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Night of the walking dead fluff.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 2:03 am
by Epically
Hey guys. So I'm running a modified version of the module but I'm in need of a bit of fluff.

So the gang are currently at the inn about to turn in for the night on day 2. So far they have investigated the cemetery to discover all bodies that have been buried here in the last 3 weeks are missing, signs seem to point towards Mordu (or at least someone is trying to make it this way), and a trip out to the plantation.

The plans for the next day, as they have concluded, is to investigate the Tarascon townhouse and they REALLY want to investigate the old cemetary. I've been doing my best to make it aeem really unimportant, few red herrings and superstitions, but they seem to be really adament about going in there.

So I'm looking for a bit of fluff for the next day. Or possibly the day after that. I'm thinking about having the chase tonight, since they've exhausted their spells and lost some health. I'm thinking instead of killing the next woman, he's going to attempt to kidnap her and force her to eat a zombie to turn her into a ghoul since the players killed the other ones (although there's still one roaming the cemetery at night). The next night, if they don't catch him he would attack. Or he might try to attack the players tonight while they're resting in retaliation.
Either way, I still don't think I'll be able to keep the players out of the old cemetery until the climax.

What do you guys think I can do?

Re: Night of the walking dead fluff.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 9:13 am
by Rock of the Fraternity
Bring in the flies.

With the dead out and about, the flies should be going nuts all over the place. If used right, they can add a fresh sense of horror: what was the bug marching over your sandwich eating before?

Re: Night of the walking dead fluff.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 9:18 am
by Joël of the FoS
I often do that IMC, when the PCs get to the point too quickly - something happens, people want to talk to them about a missing dog (or son, or whatever), etc. Add a voodoo faction, enemies, small scale thugs, ...

Start the next session with something urgent to do, that heroes would surely do.

Or perhaps they hear that an ermit knows something? Or a dark magic voodan priest acts strangely?

You should find plenty of ideas, strange NPCs, short side treks and other mysteries in the Souragne FoS Report.

Re: Night of the walking dead fluff.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 9:24 am
by Joël of the FoS
Rock wrote:Bring in the flies.

With the dead out and about, the flies should be going nuts all over the place. If used right, they can add a fresh sense of horror: what was the bug marching over your sandwich eating before?
I like that, perfect atmosphere.

Re: Night of the walking dead fluff.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 11:40 am
by The Lesser Evil
I believe there was an adventure about a vampiric ixixachitl (Myxitizajal) in Children of the Night: Vampires that could be run concurrently or as a sequel to Night of the Walking Dead, although I think that one might place in Port d'Elhour.

Re: Night of the walking dead fluff.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 12:33 pm
by brilliantlight
Joël of the FoS wrote:I often do that IMC, when the PCs get to the point too quickly - something happens, people want to talk to them about a missing dog (or son, or whatever), etc. Add a voodoo faction, enemies, small scale thugs, ...

Start the next session with something urgent to do, that heroes would surely do.

Or perhaps they hear that an ermit knows something? Or a dark magic voodan priest acts strangely?

You should find plenty of ideas, strange NPCs, short side treks and other mysteries in the Souragne FoS Report.
A voodoo faction sounds like a good start for him. He needs to make it obvious and make it scary. Maybe the other faction attacks them at night with some zombies of its own. There is no reason there can't be two factions with zombies.

They might well see Tarascon as a potential ally (after finding about the background somehow) and figure killing the party is a step in the right direction. It can't be as powerful as Tarascon as he is the main villain but it can be something that grabs their attention for a couple days.

You might even let them wipe out the faction and when they are busy congratulating themselves make it clear that their troubles are far from over.

Re: Night of the walking dead fluff.

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2018 4:52 pm
by Epically
How about both? Anton senses a disturbance in the undead force. Not wanting any competition he seeks out Chicken Bone and forces him to draw the players into the swamp. Anton then tells the players to seek out the cause and destroy it and perhaps he will let them leave the island.
That should surely chew up a day lol.

Re: Night of the walking dead fluff.

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2019 2:51 am
by Garudos Celestar
brilliantlight wrote:
A voodoo faction sounds like a good start for him. He needs to make it obvious and make it scary. Maybe the other faction attacks them at night with some zombies of its own. There is no reason there can't be two factions with zombies.
Check out the “Viola” adventure from Stu of the Kargatane’s campaign journal: it contains encounters with loa worshippers (in addition to the titular cursed Vistani instrument).