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Re: The Fountain of Youth - OOC

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 10:21 pm
by ewancummins


We gotta get out of this place...

Re: The Fountain of Youth - OOC

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 10:28 pm
by steveflam
ewancummins wrote:


We gotta get out of this place...
Cool song LMAO!

Re: The Fountain of Youth - OOC

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 11:19 pm
by ewancummins

I'd just like to add that, despite some flaws, the last game was a success in my view. Raf did well in creating atmosphere, but that's not all. This last game brought a fitting end to a storyline that had run for several years of game play. Kudos, Raf, on a long, fun, well-run campaign.

Re: The Fountain of Youth - OOC

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 3:19 am
by kintire
Also, what secrets?
I know you've said you want to move on, so I'll fire a don't be silly right on back and do so!
I'd just like to add that, despite some flaws, the last game was a success in my view. Raf did well in creating atmosphere, but that's not all. This last game brought a fitting end to a storyline that had run for several years of game play. Kudos, Raf, on a long, fun, well-run campaign.
Yes, I second this, when trying to give feedback to improve the next one we must not forget that the game was a good one! I think the improvements needed are mostly improvements in handling the mechanics of the Chat system, they are not about the actual game. Apart from the choice issue, and even that may be about the short time we get in the chat sessions.

I would be lying if I said I didn't have one reservation: I suppose it was pretty obvious that the resolution of the Jamethon/Shana plot line... did not leave me in a particularly positive frame of mind, and I apologise if in the immediate aftermath I said anything that sounded off.

Re: The Fountain of Youth - OOC

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 3:44 am
by ewancummins
Sure, it's cool, Kintire.

I really think improved organization will make a big difference in chat. Not only will it reduce confusion, it will save time that might otherwise be used up in dispelling that confusion. That's more time to roleplay.

Re: The Fountain of Youth - OOC

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 3:42 pm
by VAN
Indeed was a great game and that's why all of us keep playing for years! I think this is the game I have played most in FoS, I think even more than Halfling Walks! If you go back and remember what we did in all these years the only word that comes to my mind is "wow". So yeah kudos Raf for the great game you run for 6 years! :D

Re: The Fountain of Youth - OOC

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 4:47 pm
by Le Noir Faineant
Hey pals,

Sorry for the slight delay. I was following the discussion, but had not time to comment.
Turns out I went through a nasty breakup last week after all, and had to reduce my internet time to deal with more serious things.

Basically, I am glad we all agree that we need to improve the organizational aspects;
I will make up my mind how we do it.

Fantasy Grounds seems like a way to handle it, though I am somewhat reserved - as you guys have pointed out,
our games dwells a lot on atmosphere; I wouldn't want it to essentially become a digital variation of the old HeroQuest-boardgame.

I am also very thankful for all your kind words, since I greatly enjoy DMing the game for you. :)

But also, I think it's very important that we take a moment and evaluate what we have done so far;
in terms of effectiveness, understanding of the plot, order and enjoyment. From my point of view,
all those were lacking throughout the entire "The Rising" section, and that is reason enough for me to talk with you about it.

Now, under no circumstances whatsoever will I return to PBP format with the game; not that I wouldn't enjoy it,
but I simply don't have the time. When I decided to continue the Blackmoor game I am currently running,
that pretty much closed the doors for any other commitments of the kind, and in all likelihood,
I will not return to the format once I am done with The Promised Land.

But again, the way we are running things so far per se doesn't seem bad.
We just have to optimize a few things, and then all will be better. :)

Again, I deeply appreciate your dedication to the game, and your trust in me.
I will not disappoint you, I promise.

Now, to bed, and to find some strength to adjust all the crap that presently vexes me!



PS: Ewan, answers to your PMs incoming over next week!

Re: The Fountain of Youth - OOC

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 5:06 pm
by ewancummins
Improved organization is the key to making the whole game better, I think.

I have already sent Raf some of my ideas on improving the game.

Something that we can do as players is to meet on the chatboard half an hour before play begins, and discuss the campaign to date. That would allow us to plan more effectively, and help to clear up gaps in understanding. The transcripts of play are useful, but a conversation to place those in context would be a good thing, IMO.

Re: The Fountain of Youth - OOC

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:00 pm
by steveflam
Raf, I would really like to know if you will make the next game about the new pc's or not, and have lots of roleplaying.

Re: The Fountain of Youth - OOC

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2011 8:15 pm
by ewancummins

I think we should take a look at this.

Re: The Fountain of Youth - OOC

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 3:54 am
by Le Noir Faineant
tarlyn wrote:Raf, I would really like to know if you will make the next game about the new pc's or not, and have lots of roleplaying.
This brings me to another issue I was particularly unhappy with:


First post in this thread, goddamnit! FIRST POST IN THIS THREAD! Unequivocal! Clear! Absolutely clear!


Re: The Fountain of Youth - OOC

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:23 pm
by ewancummins
Ummmm, nope, not quite, Raf. Back up a bit, please. Tarlyn has not failed reading comprehension. You have simply failed to be clear, Raf. Your posts have confused me too.

From the first post by the DM:
This upcoming campaign takes you into the worlds of Ravenloft and Faerun,
as you fight Leo Dilisnaya in his attempt to invade the kingdoms of man.

You start with NEW characters, lvl 5, no evil alignments, in the city of Arabel.
Okay, that sounds like a new campaign about the adventures of new heroes, fighting the villain from the previous campaign. Fair enough.

next page:

"The Fountain of Youth" will show possibilities to redeem all of the old characters, but mainly Shana.
:? :(

IMO, that's not a new campaign about new heroes, that's just a replacement set of PCs playing moral clean up crew for Shana, Jamethon, etc. This is what we mean.

Re: The Fountain of Youth - OOC

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 2:49 pm
by Le Noir Faineant
Wait, what? :shock:

Ah, indeed I see. My apologies, Steve!

Then, again:

NEW PCs for this game, at least at first, of the way I describe in the first post of this thread.

Also, then again:


What will become of the other, old PCs will depend on your actions throughout the game.

I think it should be clear that, like any other DM, I have to remain vague about the game's content until we actually come to play it.
But, again, you should know by now that I have often already asked strange stuff from you,
and that you always could expect an explanation. So, don't inquire now, it will all be well...

Re: The Fountain of Youth - OOC

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 3:38 pm
by ewancummins
That's clear, thanks. :azalin:

I'm bowing out, though. I'm not really interested in a campaign that has so much to do with the old PCs, unless the players are actually going to be playing the old PCs. Two of the old PCs are still alive and playable as is. Kintire and I would be playing new PCs, in any event.

I would have gone for the continuing adventures of Brethana and Ino. There's plenty to work with in Brethana's background alone. Brethana has a hated foe to hunt, a husband to avenge, and a daughter to find. A century is not a lifetime for an elf; her missing baby may be a young adult now. Ah, and who knows how long a lycanthropic giant lives? Ino might well want to help her old adventuring companion, after undead-Shana is burned or otherwise laid to rest.

Leo could have been worked in somehow, if the DM wanted to use him.

I would also have been interested in a new campaign with brand new PCs, one that did not involve/concern Shana, Jamethon, Ino, etc. I'd far prefer that the new campaign not have anything to do with 'redeeming' the old PCs, or otherwise fiddling with their stories. Their days are done. Let the new PCs have a new tale, a tale all their own.

Well, good luck with the campaign, guys.

Re: The Fountain of Youth - OOC

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 4:08 pm
by Le Noir Faineant
Well, that's your choice, then.

Again, I miss that blind trust in your DM you guys displayed in earlier stages of our game.
If I say I will respect your wishes as players, chances are, given past experiences, that I am.

I begin to realize it was probably simply a bad idea to revive RLO after the long break.
The game has run its course, and either we get a new group and a few fresh elements going,
or we should probably be wise enough to call it quits, before everybody drops out due to boredom or discontent.

After all, I am primarily doing this as a service to you guys, not out of any other reason.

Depending on what you guys decide over the next few days, or whether another reliable chat player shows up,
I would suggest we leave a slightly different version of "The Fountain of Youth" to my real-table gaming group, and part ways now.