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Death Undaunted.

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2019 4:13 am
by Epically
Hey fellas. So something very ironic has happened in my campaign. As most of you might know, my player is now a Death Knight operating in Dementlieu. To put a long story short, my player was being a target for Dominic. Josephine organised him to be a mole/overseer in her refugee camp to the north of the domain. The Brain got wind and sent message to Falkovnia and they ordered a raid on the camp a month after he arrived. In retaliation, Josephine organised an attack party on the returning Falkovnians - unknowingly to Dominic. Once this became public, Josephine was arrested and was to be hanged for war crimes, and possibly instigating a war (which was my plan for The Brain). My player, who was also to be arrested on sight, made contact with The Brain and organised her escape.
Shortly before this, Death himself (not the imposter in Necropolis) told him that his is doing well, and also told him that he needs to eventually remove the "imposter", but he's not ready for it yet.
So my player decided to travel into Darkon to find his ally from the Gendarme. The irony being he traveled into the very domain where I told him he wasn't ready lol.

Anyway, I decided to run the Death Undaunted manuscript. But as I'm sure you guys are aware, it's incredibly unfinished. So I've been using it as a cliff notes kinda thing, and not really running it. So what this post is about is to talk about where I am right now, and some possible ideas to help my future.

What's happened in Darkon, in brief, is, much like the manuscript, he was in Rivalis when Famine arrived. Now where I admittedly messed up was thinking that he took the Soul Focus from Balitor and gave it Tavelia. I realised this mistake and changed it to taking it to Death. So Balitor suggested that they go see Tavelia again to organise a plan to get it back. This happened, but unknown to the player Tavelia imprisoned Balitor. During this time he spoke with Death again to get some advice. Death suggesting travelling to Nedragaard Keep to find some aiding items left there from the last Death Knight. Now, I assumed at this point that the Horsemen are actually constructs, so one of the items was a modified Mace of Smiting - as well as a few other things.
So my player then decided that it was a good plan to seek out false death and offer service. This was accepted and Death told him to travel to Castle Avernus to collect all information regarding the Doomsday Device. My plan here is that, as written, he will rebuild it to attempt to convert the Necropolis energy into himself to expand his control. So my player went to Castle Avernus and encounted Galf Kloggin. He told him that he was retrieve the information required if he entered the Black Vault and retrieved an axe (Headman's axe). Kristobal (who he'd met) retrieved it for him while he recruited some allies).

Anyway, that's where I'm at right now. So my main thing right now, is any ideas on what to do next. Main focus is retrieving the Soul Focus. I'm not sure how to proceed with this. Fake Death has control over undead, which my player knows and accepted, in order to gain fealty. You guys got any ideas how I can do this or any other future ideas with what I've given?