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Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2003 8:03 am
by Platinumwarlock
Wiccy of the Fraternity wrote:The ghost in Myer's Hall is actually quite famous, it has been featured in tv shows a few times and has been mentioned in many books and magazines on the supernatural.
Seriously? I never knew Witt's ghost was that famous....

Do you have a link or such?

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 1:28 pm
by Wiccy of the Fraternity
I have seen the ghost mentioned on some sites, but I don't have any of the bookmarks, I did have some until my pc fried in late october, but I can't remember them. Try running a few searches online for it ;)

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 1:44 pm
by Malken/Ezekiel
Maximillian wrote:It is scientifically attributed to the relaxing of the nerves that occurs just before one falls asleep. I have the same feeling. Sometimes I fall downwards though.
I thought as much. Didn't really think there was anything supernatural over it, just an interesting experience.

One thing that I've been trying lately is to achieve Lucid Dreaming. Lucid Dreaming is where you know that you're dreaming, and can control your actions, and the world in general. Much like being a member of the Nightmare Court. 8)

Anyways, so far, I've only reached the first stage; I remember much more of my dreams. It's really interesting, but I don't think I'm particullary precognitive skilled. I've had some lucid dreams too, but they've been sorta disappointing. I think I could achieve better results if I really put some effort into it though...

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 6:05 pm
by Maximillian
Well, I have read about lucid dreaming, but I did not have tha patience to try it out. The interesting thing is that quite usually I am in control of my dreams. Most of the times I know that I am dreaming. This has saved me from more than my fare share of nightmares. When I see that the dream is gonna get terrifying (surrounded by undead, forced to enter a creepy place where untold terrors await, going to be burned at the stake, etc.) I simply will myself to awaken and in fact I do! I achieve this by blinking my eyes in my dream; this has the interesting side-effect that I also blink in the real world. Thus I awaken. Also when I have Fantasy dreams (well yes RPGs have affected my mind after all) I usually destroy my foes with displays of powerful arcane magic summoned at will, once I realize I am dreaming. Has anyone had similar experiences? I always wondered if more ppl could do that.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 6:18 pm
by Wiccy of the Fraternity
Putting a trigger (such as blinking your eyes) into your dreams to help you wake up is something anyone can acheive, but it can take a while to get the hang of, it varies from person to person. The trigger is usually something visual rather than physical though.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 6:37 pm
by Maximillian
Yes, I remember reading somewhere about that. Choosing an object as a trigger and then envisioning the object while dreaming in order to achieve the wanted result. Well, I didn't follow that procedure, it came to me naturally I guess. I was practising this way of "steering around" bad dreams years before I read about lucid dreaming. Interesting notion though...

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 6:10 pm
by Corrupted_Loremaster
Hmm, I must be a little bit strange, because I'm rarely if ever a character in my dreams. I usually take the role of the omniscient observer of the other characters. When I'm simply observing, I'm fully aware that I am dreaming but seem to have no control over events. Oh, and yes my waking world readings do seem to have some effect on my dreams. Just last night I had a fairly Ravenloftesque dream about some rather sinister looking farmers tending a field in which blood-draining shambling mounds were growing(yes, they actually used the words shambling mound). I don't even want to think about the dreams I had during the week I read almost twenty-five Lovecraft or Lovecraft-mythos stories for a research project...

By the way, has anyone else reached a state of half-dreaming, where they are still partly conscious of the waking world, yet still starting to dream. I've only done this a handfull of times, and never intentionally, but it did cause the most frighteningly real dream I've ever had, in which I became absolutly convinced that a spider the size of a small dog was under my sheets and crawling up my legs, that I wondered if anyone else had done this.

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 6:28 pm
by Maximillian
At least once I am sure i reahced this half-dreaming state and I was scared breathless! I was sleeping turned on my right side, when I woke up (or so I thuoght) and I was absolutely certain that something unspeakably vile was approaching my back. Although I was aware of my room and surroundings in general, I was literally paralyzed and could not turn around! I was desperately trying to turn, when finally I managed to leave this semi-awake state and wake up in earnest. God, it was a relief!

Another strange quality of my dreaming is that some times I change characters. In the beginning I am me, then X or perhaps Y , or none at all and this shifting continues for a while. I have experienced dreams form three or four perspectives. Overactive imagination... Sometimes it sucks...

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 12:39 am
by Dominique
Corrupted_Loremaster wrote: By the way, has anyone else reached a state of half-dreaming, where they are still partly conscious of the waking world, yet still starting to dream. I've only done this a handfull of times, and never intentionally, but it did cause the most frighteningly real dream I've ever had, in which I became absolutly convinced that a spider the size of a small dog was under my sheets and crawling up my legs, that I wondered if anyone else had done this.
One of the most obnoxious things ever was when I started doing that in reverse. I was half-asleep, and the part of me that was asleep was dreaming that I was in my most boring class. Whenever the parts of me that were still awake tried to fall completely asleep, the parts of me that were dreaming would force those parts to wake back up again so that I wouldn't fall asleep during class! I must have done that for fifteen minutes before some part of my brain realized what was going on! Ugh . . .

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 8:17 am
by Whisper
I think I have read or heard somewhere that, supposedly anyway, you cannot kill in your dreams, that you wake up before you "cross that line". Well, I am not sure if that is true or not, but I have killed in my dreams at least once. It was rather funny really. Someone had entered my house and we fought and I sorta kinda stabbed him in the chest with a big knife or something that came out his back. There was a lot of blood and I distinctly remember calling the police and asking them if they could come to my house. I actually told them to hurry up if they could because the dead guy was bleeding all over my carpet and floor and however was I to clean it afterwards? Weird, no?

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2003 8:26 am
by Maximillian
Now that you mention it, I question the wisdom of giving you that particular birhtday present... :? [/b]

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2003 6:46 pm
by Trebor Minntt
I had a roll of bobbin of cotton(is that the right word?) thrown accros the room at me by a floating black mass that appeared in my friends mirror. This was the culmination of about 2 hours of extensive haunting (including shadowy axes above heads, a large kitchen knife stabbed through a bag of flour and ghostly apparitions.

Thats just one of the freaky things that happened to me, but like Wiccy i kind of get used to it on account of my religion.

On the subject of zombie dreams, I have these quite often and I love them because it involves me, a sword and axe and lots of dead zombies.

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2003 7:29 pm
by Corrupted_Loremaster
Trebor Minntt wrote:I had a roll of bobbin of cotton(is that the right word?) thrown accros the room at me by a floating black mass that appeared in my friends mirror. This was the culmination of about 2 hours of extensive haunting (including shadowy axes above heads, a large kitchen knife stabbed through a bag of flour and ghostly apparitions.
:lament: I have to say I'm disinclined to believe this story. No offense, not calling you a liar, just a little to heavy for my own view of the world. Still, have to admit something like this could most definatly cause me to rethink my belief in there being an explainible and analyzable explination for everything, if I were present for it.

On the other hand, I've a friend who absolutly swears that one night his computer started whispering death threats at him. Apparently, even though it was not connected to the net, and the speakers weren't on, the screen suddenly went blank and a female voice started threatening him. Did everything he could think of, cntrl+alt+dlt ect. until finally he had to unplug it. It seems to have never happened again, and you should keep in mind that since I wasn't there, I really don't belive this one myself. His story, not mine.

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2003 6:19 am
by Maximillian
Well most of these experiences are hard to believe and as I said I usually require strong evidence to support such claims. But even if we all agree that 99,999% of all supernatural experiences are just hoaxes or something, there are enough left, to warrant that the supernatural exists, and enough evidence supports this claim. Anyway I do agree with our Corrupted Loremaster, but if that thing with the computer ever did happen it would scare the HELL out of me. :shock:

Posted: Sun Dec 28, 2003 12:52 pm
by Whisper
Well, considering what we have seen Max me boy, I would say that all computers are inherently possessed or haunted or sentient or whatever anyway... :)