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Archibald Everlast's hopinion on the Darklords

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2023 8:55 am
by Mistmaster
Stealing the idea from Strahdsbuddy, this is the opinion the strongest force of good of the Mistworld has on various big players.

Adam: "A poor guideless child abandoned and rejected by deplorable father. Let's try to guide him properly"
Alain Monette :"A rageful captain who paied the price of his own rage. He need someone to talk, someone he won't be able to kill."
Alfred Timothy:"Another abused son, who found in a cruel master the father he looked for. He needs to accept his fragility."
Ankhtepot "A poor old man whose world died who refuse to adapt to his new reality. In a way I can relate"
Anton Misroi "Ignorance and power are a very dangerous mix. A man who does not accept change and has the power of the undead to his command needs that power removed to begin to heal"
Arijani "Power does not bring knowledge, nor understanding; His mother failed him and still manipulates him. Someone will have to educate him"
Azalin "Sigh, how can such a brilliant mid stay so blindly ignorant of the very basics of life? Priorities my friend, he need to focus on what is really important, his son"
Azrael Dak "Revenge, of all the foolish pursuits is the most foolish of them all. Someone will have to explain it to this boy."
Bakholis (In the Mistworld he is a not negative character) "A sad death, for a flawed yet decent being"
Bluebeard "Ignorance is slavery, and he is a slave of his own ignorance of the word trust. He need to be restrained, and the poor souls of his wives need to be put at rest, before everyone can start to heal properly."
Camille Dilisnya:"My girl, you lost your family by treachery and kept your throne by treachery. You will know true happiness only when you will learn how to love again."
Daclaud Heinfroth: "Ignorance of your fellow beings pain can blind even brilliant minds. Nothing worse then an healer who choose to harm. He needs to be restrained and to be given true counseling."
Death: (Not a Darklord yet, in the Mistworld) "Someone needs to help that boy, he is following a dark path."
Diamabel: "Rightousness untempered with mercy, make you ignorant of your own wickedness. Someone will have to remind this lost prophet his true calling"
Dominic d'Honaire: "Blinded by ambition, obsessed by control, cursed with unsatisfation, another ignorant who mistakes power for knowledge. His salvation resides in his downfall, the end of the system he builded which chains him as it chains the others"
Draga Salt-Biter: "Of the various poisoned fruits which are born on the tree of ignorance, violence is the bitterest. And this boy eated a lot of it; there will be need of a lot of patience and several magical restraints to start to help him"
Easan the Mad" Mad? this young elf is not mad, he is delusional, it is different. Someone need to bring him back to reality"
Ebonbane "A fool as a human being, a worse fool after centuries of torture in the abyss, that sword needs to be secured, to stop him to make more damage"
Elena Faith-Hold (Not exactly a dark-lord in the Mistworld) "Very nice young lady, as long you keep that blasted demon-sword from her hand"
Frantisek Markov: "Grief is a bed teacher and nothing is worst of a bad teacher with a very attentive pupil. To correct the damage will take a lot of time."
Gabrielle Aderre: "A lesson poorly learned is worse then one not learned. This girl wants love but mistook it for control. And her children and subjects pay the price. No wonder her mother is so desperate, but I'm sure that there is hope, once I make her understand the suffering of her children. "
Gregor Zolnik:"Not the first I met who wants to be an hero and choose the wrong way. Let see if I can help his son to make him see reason"
Gundar:"If you need some proof about my statement about violence you only need to take a look at Nharov Gundar's story. I pity the people of Gundarak, but what violence bred violence won't defeat, only pity and patience will"
Haki Shinpi:"He who sowed wind shall reap the storm, and a father who taught his children only to compete and try to outsmart each other, should be helped to realize what he builded crumbled for his own faults, not those of his children"
Harkon Lukas:"Harkon, Harkon, only the one who know how to serve shall be a great leader, soon or later I'll manage to teach you that"
Hazlik "All the power and reckgnition of this world will not heal a wounded heart, my boy. To free yourself from the ghosts of your past you need to let them go."
Hive Queen (She is not a Darklord, but a character in Bluetspur)"Vanity, another poisonous fruit of ignorance. What magic damaged magic might fix, but not before the truth is accepted"
Illithid God-Brain"After all the time I spent to stipulate a peace beteween Thaani and Illithid, after all the work betwen me and the Brain King to give the Illithids a new way of life, I find myself with a foolish Thaani infesting my friend's body and working to undermine what we builded. And still have to try and show that dunderhead a way out. Sometime the straight and narrow is really narrow to walk."
Ivan Dilisnya:"I do not condone corporal punishments but with this boy I'm sorely tempted to make an exception, he is a brilliant mind who could be a great leader who allows himself to be lead by his worst instincts"
Ivana Boritsi (She is actually a lightlord in the mistworld)"as frustrating her cousin and mother are, Ivana keeps up to the expectations of this old man"
Jack Karn "When bravery is not tempered by wisdom, and pride cause you to forget gratitude, you will end like Jack, alone and forced to do what you hate. Maybe soon or later he will understand that his particular curse is a blessing in disguise, if I can help it"
Jacqueline Renier" Heir of a legacy of blood, forced to enforce an order she does not believe in, and to uphold a family tradition of which she is loathe. To convince her to trust someone will be the first step."
King Crocodile: "Is sad to admit that every sentient being is vulnerable at the same poison. A sentient Crocodile craving for power and gratifications more so then knowledge and wisdom. I will need to knock him down some peg before he accept to listen to me."
Ladislav Mircea: "Sometime the punishment and the cure coincide. This uncaring prince is now forced to keep his subjects happy, because he can't feed himself, otherwise. My only task, now is making him understand that"
Lady of Ravens "As long as she does not accepts the responsabilities for her mistakes her name shall stay a mistery for her no matter how many time I say it to her. The knowledge she need to pursuit is one inside not outside."
Loht "Another son craving his father's love, I need to stay close to him, the Darkness inside the gate is tempting him."
Lord Soth(Reformed Darklord) "The reason I still hold hope for everyone. He managed to come out the deep pit of darkness he ended in, and actually now he is acting as the hero he should always have been."
Louise Renier "She need to learn that second place is not the first of the losers. Maybe I can teach her that"
Maeve "A great queen, for a great kingdom."
Malken(Darklord in a different Domain) "A very interesting subject, another son craving a fathers love so much to take the place of his father's favourite. But his true self came out in the least approprate moments. First thing restore the two original brothers, second thing have those two talk to each other."
Malocchio Aderre "An innocent child in spite of his birth. I hope I can help his grandmother to lead him on the right path.
Meredoth "Another waste of genius in the name of personal gain. As I said I'm not a fan of corporal punishment but probably he won't listen to someone unable to magically own him up. I can do it, if necessary"
Nathan Timothy "That family has a story of conflicts and Nathan is a record, being at odd with both his son and his grandson. Probably I need to hit him where it hurts the most, his wallet, to make him realize what is really important."
Othmarr Bolshnik "On the road to perdiction, bu he could still escape that fate. Arrogant as he is, I still feel compelled to try to help him"
Pieter van Riese "Stubborn young fool. I explained him where he is and why he can't leave it, and he still fights me"
Sodo(Darklord of a different Domain) "A city boy who wants to take the city to the jungle; Not the right approach, maybe I can talk him out, after he he is stopped"
Stezan d'Polarno "I am really sorry when I learn about good people falling so low, but maybe not all is lost yet"
Strahd von Zarovich "The old bat needs to heed me: if he wants Tatyana he needs to change his heart, it almost worked two times."
The Three Sisters (Not Darklords and not even villainous in the Mistworld) "Nice and knowledgeable ladies, maybe too hard on themselves and on others"
Tiyet "Another one which mix up things, love and lust, justice and revenge, she needs to be restrained, and maybe afterr I can explain things to her.
Tristen apBlanc "When you choose the throne and your revenge before your children, you can't help the guilt from choking you.He should restrain from meddling with time as that is not a cure only an addiction."
Tristessa (Not a Darklord in the Mistworld) "The sins of the parents should not fall on the children, and as deplorable as Tristessa is, her daughter deserves to be reunited with her mother.
Tsien Chiang "Perfectionism is another, often underestimated, fruit of ignorance. It brings strictness on itself and other people. Empress Tsien needs to learn to accept inperfections and probably in the hard way"
Victor von Mordenheim "Another brilliant mind who never educated his own heart, he clinge to his lost family, ignoring the simple fact that the being he more despise is part of it. But I don't despair, I shall make this stubborn boy see the light, somehow. Dear Elise asked me to, after all"
Vlad Drakov "When you open a dictionary at the word Ignorance you should finde a miniature of his face. And once again, he is a brilliant mind, a leader who could have bringed about a new age for the Core, and instead, here we are, always on the verge of new, devastating wars, because he is too obtuse to see what is plain to be seen: He can't do everything by himself. Breaking his power is a first step, because as long as he stay on the throne, he will never realize he was wrong"
Wilfred Godefroy "Teaching ill-tempered boys how you fight without teaching them restraint before is the recipe for a disaster, let alone if those children are from a bloodline litterally cursed with bed tempers, like the Godefroys. Freeing the victims of his abuse is the priority, then wer can focus to cure such a rabid old fox."
Yuri Kharkov (Darklord of a different domain) "A beast with a human mind, a human with a beast mind? Both and neither, in truth. The sum of mistakes by a prejudiced society, a prejudiced family and a prejudiced man. Some lessons are hard to learn, and you need to arm yourself with patience, compassion, and silver if you want to cut throught all of that."

Re: Archibald Everlast's hopinion on the Darklords

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2023 5:16 pm
by Mistmaster
Feedback is welcomed.

Re: Archibald Everlast's hopinion on the Darklords

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2023 11:36 pm
by Manofevil
Fix the typoes

Re: Archibald Everlast's hopinion on the Darklords

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2023 8:19 am
by Mistmaster
Manofevil wrote: Fri Jan 27, 2023 11:36 pm Fix the typoes
Did so at the best of my abilities, I'm not a native speaker of english. Thanks.