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Campaign - Port-a-Lucine Murder Mystery. Help?

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2021 12:28 pm
by HyperionSol
Began a Ravenloft Campaign which begins in Port-A-Lucine in Dementlieu

The mystery is the fiancee of the reining beauty queen was murdered and the queen herself is receiving threats to stand down from her position.

The truth is the events are unrelated. The queen is a beautiful flesh golem her father had Mordenheim create from his daughter's corpse in order to continue her fame and keep his business prospects strong. The letters came from an estranged son who hates seeing his sister' s body being exploited.

To hide the ruse, the father had her engaged to a charming man. The mystery is that he was murdered and not much of a sign. (A red widow did it, hoping to make the queen step aside so her mother could take the position, allowing for an intake of new victims to their theater.)

Since Dominic D'Honaire was part of the spring festival organizing, trying to woo the models or designers for his desire to be fawned over by women (And failing), the party think he had something to do with it and are going to sneak/bluff their way into his city estate and look for clues.

So, ideas for something they might find in the house besides numerous Obedient? They are way off track since he didn't have anything to do with the death. Should I leave a clue to the real killer or suspects or let them fail and allow the criminal to escape. A party member already angered him three times, so Dominic is going to exact revenge after the mystery is over, solved or not.

Re: Campaign - Port-a-Lucine Murder Mystery. Help?

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2021 1:31 pm
by Rock of the Fraternity
Maybe a pistol of protection or two, in Dominic's private collection.

Some correspondence from James Mousel, with references to Celeste d'Honaire-Loverde. (Plot hooks!)

If the 'charming man' to whom the flesh golem was engaged has friends and family who likewise suspect Dominic's involvement, the party might run into private investigators or even assassins in Dominic's home. Either they team up or a fight breaks out, and either way the chance of them being discovered increases.
Throw in some gendarmes if anyone mucks up the breaking and entering and makes too much noise.

Re: Campaign - Port-a-Lucine Murder Mystery. Help?

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2021 5:01 pm
by HyperionSol
Gendarme, they are the law enforcement or soldiers of Dementlieu?

Re: Campaign - Port-a-Lucine Murder Mystery. Help?

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2021 1:47 am
by Rock of the Fraternity
Yes, they're the equivalent of the police.

Re: Campaign - Port-a-Lucine Murder Mystery. Help?

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2021 6:53 am
by alhoon
Just a question: Speak with the dead would show that the fiance was killed by a red widow, won't it?

Re: Campaign - Port-a-Lucine Murder Mystery. Help?

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2021 10:50 am
by Gonzoron of the FoS
alhoon wrote:Just a question: Speak with the dead would show that the fiance was killed by a red widow, won't it?
Yeah, that spell is annoying for murder mysteries. Standard ways to foil it (other than just banning it) are to destroy or hide the body, or just make sure the victim never saw their killer. They can give some clue to reward using the spell, but not give away the whole answer. Getting stabbed in the back by the Red Widow should do the trick. Maybe he saw a glimpse of webs or a spider-talon, but not the whole creature, and certainly not her human face.

Re: Campaign - Port-a-Lucine Murder Mystery. Help?

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2021 2:17 pm
by Wolfglide of the Fraternity
Gonzoron of the FoS wrote:
alhoon wrote:Just a question: Speak with the dead would show that the fiance was killed by a red widow, won't it?
Yeah, that spell is annoying for murder mysteries. Standard ways to foil it (other than just banning it) are to destroy or hide the body, or just make sure the victim never saw their killer.
I once had a killer mutilate the body's vocal cords and lip muscles to keep it from saying or mouthing any words that could be identifying. If you don't have time to destroy the whole thing, just rendering the body incapable of communication is enough, assuming it cannot be fixed.

Re: Campaign - Port-a-Lucine Murder Mystery. Help?

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2021 4:30 pm
by Mephisto of the FoS
Gonzoron of the FoS wrote: or just make sure the victim never saw their killer. They can give some clue to reward using the spell, but not give away the whole answer.
Yes like Ratik Ubel (He arose as a revenant seeking vengeance, but only a glimpse of yellow cloth as a clue to his killer's identity.)
I would defenitely wouldn't use red hair as the clue, but maybe something cryptic like for instance an hourglass, the spider form is that of a bright crimson giant spider with a black, hourglass pattern on its back. If they already know about Red Widows it is a give away, I would use it only if they don't and maybe while trying to discover what the hourglass means... they go on a wild goose chase of a supposedly new doomsday device? :azalin: or they believe Death is behind the murders. I know far fetched but hey I am just brainstorming here... :Brain:

Re: Campaign - Port-a-Lucine Murder Mystery. Help?

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2021 8:17 am
by HyperionSol
Well, fortunately, the party is low-level enough that they can't use Speak with Dead yet. So that removes one of the immediate spoilers. Still, if they do consider channeling the spirit of the murder victim these are good tips to use to throw them off or give hints.

Since the post, the group learned a spider was involved since they used science and alchemy to study the body, but since they are in Dementlieu, where magic is considered a charlatan's craft for the most part, they think someone smuggled a large spider into the victim's room. Like Sherlock Holmes and the Speckled Band. They've begun considering tangents of people with connections to shipping to places such as Sri Raji or Sithicus where such toxic spiders, and ones able to leave the sizable bite mark they found, can be picked up.

So right, and yet so wrong. They haven't considered the supernatural aspects yet so the culprit is still safe.

Re: Campaign - Port-a-Lucine Murder Mystery. Help?

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2021 12:29 pm
by Rock of the Fraternity
Dang, I love this development! :D
If there's a circus with exotic beasts in town, that could make for a great red herring.

Re: Campaign - Port-a-Lucine Murder Mystery. Help?

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2021 5:07 pm
by HyperionSol
Well, the party managed to navigate Dominic's townhouse while he was busy at the festival.

To explain how it went rather smoothly, one player used her background to a nice amount. She used the Noble background and established herself as a noblewoman of Dementlieu. Being an exotic half-elf who designed fashions and worked for models of the spring festival, Dominic was enchanted with her...which she has exploited despite how much he disgusts her.

Dominic's Obedient house staff had strict orders to do their duties and cater to guests, especially if they are a woman Dominic is trying to get into the good graces. So the Obedient acted much like bees or ants when something is in the nest, but is not making any threatening motions, and left them alone. Dominic's strict orders for a functional house staff and his childish eagerness to try and appease a woman he is interested in has created a small loophole I am a little amazed the party managed to exploit.

They determined Dominic wasn't responsible for the murder, but perusing some of his documents managed to show a disturbing show of abilities and control over people. It has planted the dark thought in their minds that something is not quite right in Port-A-Lucine.

They also managed to steal a Pistol of Warning which had the guards react and they had to run. It also set off an Alarm spell. The noblewoman just may be poking the Darklord by leaving Dominic a teasing letter. What they don't know is that the Obedient are going to tell Dominic who was in the house. Dominic's web is going to start closing in on them and unless they can appease them. With how petty he can be thought, that might be hard to do.

Re: Campaign - Port-a-Lucine Murder Mystery. Help?

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2021 10:09 pm
by alhoon
Gonzoron of the FoS wrote:
alhoon wrote:Just a question: Speak with the dead would show that the fiance was killed by a red widow, won't it?
Yeah, that spell is annoying for murder mysteries. Standard ways to foil it (other than just banning it) are to destroy or hide the body, or just make sure the victim never saw their killer. They can give some clue to reward using the spell, but not give away the whole answer. Getting stabbed in the back by the Red Widow should do the trick. Maybe he saw a glimpse of webs or a spider-talon, but not the whole creature, and certainly not her human face.
I would say that depends on whether the victim was seduced by the Red Widow or knew of her though. I.e. if the red widow was someone that called him over for a drink. If he died by a stab in the back in her presence, questions like "Who were you with when you died?" would provide answers.
I think the best way is to simply eliminate the body - or remove the tongue.
Or Vocal cords as someone else suggested, assuming you know what they are.
Rock wrote:Dang, I love this development! :D
If there's a circus with exotic beasts in town, that could make for a great red herring.
Me too.