed only as: "The Doomsday Device".

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 3:03 pm
by Moral Machivelli
Can you find any mention in the Foxgrove-Weathermay book of a powerful necromantic book, Buchvold? I think it was named after an item of clothing. I do seem to recall the Twins talk about that...and I'd like to see if it's listed in this library's catalog." Conrad says.
"Yes ,they discuss it in some depth. It is a necromantic volume suposidly written by someone known as the "Iron Crown" It has 7 chapters or rites. The soldier, the commander, domminance,obedience,armament, Stratagey" Here the Borcan pauses His face going dethly pale, realizing the full implacations of what he is about to say. "and Immortaliy... In other words lichcraft... Why did we not think of this sooner. All Rijin's talk of immortality, His flesh failing him. He wants to asend to the power of a lich!!!!!"

"Doomsday device" sneers the borcan "Whatever that is, it does not sound helthey. On top of Rijin as a lich as well. I think it's time to retreat. Conrad, send a message to the others, they must pull back to the dining room."

Then the borcan toutches his amulate, and falls to the floor. He begins to chant, Or does he? The voice you here seems not to come from the borcan, but the amulate he wairs. It is reciteing a spell!!!!!

Suddenly, a ten foot square area of floor next to the borcan..... turnes to glass. The Illusionist rises, smiles, and smashes it with a wave of magic missiles. After he does this.... he looks sevierly winded, but has a smug smile afixed to his face

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 3:06 pm
by Moral Machivelli
"I sugest we begine lowering book now" Sais the Borcan seemingly oblivious to what just happened, "Conrad, have you sent that message yet?"

OOC Don't wory Grey Arcanist . I'll post the warning.

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 3:10 pm
by Jester of the FoS
The gaping hole between floors opens into the Grand Dining Hall bellow, a room that is only begining to burn from the spreading inferno.

Meanwhile the burning rats, still blind and confused and frightened, spread across the Manoir crashing into walls and down the hallways. More than few stumbleinto the library, their grey and brown fur glowing red from sparks and embers.

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 3:24 pm
by Moral Machivelli
The borcan noble man ignores the rats for now. There is no time to deal with these virmin. We must act at once
He starts to take down several of the more important books and throw them down into the dining room whare hopefully, the other fos members, would pick them up. The other two join in. He signels the remaining guards to do so as well.

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 3:44 pm
by Rotipher of the FoS
Crow joins in the 'rescue operation' for the books, favoring those shelves he spies that house the more irreplacable contents, and pausing only to spike a flaming rat as it clambers up the stacks or to shatter a tangle of the screeching vermin with his wand.

OOC: Any reference offering insights into the nature of Ravenloft will be of extreme interest to Crow, as per my previous pm; let me know if he finds anything like that, okay?

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 3:55 pm
by Jester of the FoS
Various important books catch the eye as worthy of saving. Copies of the first dozen compliations of Fraternity reports nicknamed 'Quoth the Raven' catch the eye. As does a copy of Mordenheim's book 'Enigma Vitae'. There is also a well-thumbed through copy of the 'Tome of Strahd'.

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 4:05 pm
by Rotipher of the FoS
Crow salvages what he can of the Fraternity's collected works, and of the scientific treatise by Mordenheim. Hmmm, never read this one; probably dull as dust, and nothing that I'd trust these 'gentlemen' with, but they're sure to miss it if it's not saved... Then his gray eyes fall upon the infamous Tome Of Strahd, and the bard's face goes instantly Mist-white -- for a long moment, his stiffened body doesn't even seem to breathe -- and his hands clench into involuntary fists, his well-trimmed musician's fingernails biting bloodlessly into his palms.

Then he blinks, turns away, and limps onward down the aisle, deliberately leaving that damnable book to burn.

OOC: How about any "watchers"-related references? That's what he'd be most interested in, at this time.

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 4:06 pm
by Moral Machivelli
Buchvold goes straight for the restricted section. He scannes the bookshelves, and notices a collectin of scroles, Bound together in leather. Not stopping to notice their title he dropes them through the hole to the waiting FoS members bellow.
And to think that I had origanly only anticipated attempting to get people to come to my lecture tonight, he thinks to himself.

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 4:07 pm
by Pamela
OOC: Are there also any magical scrolls or items in here? Viktor can tell him there should be, and Crow can fetch them.

Posted: Sun Oct 30, 2005 4:09 pm
by Jester of the FoS
OCC - while there is little confirmed information there are numerous essays, reports and legends that revolve around the "Watchers in the Shadows". Several doctoral thesis have been based around this 'theory' and more than a couple dissertations.
All have been collected into bound volumes and set aside for the Fraternity.