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Re: Birthright: Tuornen, Chapter Two

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 1:29 am
by ewancummins
RocEter wrote:He looks back at Gael and smiles. "It'll be alright Gael." He says helping down from his horse. "You go on inside and tell Master Brennan I will be in shortly."

Once she enters the inn, Foerde walks his horse to the stable.

The stableboy, Ned, waves at him as he enters.

''Hey Master Foerde. How are you today?"

Re: Birthright: Tuornen, Chapter Two

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 1:35 am
by RocEter
ewancummins wrote:
RocEter wrote:He looks back at Gael and smiles. "It'll be alright Gael." He says helping down from his horse. "You go on inside and tell Master Brennan I will be in shortly."

Once she enters the inn, Foerde walks his horse to the stable.

The stableboy, Ned, waves at him as he enters.

''Hey Master Foerde. How are you today?"
"Hello there Ned. I am doing fine, going to be here long enough to have lunch. Make sure Frost gets some water and light feed bag, okay?" Foerde says to Ned as hands off the reins. Then he goes inside the inn.

Re: Birthright: Tuornen, Chapter Two

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 1:39 am
by ewancummins
Ned does as he's asked...

...inside the Auld Oak, Foerde sees a mostly familiar crowd. But the handful of folks he doesn't know stare at him sideways, or shift uneasily as he passes close by them.

Wearing a mask would make him look too much like the Huntsman, after all, especially here at the Auld Oak given the events of the previous night.

Brennan comes round the counter.

''Ho, Foerde! What can I get you?"

The barman's friendly manner towards Foerde seems to but some of the jittery strangers more at ease.

Re: Birthright: Tuornen, Chapter Two

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 1:45 am
by RocEter
ewancummins wrote:Ned does as he's asked...

...inside the Auld Oak, Foerde sees a mostly familiar crowd. But the handful of folks he doesn't know stare at him sideways, or shift uneasily as he passes close by them.

Wearing a mask would make him look too much like the Huntsman, after all, especially here at the Auld Oak given the events of the previous night.

Brennan comes round the counter.

''Ho, Foerde! What can I get you?"

The barman's friendly manner towards Foerde seems to but some of the jittery strangers more at ease.
"A good meal and fine drink for myself and Gael." Foerde says. "You won't mind if I leave Gael here for a few days with you? I going south, close to the border, and those parts aren't safe for a child."

Re: Birthright: Tuornen, Chapter Two

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 1:49 am
by ewancummins
RocEter wrote:
ewancummins wrote:Ned does as he's asked...

...inside the Auld Oak, Foerde sees a mostly familiar crowd. But the handful of folks he doesn't know stare at him sideways, or shift uneasily as he passes close by them.

Wearing a mask would make him look too much like the Huntsman, after all, especially here at the Auld Oak given the events of the previous night.

Brennan comes round the counter.

''Ho, Foerde! What can I get you?"

The barman's friendly manner towards Foerde seems to but some of the jittery strangers more at ease.
"A good meal and fine drink for myself and Gael." Foerde says. "You won't mind if I leave Gael here for a few days with you? I going south, close to the border, and those parts aren't safe for a child."

''South? Oh, I see."

Brennan pauses to shout out a food and drink order to the kitchen staff.
Then he turns his attention back to his guest.

"Business down in Avanil? Or are you stopping by Eame for the beer? Mine's just as good, you know."

Re: Birthright: Tuornen, Chapter Two

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 1:54 am
by RocEter
Foerde laughs. "Eame is bit far to travel for beer. Going to the Cuircaenen temple, I was attacked by some goblins and bandits on the road last night. Thought best to tell them warrior priests to expect some trouble, maybe they can help." He says.

Re: Birthright: Tuornen, Chapter Two

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 1:56 am
by Lord Skybolt
ewancummins wrote:ELEVESNEMIERE, ON THE ROAD
Adam wrote:Cormac buckles his gear in place on his horse, looking to Gunnar and making sure his preparations are similarly under way. "We'll need to stop by a smith or town somewhere along the way," he says. "Need to pick up some kit fer Dietric. I'm less familiar with the area than you. Any thoughts on what the best place would be?"
Dietric mutters-
"I don't want to go back to that inn. Folks might change their minds and decide to hang me after all."
Gunnar comes out of his house with field plate on and a shield on his arm . With a bastard sword on his back and 2 well worn, but well crafted daggers on his hip .
Gunnar chuckles at Dietrics comment in agreement it seems . He looks at Dietric and says:"I have an extra shield he could use until gets his own . He could use one of my dagger until we get to Benton . I think they would have some daggers and a few spears he could use . Armor well we shall see if have anything there that he could use ." Gunnar turns to get the shield he spoke of from his house .

Re: Birthright: Tuornen, Chapter Two

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 5:04 am
by steveflam
Varrus the Ethical wrote:Wiping the blood off his sword with a rag, Roald says. "We should make our way to Diemerel at once. There I'll see about getting a proper healer to tend to your wounds, Lady Dominica. But we should make haste. The truce is not likely to last much longer, and I mean to get to shelter before more fighting erupts again."

Dominica's eyes narrow as she looks at Roald. "I almost died because I was unarmed and unprotected by my armor." She bends and purposely rips her dress near the bottom to make a bandage and places it on her wound to staunch the bleeding, dabbing at it until it stops. NOting it doesn't stop, she will accept Rees's help, all the while glaring at Roald.

It is readily apparent she is staring daggers at Roald and furious, though her voice is steady.
"Now, I'll also have a lovely scar. I am going to go and fetch my armor and weapons from your horse. This will be the last time I speak to you for quite a long time. If you've anything to say to me you tell it to Rees here."

She turns and moves towards Roalds horse.

Re: Birthright: Tuornen, Chapter Two

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 7:41 am
by VAN
ewancummins wrote:FILBERT

Filbert weaves his way through Riverside, sticking to the shadows as much as possible.

Twice he is stopped by Alamiens, but after seeing him the enemy warriors let him go with a jolly
''On your way, you scamp' and "Go and fetch us more wine, boy!'

Filbert sneaks close to the River Gate. He sees that the wooden doors are burned and wrecked, but a gang of sweaty men inside the walls are hard at work stacking timbers for a replacement barrier

A foppishly dressed, skinny, blonde man sits astride a horse before the soot-marked gatehouse, a white flag flapping in the breeze above him. The rider looks up at the walls and waves his hands over his head.

Trumpets blare within Haes.

Filbert slips past enemy soldiers occupying the buildings and dirt streets nearest the city wall, and clambers up a broken gap in the masonry. He wipes his face clean as he gets to the top.

Men – not Devlin’s knights, but more like tavern ruffians by the look of them—waiting on the top of the damaged wall surround Filbert.
"Is it noon already? What's this? The next attack?"
Laughter rolls through the crowd of brawlers and street fighters.
A big, russet-haired goon clumps forward.
“If you aint the other duke’s champion, who are you, half-man?”
Filbert's eyes goes wide and needs a second to realize what has happened, the white flag, the wooden doors burnt and wrecked...Haes or has already fallen or is really close to do so. Anger gets the best of him, he was late. At the gathered men around him Filbert gives a puzzled look, he doesn't want to reveal who he is just yet, he wants to know what happend first.

"The other Duke's champion? What other Duke? What has happened here?"

Re: Birthright: Tuornen, Chapter Two

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 10:14 am
by ewancummins
''What other duke? How can you not know? The Duke of Alamie."
The big guy points behind Filbert, where enemy soldiers and pirates roam Riverside.

He jerks a thumb at his back, indicating Haes-within-the-walls.

"This is Duke Devlin's city."

Someone else puts in-

''Gonna stay that way!"

The men crowd round Filbert, poking him with their weapons.

The big, hairy leader leans over Filbert.
"Now tell me who you are , little man. Be you friend or foe to my duke?"

Re: Birthright: Tuornen, Chapter Two

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 10:26 am
by ewancummins

RocEter wrote:Foerde laughs. "Eame is bit far to travel for beer. Going to the Cuircaenen temple, I was attacked by some goblins and bandits on the road last night. Thought best to tell them warrior priests to expect some trouble, maybe they can help." He says.
''We could all use some help. Maybe you heard about what happened to the Longacres? Bad business. I thank Haelyn the Just that Gillie was saved."

He takes a seat at the table.

"You missed some excitement here last night. Goblins and bandits-- the same lot, probably, attacked the place. The big soldier, Gunnar, led us. Him and a northerner, Corum or something like that. Another fellow in the mix claimed to be the Huntsman! I don't know if I believe that, but some of the other men are convinced. One swears he saw him shooting lighting out of his arse to burn a nine-foot goblin. "

The red-faced barkeep laughs.

"I swear there's no rust in my brew."

A serving wench brings Foerde his beer.

Brennan adds, "Be careful of the elves. Aye, and while you're on the lookout for goblins and highwaymen, spare a glance east. A rider from Haes reports some kind of pirate raid from over the river. Damned easterners."

Re: Birthright: Tuornen, Chapter Two

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 12:53 pm
by Varrus the Ethical
Roald whistles to summon his warhorse to him.

Re: Birthright: Tuornen, Chapter Two

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 12:59 pm
by Adam
"Righ', well, I suppose ye can use this till we fin' yeh sommat better," Cormac says, pulling his handaxe out and offering it to Dietric.

Once the man is armed, he will saddle up and head out with Gunnar towards the town.

Re: Birthright: Tuornen, Chapter Two

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 1:17 pm
by RocEter
ewancummins wrote:AULD OAK-

RocEter wrote:Foerde laughs. "Eame is bit far to travel for beer. Going to the Cuircaenen temple, I was attacked by some goblins and bandits on the road last night. Thought best to tell them warrior priests to expect some trouble, maybe they can help." He says.
''We could all use some help. Maybe you heard about what happened to the Longacres? Bad business. I thank Haelyn the Just that Gillie was saved."

He takes a seat at the table.

"You missed some excitement here last night. Goblins and bandits-- the same lot, probably, attacked the place. The big soldier, Gunnar, led us. Him and a northerner, Corum or something like that. Another fellow in the mix claimed to be the Huntsman! I don't know if I believe that, but some of the other men are convinced. One swears he saw him shooting lighting out of his arse to burn a nine-foot goblin. "

The red-faced barkeep laughs.

"I swear there's no rust in my brew."

A serving wench brings Foerde his beer.

Brennan adds, "Be careful of the elves. Aye, and while you're on the lookout for goblins and highwaymen, spare a glance east. A rider from Haes reports some kind of pirate raid from over the river. Damned easterners."
"Longacres got hit last night?" Foerde says taking a small drink of his beer. He wipes his thick mane like beard and shakes his head. "Poor girl, how is she? She got family in the area? I'll be riding through Benton, I can stop by or take her to any family she has that way." He says.

"Any man claiming to be the Huntsman is either crazy or the real thing. Though I know as much as the next fellow about the Huntsman, just the stories my Pa and Ma used to tell me." He says and laughs taking another drink of his beer. "Any thing damaged that needs repairs? I can order supplies in Benton to make any repairs or replace anything broken. Course I expect a keg of your finest beer as compensation." He says taking another drink of his beer.

Foerde just shakes his head when Brennan mentions pirates.

Re: Birthright: Tuornen, Chapter Two

Posted: Sun Nov 04, 2012 1:30 pm
by ewancummins
RocEter wrote: "Longacres got hit last night?" Foerde says taking a small drink of his beer. He wipes his thick mane like beard and shakes his head. "Poor girl, how is she? She got family in the area? I'll be riding through Benton, I can stop by or take her to any family she has that way." He says.

"Any man claiming to be the Huntsman is either crazy or the real thing. Though I know as much as the next fellow about the Huntsman, just the stories my Pa and Ma used to tell me." He says and laughs taking another drink of his beer. "Any thing damaged that needs repairs? I can order supplies in Benton to make any repairs or replace anything broken. Course I expect a keg of your finest beer as compensation." He says taking another drink of his beer.

Foerde just shakes his head when Brennan mentions pirates.

"'Yes, all dead except the daughter."

Brennan sighs.

''We've got some busted, ruined kegs in the taproom. Goblins! There was no cooper in Benton last time I checked. I'll probably have to order the replacements from a man in Eame."

He stands.

"The girl's staying here till we can send her to her cousins in Haes."