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Dragon annual 2021/2022 (with previews)

Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 1:37 am
by Daisu
Does anyone have details on ravenloft information in this book?
The preview reads:
"Page spreads looking at different worlds such as Faerûn, Eberron, and Ravenloft. Those worlds are so interesting because they’re all very distinctive, with their own lore and background. They might even contain races people may not have realized are specific to those worlds.”

It showed an example of a Ebberon worldmap. The annuals are for like a beginners guide to D&D, with short blurbs about stuff. Pretty much just advertisements and flavor text. I am really not wanting to waste money to find out it be a short blurb about Ravenloft.

Annual 2022 Has Vecna and Kas but hardly anything we do not already know and nothing about ravenloft.
